Gold brooch from Hornelund near Varde, c10th century. Viking Period at National Museum, Copenhagen
Wealth Beyond the Dreams of Avarice Consigned to the Tomb, c1935. Antechamber of Tutankhamuns tomb, looking south. From Our Wonderful World, Volume II, edited by J.A. Hammerton
In dragons form Fafner now watches the hoard, 1924. Artist: Arthur RackhamIn dragons form Fafner now watches the hoard, 1924. Illustration from Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods. Fafner guards the ring and all his treasures in a cave
Roman Silver Pepper-Pot in the form of a Negro slave, c2nd-3rd century
Bronze Flanged Axe from a hoard at Arreton Down, Isle of Wight, c1600BC-1400BCBronze Flanged Axe from a hoard at Arreton Down, Isle of Wight c1600BC-1400BC
Gold noble of Henry VI, 15th centuryGold noble of Henry VI from the Barmouth Hoard in Gwynedd, 15th century
Celtic silver coins from a hoard, all from a Celtic mint in lower Bavaria
Hoard of arabic metalwork from a Viking grave in Sweden, showing the extent of Viking trade. In the Museum of National Antiquities collection in Stockholm
Viking metalwork from a hoard on the Isle of ManViking metalwork, from a hoard found on the Isle of Man, in the Manx Museums collection
Gold bracteate from a fifth century Norwegian hoard, 6th centuryGold bracteate from a Norwegian hoard, based on a Byzantine coin, 6th century
Hoard of silver with arab coins from a Viking grave, showing trade with and travel to the middle east
Hoard of silver & Arab coins from a Viking grave, Sweden, 10th century
Bronze Sword from hoard found in Abruzzi region, Italy, 1800-1500 BC
Captain Lebedief heroically defending the bastion at Port Arthur, Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5. From Le Petit Journal, Paris, 25 September 1904
Silver pennies of William I (1028-1087), part of a hoard of 600 silver pennies deposited in Jubbergate, York. They would have purchased 2000 sheep at the time
Calcite and bitumen hedgehog mounted on wheeled base, Susa, c12th century BC. This object was part of a hoard deposited near the Temple of Inshushinak (the patron god of Susa). It is now in The Louvre
Limestone and bitumen lion mounted on a wheeled base, Susa, c12th century BC. This object was part of a hoard deposited near the Temple of Inshushniak (the patron saint of Susa)