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Gratitude Collection

Background imageGratitude Collection: Manoah and His Wife Offering a Meal to the Angel; Weltchronik

Manoah and His Wife Offering a Meal to the Angel; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410

Background imageGratitude Collection: Disembarking from the Ark: The Sacrifice of Noah with God the Father in Majesty

Disembarking from the Ark: The Sacrifice of Noah with God the Father in Majesty; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410

Background imageGratitude Collection: Saint Bernardino of Siena Rescuing Boys from a River; Book of Hours

Saint Bernardino of Siena Rescuing Boys from a River; Book of Hours, about 1460

Background imageGratitude Collection: Virgin, Child and donors, c16th century. Creator: Unknown

Virgin, Child and donors, c16th century. Creator: Unknown
Virgin, Child and donors, c16th century

Background imageGratitude Collection: The Poacher Released, c1790. Creator: Charles Benazech

The Poacher Released, c1790. Creator: Charles Benazech
The Poacher Released, c1790

Background imageGratitude Collection: Medal presented to Captain Ward, 1870. Creator: Unknown

Medal presented to Captain Ward, 1870. Creator: Unknown
Medal presented to Captain Ward, 1870. The inspector of life-boats to the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, Captain J. R. Ward, R.N

Background imageGratitude Collection: Gulliver is thanked by the emperor of Lilliput... lantern slide, late 19th century

Gulliver is thanked by the emperor of Lilliput... lantern slide, late 19th century
Gulliver is thanked by the emperor of Lilliput after capturing the Blefuscudians ships, lantern slide, late 19th century

Background imageGratitude Collection: Testimonial to the Rev. Edward Balston

Testimonial to the Rev. Edward Balston, D.D. late head-master of Eton College, 1868

Background imageGratitude Collection: Testimonial to Sir John Fife, from the 1st Newcastle Rifle Volunteers

Testimonial to Sir John Fife, from the 1st Newcastle Rifle Volunteers, 1869

Background imageGratitude Collection: Jason and Medeain the temple of Jupiter, 1745. Creator: Jean Francois de Troy

Jason and Medeain the temple of Jupiter, 1745. Creator: Jean Francois de Troy
Jason and Medeain the temple of Jupiter, 1745

Background imageGratitude Collection: A monk praying, St. Francis, c.1877. Creator: Francis Seymour Haden

A monk praying, St. Francis, c.1877. Creator: Francis Seymour Haden
A monk praying, St. Francis, c.1877

Background imageGratitude Collection: Testimonial to Mr. W. Jackson

Testimonial to Mr. W. Jackson, of Birkenhead, from the shareholders of the Florence and Pistoja [Pistoia] Railway, 1865. A magnificent silver dessert service...manufactured by Mr

Background imageGratitude Collection: Statue of Dr. Jenner, lately erected at Boulogne, 1865. Creator: Unknown

Statue of Dr. Jenner, lately erected at Boulogne, 1865. Creator: Unknown
Statue of Dr. Jenner, lately erected at Boulogne, 1865

Background imageGratitude Collection: Testimonial to a French admiral for assisting the crew of the Bombay

Testimonial to a French admiral for assisting the crew of the Bombay, 1865. The terrible disaster which befel H.M.S

Background imageGratitude Collection: Testimonial to the late John Strang

Testimonial to the late John Strang, Esq, L.L.D. City Chamberlain of Glasgow, 1864....a very handsome testimonial was presented to the late Dr

Background imageGratitude Collection: Testimonial to Mr. R. Birkin, ex-Mayor of Nottingham, 1864. Creator: Unknown

Testimonial to Mr. R. Birkin, ex-Mayor of Nottingham, 1864. Creator: Unknown
Testimonial to Mr. R. Birkin, ex-Mayor of Nottingham, 1864. The gift...consists of a six-branch candelabrum, or epergne, which was manufactured by Messrs

Background imageGratitude Collection: American field hospital, Auteuil, c1915. Creator: Bain News Service

American field hospital, Auteuil, c1915. Creator: Bain News Service
American field hospital, Auteuil, c1915. An American field hospital in Auteuil, Paris, France around 1915 during World War I

Background imageGratitude Collection: Farewell banquet to the 109th Regiment at Kurrachee, 1864. Creator: Unknown

