The National Memorial to the Prince Consort: "Asia, " by John Henry Foley, R.A.1872
Statue of the late Earl of Carlisle, in the People's Garden, Phoenix Park, Dublin, 1870
Statue of Edmund Burke, by J. Foley, R.A. for Trinity College, Dublin, 1868. Mr
Statue of the late Sir Charles Barry, R.A. by J. H. Foley, R.A. in the new Palace of Westminster, [London], 1865
The tomb of James Ward, Esq. R.A. Kensal-green Cemetery, 1864. Creator: UnknownThe tomb of James Ward, Esq. R.A. Kensal-green Cemetery, [London], 1864. Monument consisting of...a monumental headstone, in a coved recess of which has been sculptured by Mr. J. H. Foley R.A
The Statue of the Prince Consort on the Albert Memorial, Hyde Park, 1876. Creator: UnknownThe Statue of the Prince Consort on the Albert Memorial, Hyde Park, 1876. The colossal bronze-gilt statue of the Prince Consort by the late Mr
Bust of the late Viscount Hardinge, by J. H. Foley, in the Royal Academy Exhibition, 1860
Statues for the Egyptian Hall in the Mansion House: "Egeria" - by J. H. Foley, R.A. 1856
The New Houses of Parliament - Statue of Selden, 1854. Creator: UnknownThe New Houses of Parliament - Statue of Selden, 1854. Sculpture of John Selden by John Henry Foley, in the Palace of Westminster, London
The International Exhibition: "Ino and Bacchus", marble group by J. H. Foley, R.A. 1862. Engraving of a sculpture in the Earl of Ellesmere's Bridgewater Collection
The O Connell Monument and the Nelson Pillar, O Connell Street, Dublin, Ireland, c1930s
Caractacus. 1859. Artist: John Henry FoleyCaractacus. 1859. King of the British tribe of Trinovantes, and the son of Cunobelinus
Caractacus. 1856. Artist: John Henry FoleyCaractacus.1856. King of the British tribe of Trinovantes, and the son of Cunobelinus
Egeria. 1855. Artist: John Henry FoleyEgeria.1855. In Roman religion, she was a water spirit worshiped in connection with Diana at Aricia and also with the Camenae in their grove outside the Porta Capena at Rome