Le Bain (the Bath), 1774. Creator: Antoine Louis RomanetLe Bain (the Bath), 1774
Allons bon! v'là qui...verse du cirage dans mon chocolat!... 1844. Creator: Honore DaumierAllons bon! v'la qui...verse du cirage dans mon chocolat!... 1844. Allons bon! v'la qui au lieu de lait, verse du cirage dans mon chocolat!...satane roman va!...'
V'la, v'la l'coco! il est frais... 1833. Creator: Honore DaumierV'la, v'la l'coco! il est frais... 1833. V'la, v'la l'coco! il est frais - tu nous embetes avec to coco, nous n'en voulons plus'. Woman: Get your hot cocoa!'
Cadburys Cocoa "Is Absolutely Pure. ", 1888. Creator: UnknownCadburys Cocoa " Is Absolutely Pure.", 1888. From, The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper Volume 38. July to December, 1888
Drink Cadburys Cocoa, 1888. Creator: UnknownDrink Cadburys Cocoa, 1888. From, The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper Volume38. July to December, 1888
Das Chocoladenmadchen, (The Chocolate Girl), ca. 1743-44Das Chocoladenmadchen, (The Chocolate Girl), ca.1743-44. Meister-Werke der Dresdner Galerie. Dresdner Gemaelde-Galerie: nach original-cartons von E
Meister-Werke der Dresdner Galerie. Dresdner Gemaelde-Galerie: nach original-cartons von E. Winckler, photographirt von Hanns Hanfstaengl, Dresden. 1870
Comforts of Bath, Plate 11, January 6, 1798. January 6, 1798. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonComforts of Bath, Plate 11, January 6, 1798
The Comforts of Bath and Public Breakfast, 1780-1827. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Comforts of Bath and Public Breakfast, 1780-1827