Farewell banquet to the 109th Regiment at Kurrachee, 1864. Creator: Unknown
Farewell banquet to the 109th Regiment at Kurrachee, [modern Karachi, Pakistan], 1864....the European residents...gave a farewell entertainment to that gallant corps...the whole regiment

Background imageGratitude Collection: Feed the hungry, c.1640. Creator: Wael, Cornelis, de (1592-1667)

Feed the hungry, c.1640. Creator: Wael, Cornelis, de (1592-1667)
Feed the hungry, c.1640. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova

Background imageGratitude Collection: St Margaret, 1524. Creator: Ortolano

St Margaret, 1524. Creator: Ortolano
St Margaret, 1524

Background imageGratitude Collection: Noah's Thank-offering. Creator: Ester Almqvist

Noah's Thank-offering. Creator: Ester Almqvist
Noah's Thank-offering, Unknown date

Background imageGratitude Collection: 'Saying Grace' - from a picture by A

"Saying Grace" - from a picture by A. Neuhuys, in the exhibition of the New British Institution, 1876. Engraving of a painting

Background imageGratitude Collection: Italian Offensive of Isonzo; Before the offensive: on a visit to the Italian front

Italian Offensive of Isonzo; Before the offensive: on a visit to the Italian front, Mr. Poincare decorates a Captain of the Bersaglieri in the presence of the King, 1917

Background imageGratitude Collection: The Prostitute Osai of Shiogama Rescuing a Tokyo Merchant from Gamblers

The Prostitute Osai of Shiogama Rescuing a Tokyo Merchant from Gamblers, 1875. From The Postal News, no. 501

Background imageGratitude Collection: Plate for presentation to Mr. Capreol [?] by his Fellow Citizens of Toronto

Plate for presentation to Mr. Capreol [?] by his Fellow Citizens of Toronto
Plate for presentation to Mr. Capreol by his Fellow Citizens of Toronto, Canada West, 1858. Gift expressing gratitude...for the valuable services rendered by [Mr

Background imageGratitude Collection: Testimonial lately presented to the Rev

Testimonial lately presented to the Rev. E. Coleridge by Old Etonians, 1858

Background imageGratitude Collection: Munir al-Mulk (Aristu Jah), Prime Minister of Hyderabad

Munir al-Mulk (Aristu Jah), Prime Minister of Hyderabad, between c1810 and c1820

Background imageGratitude Collection: Magnificent service of silver plate and dessert service recently presented to Sir Samuel

Magnificent service of silver plate and dessert service recently presented to Sir Samuel Morton Peto, Bart. M.P. 1860

Background imageGratitude Collection: Commemorative Portrait of Damodarji II (1797-1826) Performing the Ceremony

Commemorative Portrait of Damodarji II (1797-1826) Performing the Ceremony of the Offering of Food to the Seven Images (Sapata Svarup ki Utsava) in 1822, between c1822 and c1850

Background imageGratitude Collection: En Serbie Reconquise; Le prince Alexandre

En Serbie Reconquise; Le prince Alexandre, regent du royaume serbe-croate-slovene, est salue dans les rues de Belgrade par la population qui lui offre des fleurs, 1918

Background imageGratitude Collection: En Serbie Reconquise; Arc de triomphe dresse pour la reception des troupes francaises

En Serbie Reconquise; Arc de triomphe dresse pour la reception des troupes francaises a l'entree d'une petite ville serbe, 1918

Background imageGratitude Collection: Saying Grace, c.1653-1668. Creator: Jan Miense Molenaer

Saying Grace, c.1653-1668. Creator: Jan Miense Molenaer
Saying Grace, c.1653-1668

Background imageGratitude Collection: The raising of Jairus daughter 1847-1849. Creator: Petrus Theodorus van Wijngaerdt

The raising of Jairus daughter 1847-1849. Creator: Petrus Theodorus van Wijngaerdt
The raising of Jairus daughter 1847-1849. Jesus raises a girl from the dead. Jairus and his wife shower him with their thanks

Background imageGratitude Collection: Saying Grace, 1663. Creator: Cornelis Bega

Saying Grace, 1663. Creator: Cornelis Bega
Saying Grace, 1663

Background imageGratitude Collection: Fénélon returns a Stolen Cow to a Peasant, c19th century. Creator: Louis Hersent

