Illustration from the childrens book The Adventures of Uncle Lubin, 1902. From a private collection
Sectional view of a Newcomen steam engine, 1737. Thomas Newcomen (1663-1729) designed his atmospheric or steam engine in 1712
Newcomen steam engine, 1747. Thomas Newcomen (1663-1729) designed his atmospheric or steam engine in 1712
James Nasmyths steam hammer erected in his foundry near Manchester in 1832. The steam hammer was invented by the Scottish engineer and inventor James Nasmyth (1808-1890)
Siebe and Harrisons patent ice-making machine, 1862. This machine was patented by James Harrison in Australia in 1859, and the design was then improved by Augustus Siebe & Co of London in 1861
The aeroplane proposed by Henson in his patent of 1842, c1936 (c1937). William Samuel Henson (1812-1888) was a pre-Wright brothers aviation engineer and inventor from Nottingham, England
Sailing on skates, 1880. Creator: William James PalmerSailing on skates, 1880
Millstream, 1838. Creator: Adolph TidemandMillstream, 1838.
Self-Portrait with a Recent Invention, about 1854. Creator: William ConstableSelf-Portrait with a Recent Invention, about 1854. Additional Info: William Constable was both an artist and inventor
Simms Motor Scout armoured quadricycle, c1899. This vehicle carried a Maxim gun, 1000 rounds of ammunition, an iron shield for the driver's protection and fuel for 120 miles
Leon Serpollet on his first steam tricycle, 1887. In 1890 Serpollet travelled the 286 miles from Paris to Lyon on a steam tricycle, the journey taking 15 days
Two men in field with an agricultural machine hooked up to a team of horses, about 1865
Experiments with new life-saving apparatus on the Thames, 1869. Creator: UnknownExperiments with new life-saving apparatus on the Thames, 1869. Demonstration of...Captain J. B
Sir Francis Ronalds, inventor of an electric telegraph, 1870. Creator: UnknownSir Francis Ronalds, inventor of an electric telegraph, 1870. Engraving of a painting by Hugh Carter, nephew of Sir Francis
Medal presented to Captain Ward, 1870. Creator: UnknownMedal presented to Captain Ward, 1870. The inspector of life-boats to the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, Captain J. R. Ward, R.N
A £3000 war-ship destroyer that is steered by "wireless"; the Gabet Torpedo-craftA £3000 war-ship destroyer that is steered by "wireless"; the Gabet Torpedo-craft, 1909
Telegraph diagram and reading-plate of Sir F. Ronald's electric telegraph, 1870. Diagrams of...the instrument contrived by Mr
The Sea-Messenger, to convey letters from ships in peril, 1870. Creator: UnknownThe Sea-Messenger, to convey letters from ships in peril, 1870. The little vessel represented in our Illustration has been invented by Mr. J. A. R
Thomson's road-steamer and coal-waggons, 1870. Creator: UnknownThomson's road-steamer and coal-waggons, 1870
Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni and his forces attacking the fortress of Zaranj in 1003. From Jami al-tawarikh, 1314. Found in the Collection of the University of Edinburgh
Mongols Catapult (trebuchet), from the Kitab fi ma'rifat al-hiyal al-handasiyya (Book of the Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices). Found in the Collection of the Topkapi Palace, Istanbul
Mongolian siege of Gerdkuh. From La Flor des estoires de la terre d'Orient (Flower of the Histories of the East) by Hayton of Co, First third of the 14th cen
Conquest of Baghdad by the Mongols on 1258. From Jami al-tawarikh, First third of the 14th cen.. Found in the Collection of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Corvus (boarding drawbridge) of Gaius Duilius. Illustration from The Histories by Polybius, 1759-1760. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
Ice Auto, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceIce Auto, between c1910 and c1915
Sir Hiram Maxim, between c1915 and 1916. Creator: Bain News ServiceSir Hiram Maxim, between c1915 and 1916. Shows inventor Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim (1840-1916)
The Atmospheric Railway at Dawlish, 1847, (1945). Creator: UnknownThe Atmospheric Railway at Dawlish, 1847, (1945). Railway line running along the sea front in the town of Dawlish on the south coast of Devon
