Small dragon, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherSmall dragon, 1678. A print from Mundus subterraneus, by Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 1678. Kircher?s Mundus Subterraneus marks the first serious effort to describe the physical makeup of the earth
The terrestrial paradise, 1675. Artist: Athanasius KircherThe terrestrial paradise, 1675. A print from Arca Noe, Amsterdam, 1675. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Map of the Garden of Eden, 1675. Artist: Athanasius KircherMap of the Garden of Eden, 1675. A print from Arca Noe, Amsterdam, 1675. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Hand hydraulic water pump, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherHand hydraulic water pump, 1678. A print from Mundus subterraneus, by Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 1678
Furnaces, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherFurnaces, 1678. A print from Mundus subterraneus, by Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 1678. Kircher?s Mundus Subterraneus marks the first serious effort to describe the physical makeup of the earth
Machine, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherMachine, 1678. A print from Mundus subterraneus, by Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 1678. Kircher?s Mundus Subterraneus marks the first serious effort to describe the physical makeup of the earth
Lake geology, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherLake geology, 1678. A print from Mundus subterraneus, by Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 1678. Kircher?s Mundus Subterraneus marks the first serious effort to describe the physical makeup of the earth
Mythical creatures, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherMythical creatures, 1678. A print from Mundus subterraneus, by Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 1678
Dragon, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherDragon, 1678. A print from Mundus subterraneus, by Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 1678. Kircher?s Mundus Subterraneus marks the first serious effort to describe the physical makeup of the earth
Virgin and child and a human skeleton, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherVirgin and child and a human skeleton, 1678. A print from Mundus subterraneus, by Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 1678
Wind pump, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherWind pump, 1678. A print from Mundus subterraneus, by Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 1678. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Virgin and child, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherVirgin and child, 1678. A print from Mundus subterraneus, by Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 1678. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Antediluvian giants, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherAntediluvian giants, 1678. A print from Mundus subterraneus, by Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 1678. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Human figures, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherHuman figures, 1678. A print from Mundus subterraneus, by Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 1678. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Water movement, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherWater movement, 1678. A print from Mundus subterraneus, by Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 1678. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Birds, 1675. Artist: Athanasius KircherBirds, 1675. A print from Arca Noe, Amsterdam, 1675. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Genealogy tree of Adam, 1675. Artist: Athanasius KircherGenealogy tree of Adam, 1675. A print from Arca Noe, Amsterdam, 1675. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Scene of the Deluge, 1675. Artist: Athanasius KircherScene of the Deluge, 1675. A print from Arca Noe, Amsterdam, 1675. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Geographic chart of the world after the deluge, 1675. Artist: Athanasius KircherGeographic chart of the world after the deluge, 1675. A print from Arca Noe, Amsterdam, 1675. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Result of the deluge, 1675. Artist: Athanasius KircherResult of the deluge, 1675. A print from Arca Noe, Amsterdam, 1675. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Table of the species, 1765. Artist: Athanasius KircherTable of the species, 1675. A print from Arca Noe, Amsterdam, 1675. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Mythical creatures, 1675. Artist: Athanasius KircherMythical creatures, 1675. A print from Arca Noe, Amsterdam, 1675. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Serpents, 1675. Artist: Athanasius KircherSerpents, 1675. A print from Arca Noe, Amsterdam, 1675. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Description of the ark, 1675. Artist: Athanasius KircherDescription of the ark, 1675. A print from Arca Noe, Amsterdam, 1675. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Proportions of man, 1675. Artist: Athanasius KircherProportions of man, 1675. A print from Arca Noe, Amsterdam, 1675. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Frontispiece of Arca Noe, 1675. Artist: Athanasius KircherFrontispiece of Arca Noe, 1675. A print from Arca Noe, Amsterdam, 1675. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Life of Krishna, c18th - 19th Century. Manuscript telling the story of Krishna, represented in blue is the figure of Bhagavad Gita, Jean Claude Carriere Collection
