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Hugh Collection

Background imageHugh Collection: Ormonde, 1883-1904, (1911)

Ormonde, 1883-1904, (1911). From British Sports and Sportsmen Part 1. [British Sports and Sportsmen, London, 1911]

Background imageHugh Collection: The Duke of Westminster, c1916, (c1920). Creator: Unknown

The Duke of Westminster, c1916, (c1920). Creator: Unknown
The Duke of Westminster, c1916, (c1920)....awarded the D.S.O. [Distinguished Service Order] for his Services with the Armoured Cars in the Senussi Campaign

Background imageHugh Collection: The hydroplane Brunhilde. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes

The hydroplane Brunhilde. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes
The hydroplane Brunhilde. Brunhilde was built by S. E. Saunders on the Isle of Wight for the Duke of Westminster as a successor to the record breaking Ursula

Background imageHugh Collection: King James rescued from the New River, 1897. Creator: John Leech

King James rescued from the New River, 1897. Creator: John Leech
King James rescued from the New River, 1897. King James I of England (1566-1625) granted a charter in 1604 for the design and construction of the New River

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh Masekela, Cambridge, 1993. Creator: Brian Foskett

Hugh Masekela, Cambridge, 1993. Creator: Brian Foskett
Hugh Masekela, Cambridge, 1993

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh Miller, 1843-47. Creators: David Octavius Hill, Robert Adamson, Hill & Adamson

Hugh Miller, 1843-47. Creators: David Octavius Hill, Robert Adamson, Hill & Adamson
Hugh Miller, 1843-47

Background imageHugh Collection: Laird of Portmoak, 1843-47. Creators: David Octavius Hill, Robert Adamson

Laird of Portmoak, 1843-47. Creators: David Octavius Hill, Robert Adamson
Laird of Portmoak, 1843-47

Background imageHugh Collection: View of Transept, Looking South, 1851. Creator: Hugh Owen

View of Transept, Looking South, 1851. Creator: Hugh Owen
View of Transept, Looking South, 1851

Background imageHugh Collection: Greek Slave, 1851. Creator: Hugh Owen

Greek Slave, 1851. Creator: Hugh Owen
Greek Slave, 1851

Background imageHugh Collection: Joel Roberts Poinsett, 1843. Creator: Hugh Bridport

Joel Roberts Poinsett, 1843. Creator: Hugh Bridport
Joel Roberts Poinsett, 1843

Background imageHugh Collection: A Family Group, framed, glazed and ready to be hung up at Brookes s, 1835. Creator: John Doyle

A Family Group, framed, glazed and ready to be hung up at Brookes s, 1835. Creator: John Doyle
A Family Group, framed, glazed and ready to be hung up at Brookes s, 1835. Lord Ebrington - British politician Hugh Fortescue

Background imageHugh Collection: 1913 NUT, Hugh Mason, Junior T. T Creator: Unknown

1913 NUT, Hugh Mason, Junior T. T Creator: Unknown
1913 NUT, Hugh Mason, Junior T.T

Background imageHugh Collection: Sr. H. Myddleton, (1560-1631), 1830. Creator: Unknown

Sr. H. Myddleton, (1560-1631), 1830. Creator: Unknown
Sr. H. Myddleton, (1560-1631), 1830. Sir Hugh Myddelton (1560-1631) Welsh clothmaker, entrepreneur, mine-owner, goldsmith, banker and self-taught engineer, appointed Royal Jeweller by King James I

Background imageHugh Collection: H. Peters, (1598-1660), 1830. Creator: Unknown

H. Peters, (1598-1660), 1830. Creator: Unknown
H. Peters, (1598-1660), 1830. Hugh Peter (1598-1660) English preacher, influential political advisor and soldier who supported the Parliamentary cause during the English Civil War

