Ecce Homo, 1899. Creator: Fabbi, Fabio (1861-1946)Ecce Homo, 1899. Found in the Collection of the Museo Ottocento Bologna
Christ in the house of the Pharisee Simon, c.1489. Creator: Signorelli, Luca (around 1441-1523)Christ in the house of the Pharisee Simon, c.1489. Found in the Collection of the National Gallery of Ireland
The baptism of Christ, c.1544. Creator: Lotto, Lorenzo (1480-1556)The baptism of Christ, c.1544. Found in the Collection of the Museo Pontificio Santa Casa, Loreto
Christ and the sinner, 1548-1549. Creator: Lotto, Lorenzo (1480-1556)Christ and the sinner, 1548-1549. Found in the Collection of the Museo Pontificio Santa Casa, Loreto
The raising of Lazarus, c.1665. Creator: Preti, Mattia (1613-1699)The raising of Lazarus, c.1665. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Ecce Homo, 1474. Creator: Antonello da Messina (around 1430-1479)Ecce Homo, 1474. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
The washing of the feet, First half of the 17th century. Creator: Maestro di ResinaThe washing of the feet, First half of the 17th century. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Christ the crucified. From the Great Passion (Passio domini nostri Jesu), 1511. Creator: Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)Christ the crucified. From the Great Passion (Passio domini nostri Jesu), 1511. Found in the Collection of the Sachsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Dresden
Christ is led to crucifixion. From the Great Passion (Passio domini nostri Jesu), 1511. Found in the Collection of the Sachsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Dresden
Look what a human being! From the Great Passion (Passio domini nostri Jesu), 1511. Creator: Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)Look what a human being! From the Great Passion (Passio domini nostri Jesu), 1511. Found in the Collection of the Sachsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Dresden
Christ is scourged in Pilate's house. From the Great Passion (Passio domini nostri Jesu), 1511. Found in the Collection of the Sachsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek
Christ on the Mount of Olives. From the Great Passion (Passio domini nostri Jesu), 1511. Found in the Collection of the Sachsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Dresden
The capture of Christ. From the Great Passion (Passio domini nostri Jesu), 1511. Creator: Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)The capture of Christ. From the Great Passion (Passio domini nostri Jesu), 1511. Found in the Collection of the Sachsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Dresden
Christ's Last Supper with his disciples. From the Great Passion (Passio domini nostri Jesu), 1511. Found in the Collection of the Sachsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek
Christ on the Mount of Olives. Creator: Campi, Antonio (around 1522-1587)Christ on the Mount of Olives. Found in the Collection of the Galerie Canesso
Christ before Caiaphas. Creator: Campi, Antonio (around 1522-1587)Christ before Caiaphas. Found in the Collection of the Galerie Canesso
The Crucifixion. Creator: Maestro de TorralbaThe Crucifixion. Found in the Collection of the Galerie Canesso
Christ on the Mount of Olives, 1428-1429. Creator: Angelico, Fra Giovanni, da Fiesole (around 1400-1455)Christ on the Mount of Olives, 1428-1429. Found in the Collection of the Pinacoteca Civica, Forli