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Jaume Collection

Background imageJaume Collection: Elisenda of Montcada (1292-1364), consort queen of the crown of Aragon, fourth wife of James II

Elisenda of Montcada (1292-1364), consort queen of the crown of Aragon, fourth wife of James II

Background imageJaume Collection: Statue of a King or of St. Charlemagne, polychromed alabaster sculpture c. 1350

Statue of a King or of St. Charlemagne, polychromed alabaster sculpture c. 1350

Background imageJaume Collection: Cover of the book La muntanya d amethystes (The amethysts mountain) by Jaume Bofill i Mates

Cover of the book La muntanya d amethystes (The amethysts mountain) by Jaume Bofill i Mates, published in Barcelona in 1908

Background imageJaume Collection: Jaume Matas i Bofill (1878-1933), called Guerau of Liost, Catalan poet and politician

Jaume Matas i Bofill (1878-1933), called Guerau of Liost, Catalan poet and politician

Background imageJaume Collection: Chronicle of D. Jaume I by Ramon Muntaner, manuscript, 1328, front page with the

Chronicle of D. Jaume I by Ramon Muntaner, manuscript, 1328, front page with the illustration of the author writing the book

Background imageJaume Collection: Jaume Marquilles gives his book to the Counselors of Barcelona in the presence of

Jaume Marquilles gives his book to the Counselors of Barcelona in the presence of King Alfons IV the Magnanimous (1416-1458), miniature in the Comentaris als Usatges de Catalunya

Background imageJaume Collection: Jaume Balmes (1810-1848), Catalan writer, philosopher and ecclesiastical

Jaume Balmes (1810-1848), Catalan writer, philosopher and ecclesiastical

Background imageJaume Collection: Cover of the book El verdadero conocimiento de la peste, sus causas, senales

Cover of the book El verdadero conocimiento de la peste, sus causas, senales, preservacion y curacion (The true knowledge of the pest, its causes, signs, preservation and healing)

Background imageJaume Collection: Holy Supper tempera painting on wood by Jaume Ferrer, detail of the right side

Holy Supper tempera painting on wood by Jaume Ferrer, detail of the right side

Background imageJaume Collection: Jaume Marquilles delivers his book to the Counselors of Barcelona in the presence

Jaume Marquilles delivers his book to the Counselors of Barcelona in the presence of King Alfons IV the Magnanimous (1416-1458)

Background imageJaume Collection: Holy Communion, tempera on wood by Jaume Ferrer

Holy Communion, tempera on wood by Jaume Ferrer

Background imageJaume Collection: Altarpiece of Saint Vincent. Detail of the Saint in the rack

Altarpiece of Saint Vincent. Detail of the Saint in the rack

Background imageJaume Collection: Detail of the Altarpiece of Saint Vincent by Jaume Huguet

Detail of the Altarpiece of Saint Vincent by Jaume Huguet

Background imageJaume Collection: Jaume Marquilles delivers his book to the Consellers of Barcelona in the presence

Jaume Marquilles delivers his book to the Consellers of Barcelona in the presence of King Alphonso IV the Magnanimous (1416-1458)

Background imageJaume Collection: Altarpiece of Saint Vincent of Sarria, detail of Saint Vincent at the stake, by Jaume Huguet

Altarpiece of Saint Vincent of Sarria, detail of Saint Vincent at the stake, by Jaume Huguet

Background imageJaume Collection: Table of the tomb of Saint Vincent and exorcism of a possessed, detail of the altarpiece

Table of the tomb of Saint Vincent and exorcism of a possessed, detail of the altarpiece of Saint Vincent of Sarria by Jaume Huguet

Background imageJaume Collection: Saint Augustine Episcopal Consecration. Table of the altarpiece, 1470

Saint Augustine Episcopal Consecration. Table of the altarpiece, 1470. Supposed Self Portrait of Jaume Huguet, from the Church of St. Augustine (Barcelona)

Background imageJaume Collection: Altarpiece of the Holy Sepulchre. Table of the Descent into Limbo. Tempera on wood

Altarpiece of the Holy Sepulchre. Table of the Descent into Limbo. Tempera on wood, 1361, from the Convent of the Holy Sepulchre of Zaragoza

Background imageJaume Collection: Table of the ordination of Saint Vincent by the Bishop of Zaragoza, Saint Valerio

Table of the ordination of Saint Vincent by the Bishop of Zaragoza, Saint Valerio. Painting on wood (c. 1450-1460) by Jaume Huguet

Background imageJaume Collection: Saint Vincent before the judge and prefect Dacia, from the Altarpiece of Sant

Saint Vincent before the judge and prefect Dacia, from the Altarpiece of Sant Vicenc de Sarria

Background imageJaume Collection: Altarpiece of Saint Abdon and Saint Senen, painted between 1459 / 1460, central panel

Altarpiece of Saint Abdon and Saint Senen, painted between 1459 / 1460, central panel
Altarpiece of Saint Abdon and Saint Senen, painted between 1459/1460, central panel of the altarpiece

Background imageJaume Collection: Central panel with the Virgins Altarpiece of the Paeria, dedicated to Saint Michael

Central panel with the Virgins Altarpiece of the Paeria, dedicated to Saint Michael (1444-1447)

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