Leander Swims Over the Hellespont to Meet his Mistress Hero, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartLeander Swims Over the Hellespont to Meet his Mistress Hero, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The Chaos, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartThe Chaos, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Scene of Hell, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartScene of Hell, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Penelope at Her Loom, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartPenelope at Her Loom, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The Nymph Echo Changed into Sound, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartThe Nymph Echo Changed into Sound, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Phineus is Delivered from the Harpies by Calais and Zethes, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartPhineus is Delivered from the Harpies by Calais and Zethes, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Acteon turn d into a Stag, and devour d by his dogs, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartActeon turn d into a Stag, and devour d by his dogs, 1733. Prince Acteon happened upon Diana naked while she was bathing. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733
Oeneus, King of Calydon is Punished for his Impiety, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartOeneus, King of Calydon, Having Neglected Diana in a Sacrifice is Punished for his Impiety, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Pygmalion is Enamoured With a Statue he Has Made, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartPygmalion is Enamoured With a Statue he Has Made, 1733. Pygmalion is Enamoured With a Statue he Has Made, And at his Prayer Venus Transforms it into a Woman
Apollo and Diana Kill Niobes Children with their Arrows, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartApollo and Diana Kill Niobes Children with their Arrows, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Tithonus, Auroras Husband, Turned into a Grasshopper, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartTithonus, Auroras Husband, Turned into a Grasshopper, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Lycaon Metamorphosed into a Wolf, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartLycaon Metamorphosed into a Wolf, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Clytia Turned into a Turnesole, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartClytia Turned into a Turnesole, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The Moon and Endymion, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartThe Moon and Endymion, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Semele is Consumed by Jupiters Fire, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartSemele is Consumed by Jupiters Fire, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Leucothoe Seduced by Apollo in the Shape of Eurynome, 1733. Artist: Bernard PicartLeucothoe Seduced by Apollo in the Shape of Eurynome, 1733. A plate from Le temple des Muses, Amsterdam, 1733. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Pindare, 1615. Artist: Bernard PicartPindare, 1615. A plate from Les Images Ou Tableaux De Platte Peinture Des Deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, by Blaise de Vigenere, Paris, 1615. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Jason and the Argonauts, 1655. Artist: Michel de MarollesJason and the Argonauts, 1655. A plate from Michel de Marolless Tableaux du Temple des Muses, Paris, 1655. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Rhodogune, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierRhodogune, 1615. A plate from Les Images Ou Tableaux De Platte Peinture Des Deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, by Blaise de Vigenere, Paris, 1615. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The Nile, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierThe Nile, 1615. A plate from Les Images Ou Tableaux De Platte Peinture Des Deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, by Blaise de Vigenere, Paris, 1615. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The Players, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierThe Players, 1615. A plate from Les Images Ou Tableaux De Platte Peinture Des Deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, by Blaise de Vigenere, Paris, 1615. Fround in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Amphion, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierAmphion, 1615. Amphion and Zethus (also Zethos), in ancient Greek mythology, were the twin sons of Zeus by Antiope
Menecee, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierMenecee, 1615. A plate from Les Images Ou Tableaux De Platte Peinture Des Deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, by Blaise de Vigenere, Paris, 1615. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Memnon, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierMemnon, 1615. In Greek mythology, Memnon was an Ethiopian king and son of Tithonus and Eos, he brought an army to Troys defense and was killed by Achilles in retribution for killing Antilochus