Background imageHugh Collection: Latimer, ( c1487-1555), 1830. Creator: Unknown

Latimer, ( c1487-1555), 1830. Creator: Unknown
Latimer, ( c1487-1555), 1830. Hugh Latimer ( c1487-1555) English bishop, fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, Bishop of Worcester before the Reformation

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh Blair, (1718-1800), 1830. Creator: Unknown

Hugh Blair, (1718-1800), 1830. Creator: Unknown
Hugh Blair, (1718-1800), 1830. Hugh Blair (1718-1800) Scottish minister, author, rhetorician and theorists of written discourse, a valuable part of the Scottish Enlightenment

Background imageHugh Collection: An Inside View of the Town Wall of Newcastle upon Tyne, c1760-90. Creator: Unknown

An Inside View of the Town Wall of Newcastle upon Tyne, c1760-90. Creator: Unknown
An Inside View of the Town Wall of Newcastle upon Tyne, c1760-90. Near St. Andrews Church, between Newgate and Westgate, with a Tower, at present the Meeting House of the Company of Paviors

Background imageHugh Collection: Mr Hugh Peel, 1911. Creator: Unknown

Mr Hugh Peel, 1911. Creator: Unknown
Mr Hugh Peel, 1911. Portrait of a man. From " British Sports and Sportsmen: Racing Coursing and Steeplechasing", Part II, edited by William Scarth Dixon. [1911]

Background imageHugh Collection: London. Knightbridge, 1906. Creator: Unknown

London. Knightbridge, 1906. Creator: Unknown
London. Knightbridge, 1906. Equestrian statue of Lord Strathnairn in front of Harvey Nichols department store on the Brompton Road, London. The statue was unveiled in 1895

Background imageHugh Collection: The steam yacht Grainaig at anchor. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes

The steam yacht Grainaig at anchor. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes
The Duke of Westminsters steam yacht Grainaig at anchor

Background imageHugh Collection: The 40 ft hydroplane Pioneer under way. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes

The 40 ft hydroplane Pioneer under way. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes
The 40 ft hydroplane Pioneer under way. Pioneer was an English boat, owned by the Duke of Westminster, and challenged America for possession of the Harmsworth International Trophy in 1910

Background imageHugh Collection: Brunhilde on slip ready for launching. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes

Brunhilde on slip ready for launching. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes
Brunhilde on slip ready for launching. Brunhilde was built by S. E. Saunders on the Isle of Wight for the Duke of Westminster as a successor to the record breaking Ursula

Background imageHugh Collection: The 611 ton auxilary barque ship Belem, 1919. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes

The 611 ton auxilary barque ship Belem, 1919. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes
The 611 ton auxilary barque ship Belem, 1919. Belem was built in France by builders Chantiers Dubigeon, and launched in 1896

Background imageHugh Collection: The hydroplane Brunhilde under way. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes

The hydroplane Brunhilde under way. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes
The hydroplane Brunhilde under way. Brunhilde was built by S. E. Saunders on the Isle of Wight for the Duke of Westminster as a successor to the record breaking Ursula

Background imageHugh Collection: Head of the River for Schools, (rowing race on the Thames, London), after c1925

Head of the River for Schools, (rowing race on the Thames, London), after c1925. The start of a school boat race, with Albert Bridge in the distance

Background imageHugh Collection: Hard Times, c1857-1903. Artist: Hugh Carter

Hard Times, c1857-1903. Artist: Hugh Carter
Hard Times, c1857-1903. A woman and a boy with a basket buying meat from a butcher

Background imageHugh Collection: Two Talbot 90s in the pits at the Irish Grand Prix, Phoenix Park, Dublin, 1930. Artist

Two Talbot 90s in the pits at the Irish Grand Prix, Phoenix Park, Dublin, 1930. Artist
Talbot 90 2276 cc. Entry No: 18. Fox and Nicholl car. Left: Talbot 90 2276 cc. Entry No: 17. Driver: Eaton, H.S. Fox and Nicholl car. Phoenix Park, Dublin. Irish International Grand Prix