Stephensons (1833) Locomotive, (1887). Creator: UnknownStephensons (1833) Locomotive, (1887). Diagram showing fire box, smoke box, steam head, boiler, wheels and flanges etc
Eugene Lauste recording the first combined moving image and sound, c1905, (1935). Eugene Lauste may be seen already experimenting with " Talkies"
Machine to produce gold foil, ca 1493. Creator: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)Machine to produce gold foil, ca 1493. Found in the Collection of Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana
Fountain. Creator: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)Fountain. Found in the Collection of Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana
Study of two mortars able to throw explosive bombs, 1478-1518. Creator: Leonardo da VinciStudy of two mortars able to throw explosive bombs, 1478-1518. Found in the Collection of Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana
The Bridge ( Ponte salvatico ). Creator: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)The Bridge (" Ponte salvatico" ). Found in the Collection of Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana
Perspectograph (optical instrument), Between 1480 and 1518. Found in the Collection of Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana
Lundin lifeboats, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceLundin lifeboats, between c1910 and c1915. Shows metal lifeboats designed by Andreas Petrus (Andrew Peter) Lundin (1869-1929), of New York for the Welin Marine Equipment Company
Lundin Life Boat, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceLundin Life Boat, between c1910 and c1915. Shows metal lifeboats designed by Andreas Petrus (Andrew Peter) Lundin (1869-1929), of New York for the Welin Marine Equipment Company
McCarthy wireless phone, L.A. between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceMcCarthy wireless phone, L.A. between c1910 and c1915
The Rev. Patrick Bell, L.L.D. inventor of the Reaping-Machine, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Rev. Patrick Bell, L.L.D. inventor of the Reaping-Machine, 1868. Engraving from a photograph by Mr. E. Strachan
The new overland route to India and the railway tunnel of the Alps:working galleriesThe new overland route to India and the railway tunnel of the Alps: amalgamation of the second and third working galleries, 1869
The new overland route to India and the railway tunnel of the Alps: boring-machine in the tunnel, 1869. The Sardinian Government then appointed M. Maus, a Belgian engineer, and M
The new overland route to India and the railway tunnel of the Alps: boring-machine in the second working gallery, 1869. An English engineer, Mr
Experiments with Norton's Patent Tube-Wells, used by our army in Abyssinia, 1868
Experiments with l'Extincteur on the Thames Embankment before the Prince of WalesExperiments with l'Extincteur on the Thames Embankment [in London] before the Prince of Wales, 1868
Menotti Nanni's safe, 1918. Creator: Bain News ServiceMenotti Nanni's safe, 1918
Lieut. Scott's Aero Bomb, (1912?). Creator: Bain News ServiceLieut. Scott's Aero Bomb, (1912?). Probably shows bomb sighting and dropping device designed by Lieutenant Riley E. Scott in 1911
Edison Storage Battery Train, 1912. Creator: Bain News ServiceEdison Storage Battery Train, 1912
Bermocchi & his wireless "iconograph"Francesco de Bernocchi & his wireless "iconograph", between c1910 and c1915
Maurice Fernez, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceMaurice Fernez, between c1910 and c1915
Model of a fish-ladder for salmon to ascend milldams and weirs, on view at the office of the Inspector of Fisheries, in Whitehall, 1864. Mr
Professor Hasner's automatic eyeball, 1862. Creator: UnknownProfessor Hasner's automatic eyeball, 1862....mechanical model of the eye
Electro-ballistic apparatus for measuring the speed of cannon-shot, 1864. Creator: UnknownElectro-ballistic apparatus for measuring the speed of cannon-shot, 1864. Apparatus invented by Major Navez, of the Belgian Artillery
Captain Urquhart experimenting with his Life-Preserving Raft on the Thames, [in London] 1858
