Natalia Alexandrovna Herzen, née Zakharyina (1814-1852) on her deathbedNatalia Alexandrovna Herzen, nee Zakharyina (1814-1852) on her deathbed, 1852. Found in the Collection of the State Central Literary Museum, Moscow
Portrait of Aleksandr Ivanovich Herzen (1812-1870), 1860s. Private Collection
Alexander Herzen with his children after the death of his wife Natalie Artist: AnonymousAlexander Herzen with his children after the death of his wife Natalie. Found in the collection of State Central Literary Museum, Moscow
Portrait of Aleksandr Ivanovich Herzen (1812-1870), 1845. Found in the Collection of State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, Moscow
The Kolokol (The Bell) newspaper, 1866. Found in the Collection of Universita tsbibliothek Basel
Herzen against Herzen. Double Portrait of Aleksandr Ivanovich Herzen (1812-1870), 1865. Found in the collection of Russian National Library, St. Petersburg
Portrait of Natalia Alekseevna Tuchkova-Ogareva (1829-1913), 1842. Found in the collection of the State Central Literary Museum, Moscow
Portrait of the author Alexander Herzen (1812-1870), ca 1836. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Alexander Herzen, Russian writer and thinker, 1861. Artist: Sergei LevitskyAlexander Herzen, Russian writer and thinker, 1861. Herzen (1812-1870) is regarded as the father of Russian socialism