Fables, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierFables, 1615. A plate from Les Images Ou Tableaux De Platte Peinture Des Deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, by Blaise de Vigenere, Paris, 1615. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Amor, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierAmor, 1615. In Roman mythology, Cupid (Latin cupido) is the god of erotic love. He is equated with the Greek god Eros. Another of his Latin names is Amor
Neptune and Amymone, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierNeptune and Amymone, 1615. Neptune -god of the sea in Roman mythology, rescued Amymone from a chthonic satyr that was about to rape her
Marsh, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierMarsh, 1615. A plate from Les Images Ou Tableaux De Platte Peinture Des Deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, by Blaise de Vigenere, Paris, 1615. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
The Bosporus or Bosphorus, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierThe Bosporus or Bosphorus, 1615. A plate from Les Images Ou Tableaux De Platte Peinture Des Deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, by Blaise de Vigenere, Paris, 1615
Cupidons, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierCupidons, 1615. In Roman mythology, Cupid (Latin cupido) is the god of erotic love
The Hours or Days, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierThe Hours or Days, 1615. A plate from Les Images Ou Tableaux De Platte Peinture Des Deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, by Blaise de Vigenere, Paris, 1615
Dodona, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierDodona, 1615. Dodona in Epirus, northwestern Greece, was a prehistoric oracle devoted to the Greek god Zeus and the Mother Goddess identified at other sites with Rhea or Gaia, but here called Dione
Weaver, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierWeaver, 1615. A plate from Les Images Ou Tableaux De Platte Peinture Des Deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, by Blaise de Vigenere, Paris, 1615. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
La Naissance, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierLa Naissance, 1615. A plate from Les Images Ou Tableaux De Platte Peinture Des Deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, by Blaise de Vigenere, Paris, 1615. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Les Etreines, (Gift), 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierLes Etreines, (Gift), 1615. A plate from Les Images Ou Tableaux De Platte Peinture Des Deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, by Blaise de Vigenere, Paris, 1615
Venus, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierVenus, 1615. Venus was a major Roman goddess principally associated with love and beauty, but originally a vegetation goddess and patroness of gardens and vineyards
La Nourriture, (Food), 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierLa Nourriture, (Food), 1615. In Greek mythology, the centaurs are a race of creatures composed part human and part horse
Hippolytus, 1615. Artist: Leonard GaultierHippolytus, 1615. In Greek mythology, Hippolytus (Greek for loose horse) was a son of Theseus and either Antiope or Hippolyte. He was identified with the Roman forest god Virbius
Todi Ragini, Ragamala Album, School of Rajasthan, 19th century. A young woman in love charms, with deer and the gazelles. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Vasanta Ragini, Ragamala Album, School of Rajasthan, 19th century. Dance of Krishna to the sound of the music of Gopis. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Dhanashri Ragini, Ragamala Album, School of Rajasthan, 19th century. A young woman looking at the portrait of her absent lover. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Dipaka (Light) Raga, Ragamala Album, School of Rajasthan, 19th century. On a lamp lit terrace she serenades her lover. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Bhairavi Ragini, Ragamala Album, School of Rajasthan, 19th century. Worship of the lingam of Shiva by a young woman
Malavi Ragini, Ragamala Album, School of Rajasthan, 19th century. A prince leads a woman towards the sleeping chamber. Found in the collection of Jean Claude Carriere
Title page of Oeuvres Diverses by Bernard Fontenelle, 1728. Artist: Bernard FontenelleTitle page of Oeuvres Diverses by Bernard Fontenelle, 1728. A print from Oeuvres Diverses, La Haye, Gosse & Neaulme, Volume I, 1728-1729. Found in the collection of Jean-Claude Carriere
Hydraulic machine IV, 1678. Artist: Athanasius KircherHydraulic machine IV, 1678. A plate from Mundus Subterraneus, Amsterdam, 1678. Found in the collection of Jean-Claude Carriere
Star ornamental fountain design, 1664. Artist: Georg Andreas BocklerStar ornamental fountain design, 1664
Sun ornamental fountain design, 1664. Artist: Georg Andreas BocklerSun ornamental fountain design, 1664
Ornamental fountain design, 1664. Artist: Georg Andreas BocklerOrnamental fountain design, 1664
House, fountain and garden design, 1664. Artist: Georg Andreas BocklerHouse, fountain and garden design, 1664
Fountain, grotto design, 1664. Artist: Georg Andreas BocklerFountain, grotto design, 1664
Fountain with dog design, 1664. Artist: Georg Andreas BocklerFountain with dog design, 1664
Fountain design, 1664. Artist: Georg Andreas BocklerFountain design, 1664