Fénélon returns a Stolen Cow to a Peasant, c19th century. Creator: Louis Hersent
Fenelon returns a Stolen Cow to a Peasant, c19th century

Background imageGratitude Collection: The Mission in the Temple, 1746. Creator: Jacob de Wit

The Mission in the Temple, 1746. Creator: Jacob de Wit
The Mission in the Temple, 1746

Background imageGratitude Collection: Des prisonniers Allemands, qui viennent de toucher leur ration de pain

Des prisonniers Allemands, qui viennent de toucher leur ration de pain
Le bon pain Francais; Des prisonniers Allemands, qui viennent de toucher leur ration de pain de troupe, ne dissimulent pas leur satisfaction, 1915

Background imageGratitude Collection: L'aide Francaise a la Belgique; D'autres s'empressent de renseigner nos officers

L'aide Francaise a la Belgique; D'autres s'empressent de renseigner nos officers, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageGratitude Collection: L'aide Francaise a la Belgique; Un paysan offre a boire a une estafette

L'aide Francaise a la Belgique; Un paysan offre a boire a une estafette, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageGratitude Collection: L'aide Francaise a la Belgique; un corps de cavalerie francaise entrait en Belgique

L'aide Francaise a la Belgique; un corps de cavalerie francaise entrait en Belgique
L'aide Francaise a la Belgique; Le 7 aout, un corps de cavalerie francaise entrait en Belgique, 1914

Background imageGratitude Collection: L'Armee Britannique; sur nos routes de France, 1914. Creator: Unknown

L'Armee Britannique; sur nos routes de France, 1914. Creator: Unknown
L'Armee Britannique; sur nos routes de France, les habitantes des campagnes apportent des rafraichissements et des fleurs a ceux qui viennent lutter aupres des notres, 1914

Background imageGratitude Collection: L'Hommage aux Braves; La promenade du blesse, 1914. Creator: Lucien Jonas

L'Hommage aux Braves; La promenade du blesse, 1914. Creator: Lucien Jonas
L'Hommage aux Braves; La promenade du blesse, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageGratitude Collection: La cooperation Britannique; Le general en chef de l'armee britannique salue par les marins

La cooperation Britannique; Le general en chef de l'armee britannique salue par les marins et les ouvriers du port, 1914

Background imageGratitude Collection: Esquisse pour la salle à manger de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris : Hymne de la Terre au Soleil

Esquisse pour la salle à manger de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris : Hymne de la Terre au Soleil
Esquisse pour la salle a manger de l'Hotel de Ville de Paris : Hymne de la Terre au Soleil, c.1893

Background imageGratitude Collection: Title Page, 1784. Creator: Lydia Bates

Title Page, 1784. Creator: Lydia Bates
Title Page, 1784

Background imageGratitude Collection: Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Ambroise : Saint Ambroise

Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Ambroise : Saint Ambroise
Esquisse pour l'eglise Saint-Ambroise : Saint Ambroise, eveque de Milan, livre les vases sacres de son eglise pour racheter ses prisonniers, 1873

Background imageGratitude Collection: Block, Stella, Miss, 1919 or 1920. Creator: Arnold Genthe

Block, Stella, Miss, 1919 or 1920. Creator: Arnold Genthe
Block, Stella, Miss, 1919 or 1920

Background imageGratitude Collection: Testimonial presented to William Morris

Testimonial presented to William Morris, Esq, by the Inhabitants of Carmarthen, 1854. Epergne...modelled by Mr. Alfred Brown, for the manufactory of Messrs

Background imageGratitude Collection: She Thank'd Me, plate two from Othello, 1844. Creator: Theodore Chasseriau

She Thank'd Me, plate two from Othello, 1844. Creator: Theodore Chasseriau
She Thank'd Me, plate two from Othello, 1844

Background imageGratitude Collection: She Thank'd Me, plate two from Othello, 1844. Creator: Theodore Chasseriau

She Thank'd Me, plate two from Othello, 1844. Creator: Theodore Chasseriau
She Thank'd Me, plate two from Othello, 1844

Background imageGratitude Collection: She Thank'd Me, plate two from Othello, 1844. Creator: Theodore Chasseriau

She Thank'd Me, plate two from Othello, 1844. Creator: Theodore Chasseriau
She Thank'd Me, plate two from Othello, 1844

