Title page of "Der Kaiser und die Hexe (The Emperor and the Witch)" by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, 1900. Private Collection
Jedermann performed in front of Salzburg Cathedral, Salzburg, Austria, c1935" Jedermann" performed in front of Salzburg Cathedral, Salzburg, Austria, c1935
Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929) and Richard Strauss (1864-1949), 1914. Creator: BithornHugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929) and Richard Strauss (1864-1949), 1914. Found in the Collection of Theatre Museum, Vienna
Portrait of Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929), ca 1899. Creator: AnonymousPortrait of Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929), ca 1899. Private Collection
Costume Design for the opera Der Rosenkavalier (The Knight of the Rose) by Richard Strauss, 1910. Private Collection
Performance of Jedermann, Salzburg Festival, Austria, 20th century. Artist: Ernst MaierPerformance of Jedermann, Salzburg Festival, Austria, 20th century