Background imageHugh Collection: Riley open 4-seater tourer of Hugh Hunter competing in the NWLMC London-Gloucester Trial, 1931

Riley open 4-seater tourer of Hugh Hunter competing in the NWLMC London-Gloucester Trial, 1931
Riley Open 4-seater tourer 1929 1089 cc. Vehicle Reg. No. PK8567. Event Entry No: 64. Driver: Hunter, H.C. Award: Silver. Place: NWLMC London-Gloucester. Date: 12.12.31

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh McConnell, Chief Scrutineer at Brooklands motor racing circuit, Surrey, c1930s

Hugh McConnell, Chief Scrutineer at Brooklands motor racing circuit, Surrey, c1930s
Place: Brooklands. Date: H.P. McConnell chief scrutineer

Background imageHugh Collection: Alfa Romeo of Hugh Hunter leading a Riley at Crystal Palace, London, 1939. Artist: Bill Brunell

Alfa Romeo of Hugh Hunter leading a Riley at Crystal Palace, London, 1939. Artist: Bill Brunell
Alfa Romeo 2905S cc. Reg. No. JML1. No: 15. Driver: Hunter, H.C. The driver, HC Hunter, is not in the programme possibly a late entry, or another date. Background: Riley 1496 cc. Vehicle Reg. No

Background imageHugh Collection: Riley open 4-seater tourer of HC Hunter, North West London Motor Club London-Gloucester Trial, 1932

Riley open 4-seater tourer of HC Hunter, North West London Motor Club London-Gloucester Trial, 1932
Riley Open 4-seater tourer 1929 1089 cc. Vehicle Reg. No. PK8567. Event Entry No: 42 Driver: Hunter, H.C. Place: N.W.L.M.C. London-Gloucester. Date: 10.12.32

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh McConell beside a car, Brooklands, 3 August 1931. Artist: Bill Brunell

Hugh McConell beside a car, Brooklands, 3 August 1931. Artist: Bill Brunell
Place: Brooklands. B.A.R.C. Date: 3.8.31. McConnell, H.P

Background imageHugh Collection: Three MG C type Midgets in the pits at the RAC TT Race, Ards Circuit, Belfast, 1932

Three MG C type Midgets in the pits at the RAC TT Race, Ards Circuit, Belfast, 1932
MG C-Type Midget 746S cc. Entry No: 30. Driver: Hamilton, H.C. DNS. Centre: MG C-Type Midget. Entry No: 31. Driver: Paul, C. Retired. Right: MG C-Type Midget. R.A.C. T.T. Race. Date: 20.8.32

Background imageHugh Collection: MG C type Midget of Hugh Hamilton in the pits at the RAC TT Race, Ards Circuit, Belfast, 1932

MG C type Midget of Hugh Hamilton in the pits at the RAC TT Race, Ards Circuit, Belfast, 1932
MG C-Type Midget 746S cc. Event Entry No: 30. Driver: Hamilton, H.C. DNS. Crashed in practice. Place: R.A.C. T.T. Race. Date: 20.8.32

Background imageHugh Collection: MG C type Midget of Hugh Hamilton at practice for the RAC TT Race, Ards Circuit, Belfast, 1932

MG C type Midget of Hugh Hamilton at practice for the RAC TT Race, Ards Circuit, Belfast, 1932
MG C-Type Midget 746S cc. Event Entry No: 30. Driver: Hamilton, H.C. DNS. Hamilton crashed in practice and a substitute car was driven by F.S. Barnes. Place: R.A.C. T.T. Race. Date: 20.8.32

Background imageHugh Collection: Bugatti and Renault on the start line for the Vintage Cup, Crystal Palace, 1939. Artist

Bugatti and Renault on the start line for the Vintage Cup, Crystal Palace, 1939. Artist
Left of centre: Bugatti Open 2-seater. 1910. Reg. No. BJ2395. Entry No: 2 Driver: Hampton, C.W.P. Centre: Renault Open 4-seater. 1911 3562 cc. Reg. No. CH298. Entry No: 3 Driver: Hunter, H.C