Background imageGratitude Collection: Plate presented to the Ex-Mayor of Swansea, 1850. Creator: Unknown

Plate presented to the Ex-Mayor of Swansea, 1850. Creator: Unknown
Plate presented to the Ex-Mayor of Swansea, 1850. Plate presented to the Ex-Mayor of Swansea, 1850. The inhabitants of Swansea presented Mayor M. J

Background imageGratitude Collection: Anniversary Meeting of the Charity Children in St

Anniversary Meeting of the Charity Children in St

Background imageGratitude Collection: The International Exhibition: fire-engine presented to Mr

The International Exhibition: fire-engine presented to Mr. Hodges by the inhabitants of Lambeth, 1862. Mr

Background imageGratitude Collection: Grace was said before the barbeque was served at the Pie Town

Grace was said before the barbeque was served at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair

Background imageGratitude Collection: Mr. Branch, resident of the James Creek dwellings

Mr. Branch, resident of the James Creek dwellings
Washington, D.C. Mr. Branch, resident of the James Creek dwellings, saying grace

Background imageGratitude Collection: Mr. Wardlow says grace before dinner

Mr. Wardlow says grace before dinner. Dead Ox Flat, Malheur County, Oregon

Background imageGratitude Collection: Thankfullness (valentine), 1860 / 70. Creator: John Windsor

Thankfullness (valentine), 1860 / 70. Creator: John Windsor
Thankfullness (valentine), 1860/70

Background imageGratitude Collection: The Unsolicited Expression of Gratitude (plate 22), 1843. Creator: Charles Emile Jacque

The Unsolicited Expression of Gratitude (plate 22), 1843. Creator: Charles Emile Jacque
The Unsolicited Expression of Gratitude (plate 22), 1843

Background imageGratitude Collection: Maruru (Offerings of Gratitude), from the Noa Noa Suite, 1893 / 94. Creator: Paul Gauguin

Maruru (Offerings of Gratitude), from the Noa Noa Suite, 1893 / 94. Creator: Paul Gauguin
Maruru (Offerings of Gratitude), from the Noa Noa Suite, 1893/94

Background imageGratitude Collection: Old Schoolfellows, from 'Illustrated London News', July 7, 1855

Old Schoolfellows, from "Illustrated London News", July 7, 1855
Old Schoolfellows, from " Illustrated London News", July 7, 1855

Background imageGratitude Collection: Letter from Vice President Al Gore and his wife Tipper Gore to Carl Lewis, December 16

Letter from Vice President Al Gore and his wife Tipper Gore to Carl Lewis, December 16
African-American track and field athlete Carl Lewis (born 1961) won nine Olympic gold medals, one Olympic silver medal, and 10 World Championships medals, including eight gold

Background imageGratitude Collection: A Capucio Bringing Thanks of the King of Bavaria, 1612. Creator: Jacques Callot

A Capucio Bringing Thanks of the King of Bavaria, 1612. Creator: Jacques Callot
A Capucio Bringing Thanks of the King of Bavaria, 1612

Background imageGratitude Collection: A Capucin bringing the thanks of the King of Bavaria [recto], 1612

A Capucin bringing the thanks of the King of Bavaria [recto], 1612

Background imageGratitude Collection: A Capucin bringing thanks of the King of Bavaria, 1612. Creator: Jacques Callot

A Capucin bringing thanks of the King of Bavaria, 1612. Creator: Jacques Callot
A Capucin bringing thanks of the King of Bavaria, 1612

Background imageGratitude Collection: The Envoy of Tuscany thanking the Queen, 1612. Creator: Jacques Callot

The Envoy of Tuscany thanking the Queen, 1612. Creator: Jacques Callot
The Envoy of Tuscany thanking the Queen, 1612

Background imageGratitude Collection: The Envoy of Tuscany thanking the Queen [verso], 1612. Creator: Jacques Callot

The Envoy of Tuscany thanking the Queen [verso], 1612. Creator: Jacques Callot
The Envoy of Tuscany thanking the Queen [verso], 1612

Background imageGratitude Collection: The Doge Returns Thanks in the Sala del Consiglio Maggior, 1763 / 1766

The Doge Returns Thanks in the Sala del Consiglio Maggior, 1763 / 1766
The Doge Returns Thanks in the Sala del Consiglio Maggior, 1763/1766

