Matsya Avatar of Vishnu, between c1700 and c1725 or later. Creator: UnknownMatsya Avatar of Vishnu, between c1700 and c1725 or later
The Actor Nakamura Nakazo I as the Thunder God, an Incarnation of Kan Shojo, in the Play Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami, Performed at the Morita Theater in the Third Month, 1780, Japan, c. 1780
The Actor Ichimura Uzaemon IX as an Incarnation of the Dragon King in the Play Saki Masuya Ume on Kachidoki, Performed at the Ichimura Theater in te Eleventh Month, 1778, Japan, c. 1778
The Actor Ichikawa Ebizo III as the Thunder God, an Incarnation of Sugawara Michizane, in the Play Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami, Performed at the Ichimura Theater in the Eighth Month, 1776, Japan
Painted Banner (Thangka) of the Avalokiteshvara Incarnation of the Rain God Rato Matsyendranatha, 18th/19th century
Lion-Headed Incarnation of God Vishnu (Narasimha), c. 15th century. Creator: UnknownLion-Headed Incarnation of God Vishnu (Narasimha), c. 15th century
Man-Lion Incarnation of God Vishnu (Narasimha) Disemboweling King Hiranykashipu, 10th/11th century
Boar Incarnation of God Vishnu Lifting Earth Goddess (Bhuvaraha), 11th century
Boar Incarnation of God Vishnu (Varaha) Lifting the Earth Goddess Bhudevi, 11th century
Horse-Headed Incarnation of God Vishnu (Hayagriva), Pre-Angkor period, 7th / 8th centuryHorse-Headed Incarnation of God Vishnu (Hayagriva), Pre-Angkor period, 7th/8th century
Kalki Avatar, the Future Incarnation of Vishnu: Page from a Dispersed Manuscript, ca. 1760-70
Portrait of Jnanatapa Attended by Lamas and Mahasiddhas, ca. 1350. Creator: UnknownPortrait of Jnanatapa Attended by Lamas and Mahasiddhas, ca. 1350
The Ten Avatars or Incarnations of Vishnu, c1880. Vishnu, one of gods of the Hindu Trinity (Trimurti) in his ten incarnations or avatars
Another world. Transformations, visions, incarnations, ascensions, locomotions, metamorphoses, apotheoses and some other things, 1844 (1947). From The Art of the French Book, edited by Andre Lejard
The Ten Abatars or Incarnations of Vishnu. Artist: A ThomThe Ten Abatars or Incarnations of Vishnu
The mystical chase of the unicorn, which has taken refuge in the lap of the virgin, 15th century, (1870)
Vishnu worshipped in Five Manifestations, c1690. Illustration from Hindu Text of the Vishnu Sahabranama. At Victoria + Albert Museum
Vishnu in his 10th Incarnation as the White Houre Kalki, 1710-1720. Painting from Bilaspur at Victoria and Albert Museum. London
Depiction of Varaha, the boar incarnation of the god VishnuDepiction of Varaha, the boar incarnation of Vishnu, lifting the earth goddeess Bhumi from the Primeval ocean, in Chaunan style
Vishnu, one of the gods of the Hindu trinity (trimurti), 1828. Vishnu in his third avatar or manifestation as Varaha the boar. IIllustration from L Inde francaise. (Paris, 1828)