Background imageHugh Collection: HC Hunters Alta leading a Delahaye, JCC International Trophy, Brooklands, 2 August 1937

HC Hunters Alta leading a Delahaye, JCC International Trophy, Brooklands, 2 August 1937
Alta 1486S cc. No: 7 Driver: Hunter. H.C. Left Delahaye 3558 cc. Event Entry No: 12 Driver: Viale, J. Stanley-Turner, Miss.D. Place: Brooklands. J.C.C. International Trophy. Date: 7.5.38

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh McConnell, Sammy Davis and Mrs Davis with an Austin 20 / 6 landaulette at Brooklands, 1931

Hugh McConnell, Sammy Davis and Mrs Davis with an Austin 20 / 6 landaulette at Brooklands, 1931
Austin 20/6 landaulette. Place: Brooklands. B.R.D.C. 500 Miles Race. Date: 3.10.31. Hugh P. McConnell, S.C.H. Davis & Mrs. Davis

Background imageHugh Collection: HC Hunters Alfa Romeo driving through the chicane, JCC Members Day, Brooklands, 8 July 1939

HC Hunters Alfa Romeo driving through the chicane, JCC Members Day, Brooklands, 8 July 1939
Alfa Romeo 2905S cc. Vehicle Reg. No. JML1. Event Entry No: 20 Driver: Hunter, H.C. Place: Brooklands, The chicane. J.C.C. Members Day. Date: 8.7.39

Background imageHugh Collection: MG C type of HC Hamilton and SV Holbrook at the JCC Double Twelve race, Brooklands, 8 / 9 May 1931

MG C type of HC Hamilton and SV Holbrook at the JCC Double Twelve race, Brooklands, 8 / 9 May 1931
MG C 746 cc. Event Entry No: 66 Driver: Hamilton, H.C. Holbrook, S.V. Finished: 3rd. Place: Brooklands. J.C.C. Double Twelve. Date: 8/9.5.31

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh Masekela, Love Supreme Jazz Festival, Glynde Place, East Sussex, 2015. Artist: Brian O Connor

Hugh Masekela, Love Supreme Jazz Festival, Glynde Place, East Sussex, 2015. Artist: Brian O Connor
Hugh Masekela, Love Supreme Jazz Festival, Glynde Place, East Sussex, 2015

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh Masekela, Ronnie Scotts, London, 1994. Artist: Brian O Connor

Hugh Masekela, Ronnie Scotts, London, 1994. Artist: Brian O Connor
Hugh Masekela, Ronnie Scott s, London, 1994. Masekela is a South African trumpeter, flugelhornist, cornetist, composer, and singer

Background imageHugh Collection: Winston Churchill arriving at the doors of St Margarets, Westminster, on his wedding day, 1908

Winston Churchill arriving at the doors of St Margarets, Westminster, on his wedding day, 1908
Winston Churchill arriving at the doors of St Margaret s, Westminster, on his wedding day, 1908. Winston Churchill (1874-1965) with fellow politician Lord Hugh Cecil (1869-1956)

Background imageHugh Collection: Paradox, 1882-1890, (1911)

Paradox, 1882-1890, (1911)
Paradox, 1911. Paradox (1882-1890) was a British Thoroughbred racehorse and sire. From British Sports and Sportsmen Part 1. [British Sports and Sportsmen, London, 1911]

Background imageHugh Collection: Sceptre, 1899-1926, (1911)

Sceptre, 1899-1926, (1911)
Sceptre, 1911. From British Sports and Sportsmen Part 1. [British Sports and Sportsmen, London, 1911]

Background imageHugh Collection: Flying Fox, 1896-1911, (1911)

Flying Fox, 1896-1911, (1911). From British Sports and Sportsmen Part 1. [British Sports and Sportsmen, London, 1911]

