House Fly, Lavender Cotton, and Money Plant; Mira calligraphiae monumenta, 1561-1562; illumination added 1591-1596
Illustration for Uprightness and Hypocrisy, 1793. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiIllustration for Uprightness and Hypocrisy, 1793. From almanac: Pocket Calender of Gotting for the year 1794
Sir John Taylor Coleridge, 1858. Creator: UnknownSir John Taylor Coleridge, 1858
Illustration for Uprightness and Hypocrisy, 1793. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiIllustration for Uprightness and Hypocrisy, 1793. Almanac: Pocket Calender of Gotting fot the year 1794
The Honest Model, 1769. Creator: Pierre Antoine BaudouinThe Honest Model, 1769
Vase with Honesty, 1884. Creator: Gogh, Vincent, van (1853-1890)Vase with Honesty, 1884. Found in the collection of the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Alexander's Confidence with his Physician Philip, c.1770. Creator: Benjamin WestAlexander's Confidence with his Physician Philip, c.1770
Honest Iago, my Desdemona must I leave to thee, plate four from Othello, 1844
Too Truthful - painted by A. Solomon, 1850. Creator: UnknownToo Truthful - painted by A. Solomon, 1850
Honest Worker, February 1899. Creator: Theophile Alexandre SteinlenHonest Worker, February 1899
The South Sea Scheme, 1722. Creator: William HogarthThe South Sea Scheme, 1722
Diogenes searching for a honest man, ca. 1645-47. Creator: Giovanni Benedetto CastiglioneDiogenes searching for a honest man, ca. 1645-47. Carried a lamp during the day, claiming to be looking for an honest man
An Honest Fellow, December 1, 1790. Creator: George Moutard WoodwardAn Honest Fellow, December 1, 1790
Francesco I d Este Speaks About his Victories with an Honest Comportment, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Phocion, (c402-c318 BC), 1830. Creator: UnknownPhocion, (c402-c318 BC), 1830. Phocion (c402-c318 BC) Athenian statesman and strategos, known to be honest and subject of one of Plutarchs Parallel Lives
Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear and Pipe, February 1889, (1947). Creator: Vincent van GoghSelf-Portrait with Bandaged Ear and Pipe, February 1889, (1947). Van Gogh (1853-1890) had cut off his ear with a razor during one of his periods of mental illness. Painting in a private collection
The History of Nastagio degli honesty (Table I), on a tale of The Decameron by Boccaccio
An Angel, c1905. Artist: Marianne StokesAn Angel, c1905. From The Studio Volume 19, [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1900]
Honest Jack Falstaff, c20th century. Artist: William John WainwrightHonest Jack Falstaff, c20th century. From The Studio Volume 65. [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1915]
George Washington Trying to Tell a Lie, 1901. A print from The Magazine of Art, Cassell and Company, Limited, 1901
A Satire on the South Sea Company, 1721. Artist: William HogarthA Satire on the South Sea Company, 1721. The South Sea Bubble (1711-1720), showing greed and speculation which preceded the bubble
The Bubblers Mirrorour, or Englands Folley (joy), 1720
The Bubblers Mirrorour, or Englands Folley (grief), 1720
The Bubblers Bubbl d or The Devil Take the Hindmost, 1720
Letter from Daniel Defoe to Charles Montague, 1705. Artist: Daniel DefoeLetter from Daniel Defoe to Charles Montague, 1705
The Death of Sapphira, 1654-1656. Artist: Nicolas PoussinThe Death of Sapphira, 1654-1656. Sapphira and her husband Ananias were supposedly struck dead by God for dishonesty
South Sea Bubble, 1721. Artist: William HogarthSouth Sea Bubble, 1721. People queue to enter the Devils shop, while he cuts up Fortune. Clerics of various denominations gamble in the left foreground. People ride on a wooden hobby horse
Our (Very) Friendly Societies!, 1886. Artist: Joseph SwainOur (Very) Friendly Societies!, 1886. The representative of Britains honest and sober working-class is diligently posting his small savings into the door of the Cormorant Friendly Society