Neolithic cave-painting of mammoth and ibexes, from the ceiling of the Rouffignac Cave in Dordogne, France
Ibex (image 2 of 2), late 9th century - early 8th century BCE Creator: UnknownIbex (image 2 of 2). Mannaean, late 9th century - early 8th century BCE
Ibex (image 1 of 2), late 9th century - early 8th century BCE. Creator: UnknownIbex (image 1 of 2). Mannaean, late 9th century - early 8th century BCE
Long-Horned Ibex, Modern. Creator: UnknownLong-Horned Ibex, Modern
Men Hunting Ibexes with Hounds, 1578. Creator: Joannes StradanusMen Hunting Ibexes with Hounds, 1578
Animalia Qvadrvpedia et Reptilia (Terra): Plate III, c. 1575/1580
Animalia Qvadrvpedia et Reptilia (Terra): Plate XXXIII, c. 1575/1580
Pair of pole tops with Ibex, 6th / 4th century B. C. Creator: UnknownPair of pole tops with Ibex, 6th/4th century B.C
Pair of Earrings with Ibex Head Finials, 3rd century BCE. Creator: UnknownPair of Earrings with Ibex Head Finials, 3rd century BCE
Base of a Footed Buff Ware Vessel, Iran, late 8th-9th century. Creator: UnknownBase of a Footed Buff Ware Vessel, Iran, late 8th-9th century
Cup with Running Ibexes, Iran, second half 12th century. Creator: UnknownCup with Running Ibexes, Iran, second half 12th century
Ibex, from Quadrupeds series (N41) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes, 1890
Mesopotamian Silver and Gold winged goat, Achaemenid, 4th century BC. Gold and silver vase handle in the form of a winged ibex, Achaemenid artwork, 4th century BC
Mountain sheep and ibex, c1890. Artist: LevyMountain sheep and ibex, c1890. Illustration from The Universal Geography with Illustrations and Maps, Division XIII, (Virtue & Co Limited, London, c1890)
Folio from Mantiq al-Tayr (The Language of the Birds), by Attar, c1600. Also known as Farid ud-Din and Attar of Nishapur, Attar (c1142-c1221) was a Persian Sufi poet
Lid of an unguent jar in the form of an ibex, from Tutankhamuns tomb, 14th century BC. Eyes inlaid with bronze and glass-pasteroyal cartouche
Paleolithic cave-painting of a bison and ibex in the Salon Noir of the Grotte de Niaux
Sarmatian gold eagle holding an ibexSarmatian gold eagle holding an Ibex, from Siberia
Bronze Scythian pole-top in the early style with later developmentsBronze Scythian pole-top from the Kurgan near Ul (Kuban ). Continues the early period style, but has later developments, such as the bird head on an ibexs neck and an anthropomorphic eye