Background imageHugh Collection: Well, My Kate, I See You Have Changed Your Dress As I Bade You. 1912, (1923). Artist: Hugh Thomson

Well, My Kate, I See You Have Changed Your Dress As I Bade You. 1912, (1923). Artist: Hugh Thomson
Well, My Kate, I See You Have Changed Your Dress As I Bade You. 1912, (1923). She Stoops to Conquer is a comedy by Anglo-Irish author Oliver Goldsmith that was first performed in London in 1773

Background imageHugh Collection: Mr. Hugh Chisholm, 1911 Artist: Sir Leslie Matthew Ward

Mr. Hugh Chisholm, 1911 Artist: Sir Leslie Matthew Ward
Mr. Hugh Chisholm, 1911. A caricature of Hugh Chisholm (1866-1924), British journalist, and editor of the 10th, 11th and 12th editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica

Background imageHugh Collection: Billingsgate, London, 1598 (1904). Artist: Hugh Alley

Billingsgate, London, 1598 (1904). Artist: Hugh Alley
Billingsgate, London, 1598 (1904). From London in the Time of Tudors, by Sir Walter Besant. [Adam & Charles Black, London, 1904]

Background imageHugh Collection: The Young Mother, c1887. Artist: Hugh Carter

The Young Mother, c1887. Artist: Hugh Carter
The Young Mother, c1887. From A Catalogue of the Pictures and Drawings in the collection of Frederick John Nettleford, Volume I, by C. Reginald Grundy and F. Gordon Roe [Emrose and Sons Ltd

Background imageHugh Collection: Romance, c1916. Artist: Hugh Bellingham-Smith

Romance, c1916. Artist: Hugh Bellingham-Smith
Romance, c1916. From The Studio Volume 67. [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1916]

Background imageHugh Collection: Beech Leaves and Poppies, 1926. Artist: Hugh Wallis

Beech Leaves and Poppies, 1926. Artist: Hugh Wallis
Beech Leaves and Poppies, 1926. From The Studio Volume 90. [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1925]

Background imageHugh Collection: Preliminary sketch for The Wife of Bath, c1917. Artist: Hugh Thomson

Preliminary sketch for The Wife of Bath, c1917. Artist: Hugh Thomson
Preliminary sketch for The Wife of Bath, c1917. An illustration from Geoffrey Chaucers the Wife of Baths Tale from Canterbury Tales

Background imageHugh Collection: The Fop, c1917. Artist: Hugh Thomson

The Fop, c1917. Artist: Hugh Thomson
The Fop, c1917. From The Studio Volume 70, [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1917]

Background imageHugh Collection: Mind and Matter, c1917. Artist: Hugh Thomson

Mind and Matter, c1917. Artist: Hugh Thomson
Mind and Matter, c1917. From The Studio Volume 70, [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1917]

Background imageHugh Collection: An illustration from The Vicar of Wakefield, 1889, (1907). Artist: Hugh Thomson

An illustration from The Vicar of Wakefield, 1889, (1907). Artist: Hugh Thomson
An illustration from The Vicar of Wakefield, 1889. The Vicar of Wakefield: A Tale. Supposed to be written by Himself, is a novel by Irish writer Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774)

Background imageHugh Collection: Louisa Mildmay, c18th century, (1905)

Louisa Mildmay, c18th century, (1905)
Louisa Mildmay, c18th century. Louisa Mildmay is the central figure in Hugh Kellys 1767 novel Memoirs of a Magdalen. From The Connoisseur 1905 [Otto Limited, London, 1905.]