Bray's Traction-engine, 1858. Creator: UnknownBray's Traction-engine, 1858....thousands of spectators...seemed much interested and astonished on seeing a steam-engine traversing the streets of London...Attached was a truck, or platform
Soyer's Barrack Cooking Apparatus, 1858. Creator: UnknownSoyer's Barrack Cooking Apparatus, 1858. Improved technology to improve soldiers diets during the Crimean War
Hellard's Patent Victoria Side-Delivery Reaping and Mowing Machine, 1860. Cutting the corn [ie wheat] when it is ripe is one of the most important operations of harvest...the improvements [Mr
Locomotive Steam-carriage for common roads, built for the Earl of Caithness, 1860....a steam-carriage...with which his Lordship, accompanied by Lady Caithness, the Rev, W. Ross, and Mr
Distant Fronts, In Palestine; For walking on sand, 1917. Creator: UnknownDistant Fronts, In Palestine; For walking on sand, 1917. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume 2" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
Christmas Holidays at the Polytechnic: the Electric Machine - drawn by H. G. Hine, 1858
Experiments made with Stevens's Bread-making Machine at Marylebone Workhouse, 1858. Mr
Diopter. Creator: AnonDiopter
Invention, 1748. Creator: Louis Fabritius DubourgInvention, 1748
Curious musical instruments of the sixteenth century, 1860. Creator: UnknownCurious musical instruments of the sixteenth century, 1860
The Electric Target invented by Lieut. Chevalier, 1860. Creator: UnknownThe Electric Target invented by Lieut. Chevalier, 1860
Sabots elastiques, an apparatus for walking on water, 1860. Creator: UnknownSabots elastiques, an apparatus for walking on water, 1860
Les Parisiens ayant trouvé le moyen de circuler... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLes Parisiens ayant trouve le moyen de circuler... 19th century. Parisians have found a way of getting around on tarmacked boulevards during rainy weather
Leonard D.Mahon with Steel Helmet He Invented That Could Be Used As Shovel, 1917
Leonard D. Mahon with steel helmet he invented that could be used as shovel, 1917
Life Saving Suit Worn By T. Aud, 1916
Archimède démontrant aux ingènieurs anglais... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierArchimede demontrant aux ingenieurs anglais... 19th century. Archimedes showing the English engineers how, in Syracuse, he raised not just one vessel but an entire fleet
Mergenthaler, Ottmar, 2nd Linotype Machine with Band2nd Linotype Machine with Band, invented By Ottmar Mergenthaler; 3rd design he invented at Smithsonian, 1917
The Revival of Learning, the Invention of Printing and Gunpowder and the Discovery of America, 1784
Sketch for the dome of the Denon pavilion at the Louvre: l'invention (ou la sculpture), 1864. "The four artistic ages of France": Invention (or Sculpture)
The Dandy and His Postillion - or the Waay to Laugh Up Hill, 1819. Creator: William HeathThe Dandy and His Postillion - or the Waay to Laugh Up Hill, 1819. Ha! Ha! Ha! poor fellow! goodbye! He! He! He!'. Cus these hills! If the lace of my Stays should break I'm done over'
Going to the Races, published May 14, 1819. Creator: William HeathGoing to the Races, published May 14, 1819. Carriage pulled by men riding hobby horses, a forerunner of the bicycle lacking pedals and brakes. Attributed to William Heath
A Family Party Taking an Airing, 1819. Creator: William HeathA Family Party Taking an Airing, 1819. A hobby horse (a forerunner of the bicycle) adapted to carry a passenger (and her pets). The rider is teased by monkeys. Attributed to William Heath
Capt. Buzzcott's army kitchenCapt. Buzzcott's [sic] army kitchen, between 1910 and 1920. USA Motor Field Kitchen, designed by Francis H. Buzzacott
Interior of the Gallery of Machines at the 1889 Universal Exhibition, 1889
Steam Sewing-Machines, 1854. Creator: UnknownSteam Sewing-Machines, 1854
Unidentified Machine Model, between 1914 and 1918
Affiche pour le Musée Grévin, "Pantomimes lumineuses"Affiche pour le Musee Grevin, "Pantomimes lumineuses". c1896. [Publisher: Imprimerie Chaix; Place: Paris]
Professor Myers Air Bicycle, 1891. Creator: UnknownProfessor Myers Air Bicycle, 1891. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper", Volume 44. July to December, 1891
Cannon Revolver, exhibited in the Marine Museum, at Paris, instrument invented some time ago. M