Background imageGratitude Collection: Dance to the Berdash, 1835-1837. Creator: George Catlin

Dance to the Berdash, 1835-1837. Creator: George Catlin
Dance to the Berdash, 1835-1837

Background imageGratitude Collection: Presentation Smallsword with Scabbard of Admiral Marriot Arbuthnot, British, dated 1780

Presentation Smallsword with Scabbard of Admiral Marriot Arbuthnot, British, dated 1780
Presentation Smallsword with Scabbard of Admiral Marriot Arbuthnot (1711-1794), British, dated 1780

Background imageGratitude Collection: Eagle Dance - Choctaw, 1861 / 1869. Creator: George Catlin

Eagle Dance - Choctaw, 1861 / 1869. Creator: George Catlin
Eagle Dance - Choctaw, 1861/1869. Annual ceremony in honor of the war eagle

Background imageGratitude Collection: Snow Shoe Dance - Ojibbeway, 1861 / 1869. Creator: George Catlin

Snow Shoe Dance - Ojibbeway, 1861 / 1869. Creator: George Catlin
Snow Shoe Dance - Ojibbeway, 1861/1869. Hunters, with songs of thanks to the Great Spirit, when the first snow of winter falls, to improve their hunting

Background imageGratitude Collection: Grace Before Meat, 1839. Creator: David Wilkie

Grace Before Meat, 1839. Creator: David Wilkie
Grace Before Meat, 1839

Background imageGratitude Collection: Elijah and the Widows Son, 1864. Creator: Ford Madox Brown

Elijah and the Widows Son, 1864. Creator: Ford Madox Brown
Elijah and the Widows Son, 1864. The Prophet Elijah descends down a flight of stairs on carrying a boy brought back to life from death. The boys mother kneels with her arms held up in prayer

Background imageGratitude Collection: Green Corn Dance - Minatarrees, 1861. Creator: George Catlin

Green Corn Dance - Minatarrees, 1861. Creator: George Catlin
Green Corn Dance - Minatarrees, 1861. Warriors dance around the first kettleful of maize then burn it to cinders, as an offering to the Great Spirit

Background imageGratitude Collection: The Blessing, 1610-85. Creator: Adriaen van Ostade

The Blessing, 1610-85. Creator: Adriaen van Ostade
The Blessing, 1610-85

Background imageGratitude Collection: Plate 22: Josaphat Thanking God for His Victory, from The Battles of the Old... ca

Plate 22: Josaphat Thanking God for His Victory, from The Battles of the Old... ca
Plate 22: Josaphat Thanking God for His Victory, from The Battles of the Old Testament, ca. 1590-ca. 1610

Background imageGratitude Collection: Saint Nicholas Resuscitating Three Youths, 1433-35. Creator: Bicci di Lorenzo

Saint Nicholas Resuscitating Three Youths, 1433-35. Creator: Bicci di Lorenzo
Saint Nicholas Resuscitating Three Youths, 1433-35

Background imageGratitude Collection: General Ian Hamilton Thanking the Gordons for their Attack at the Battle of Doornkop, 1901

General Ian Hamilton Thanking the Gordons for their Attack at the Battle of Doornkop, 1901. The Gordon Highlanders suffered severe losses, in May 1900 in action at Doornkop

Background imageGratitude Collection: Elijah Restoring the Widows Son, 1943. Creator: Ford Madox Brown

Elijah Restoring the Widows Son, 1943. Creator: Ford Madox Brown
Elijah Restoring the Widows Son, 1868, (1943). Biblical scene, depiction of a story from the first Book of Kings

Background imageGratitude Collection: Gratitude, 1834. Creator: John Doyle

Gratitude, 1834. Creator: John Doyle
Gratitude, 1834. Lord Chancellor Henry Brougham thinks: (He offered me the Attorney Generalship)

Background imageGratitude Collection: Father, I have sinned against heaven

Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son, 19th century

Background imageGratitude Collection: Jesus said, Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?, mid 19th century

Jesus said, Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?, mid 19th century

Background imageGratitude Collection: And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak, c1830s. Creator: William Henry Mote

And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak, c1830s. Creator: William Henry Mote
And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak, c1830s. Biblical scene, from Luke 7: 15: And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother

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