Background imageHugh Collection: Mr HGP Owen, Essex cricketer, c1899. Artist: WA Rouch

Mr HGP Owen, Essex cricketer, c1899. Artist: WA Rouch
Mr HGP Owen, Essex cricketer, c1899. Hugh Glendwr Palmer Owen (1859-1912) played for Cambridge University, Essex and the MCC in a career lasting from 1882 until 1902

Background imageHugh Collection: Coronation of Hugh Capet as King of France, Noyon, 1st July 987 (1882-1884). Artist: Ahurel

Coronation of Hugh Capet as King of France, Noyon, 1st July 987 (1882-1884). Artist: Ahurel
Coronation of Hugh Capet as King of France, Noyon, 1st July 987 (1882-1884). Hugh Capet (c938-996) was elected King of France in 987, founding the Capetian dynasty

Background imageHugh Collection: The Scarlet Letter, 1923. Artist: Methuen & Co Ltd

The Scarlet Letter, 1923. Artist: Methuen & Co Ltd
The Scarlet Letter, 1923. Published in The Outline of Literature, by John Drinkwater, London, 1923

Background imageHugh Collection: Monument to the late Duke of Westminster, Eccleston Church, Eccleston, Cheshire, 1902-1903

Monument to the late Duke of Westminster, Eccleston Church, Eccleston, Cheshire, 1902-1903. Artist: William Griggs
Monument to the late Duke of Westminster, Eccleston Church, Cheshire, 1902-1903. From Penroses Pictorial Annual 1902-1903, An Illustrated Review of the Graphic Arts, volume 8

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh Peters, 17th century, (c1920)

Hugh Peters, 17th century, (c1920). A fanatical puritan divine and parliamentary preacher during the commonwealth period in the 17th century

Background imageHugh Collection: Latimer Preaching Before King Edward VI, c1550 (c1920)

Latimer Preaching Before King Edward VI, c1550 (c1920). From Story of the British Nation, volume II, by Walter Hutchinson (London, c1920s)

Background imageHugh Collection: Sir Hugh Middleton (1560-1631), 1824. Artist: E Scriven

Sir Hugh Middleton (1560-1631), 1824. Artist: E Scriven
Sir Hugh Middleton (1560-1631), 1824. Middleton was a Welsh goldsmith, clothmaker, banker, entrepreneur, mine owner and self-taught engineer

Background imageHugh Collection: Preliminary Sketch for Illustration to The School for Scandal, c1917

Preliminary Sketch for Illustration to The School for Scandal, c1917. The School for Scandal is a play written by Richard Brinsley Sheridan

Background imageHugh Collection: Declaration of the bishops in favour of King Henry VIIIs powers, 16th century, (1840)

Declaration of the bishops in favour of King Henry VIIIs powers, 16th century, (1840)
Declaration of eight of the bishops in favour of King Henry VIIIs power in ecclesiastical affairs, 16th century, (1840). Christian princes may also make ecclesiastical laws

Background imageHugh Collection: High Street, Shrewsbury, 1825 (1893)

High Street, Shrewsbury, 1825 (1893). From Hugh Owen and JB Blakeway s, History of Shrewsbury, 1825. An illustration from A Short History of the English People, by J R Green, illustrated edition

Background imageHugh Collection: The martyrdom of Ridley and Latimer, Oxford, 1856. Artist: George Hayter

The martyrdom of Ridley and Latimer, Oxford, 1856. Artist: George Hayter
The martyrdom of Ridley and Latimer, 1856. Nicholas Ridley (d1555), English clergyman and Hugh Latimer (c1485-1555), Bishop of Rochester and Bishop of Worcester

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns, 19th century British statesman, (1900). Artist: Russell & Sons

Hugh Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns, 19th century British statesman, (1900). Artist: Russell & Sons
Hugh Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns, 19th century British statesman, (1900). Born in Ireland, Cairns (1810-1885) entered Parliament as a member for Belfast in 1852

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh Capet, King of France

Hugh Capet, King of France. Hugh Capet (c938-996) became King of France in 987, founding the Capetian dynasty

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh Grosvenor (1825-1899), 1st Duke of Westminster, 19th century. Artist: DJ Pound

Hugh Grosvenor (1825-1899), 1st Duke of Westminster, 19th century. Artist: DJ Pound
Hugh Grosvenor (1825-1899), 1st Duke of Westminster, 19th century

Background imageHugh Collection: Death of Ridley and Latimer, 1555, (c1850)

Death of Ridley and Latimer, 1555, (c1850). Protestant bishops Ridley and Latimer were both executed on October 17th, 1555

Background imageHugh Collection: Arguments against Purgatory in the hand of Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester, c1538

Arguments against Purgatory in the hand of Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester, c1538. Artist: King Henry VIII
Arguments against the doctrine of Purgatory in the hand of Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester, with marginal annotations by Henry VIII, c1538. The page transcribed is the last of three

Background imageHugh Collection: Frederick John Fargus, (nom-de-plume Hugh Conway), English novelist, 1885

Frederick John Fargus, (nom-de-plume Hugh Conway), English novelist, 1885. Illustration from the The Graphic, (23 May 1885)

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh Grosvenor, 1st Duke of Westminster, c1890. Artist: Cassell, Petter & Galpin

Hugh Grosvenor, 1st Duke of Westminster, c1890. Artist: Cassell, Petter & Galpin
Hugh Grosvenor, 1st Duke of Westminster, c1890. By the time that Grosvenor (1825-1899) was created Duke of Westminster in 1874

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh NcCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns, Lord Chancellor of Great Britain, c1890

Hugh NcCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns, Lord Chancellor of Great Britain, c1890. Artist: Cassell, Petter & Galpin
Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns, Lord Chancellor of Great Britain, c1890. Born in Ireland, Cairns (1810-1885) entered Parliament as a member for Belfast in 1852

Background imageHugh Collection: Latimar Preaching Before King Edward VI, c1550, (c1902-1905)

Latimar Preaching Before King Edward VI, c1550, (c1902-1905). Bishop Hugh Latimer In the Preaching-Place at Westminster. Illustration from Parliament Past and Present by Arnold Wright

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh Latimer, Protestant martyr, (c1850)

Hugh Latimer, Protestant martyr, (c1850). Latimer (1490-1555) was burnt at the stake for his beliefs and teachings during Mary Is persecution of Protestants

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh McCalmont Cairns, politician and statesman, 1881

Hugh McCalmont Cairns, politician and statesman, 1881. Born in Ireland, Cairns (1810-1885) entered Parliament as a member for Belfast in 1852

Background imageHugh Collection: Sir Hugh Mac-Calmont Cairns, British statesman, c1880. Artist: DJ Pound

Sir Hugh Mac-Calmont Cairns, British statesman, c1880. Artist: DJ Pound
Sir Hugh Mac-Calmont Cairns, British statesman, c1880. Portrait of Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns (1819-1885), Lord Chancellor and philanthropist

Background imageHugh Collection: Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns, British statesman, 1881. Artist: George J Stodart

Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns, British statesman, 1881. Artist: George J Stodart
Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns, British statesman, 1881. Born in Ireland, Cairns (1810-1885) entered Parliament as a member for Belfast in 1852

Background imageHugh Collection: Scene from Jane Austens Persuasion, 1897. Artist: Hugh Thomson

Scene from Jane Austens Persuasion, 1897. Artist: Hugh Thomson
Scene from Jane Austens Persuasion, 1897. Austens last novel, Persuasion was published in 1818. In this scene, Captain Wentworth gives Anne Elliot his note of declaration

Background imageHugh Collection: Paris and the Pippin, 1881. Artist: Joseph Swain

Paris and the Pippin, 1881. Artist: Joseph Swain
Paris and the Pippin, 1881. In the centre of this cartoon is the Duke of Richmond. Behind him are Lords Hugh McCalmont Cairns and Salisbury

Background imageHugh Collection: Deserted !, 1875. Artist: Joseph Swain

Deserted !, 1875. Artist: Joseph Swain
Deserted !, 1875. Mr Disraeli, the Conservative Prime Minister, stands on the right with his Lord Chancellor, Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns

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