Mädchen am Fenster (Girl by the Window), 1922. Creator: Walter GramattéMadchen am Fenster (Girl by the Window), 1922
Self-Portrait in Front of Stairs (Selbst vor Treppe), 1922. Creator: Walter GramattéSelf-Portrait in Front of Stairs (Selbst vor Treppe), 1922
Das leere Café (The Empty Café), 1918. Creator: Walter GramattéDas leere Cafe (The Empty Cafe), 1918
Das leere Café (The Empty Café), 1917. Creator: Walter GramattéDas leere Cafe (The Empty Cafe), 1917
Sidi Heckel, 1919. Creator: Walter GramattéSidi Heckel, 1919
Eavesdropping, 1919-1920. Creator: Walter GramattéEavesdropping, 1919-1920
Die Komponistin Sonia Friedman (The Composer Sonia Friedman), 1920
Bildnis Dr. Gr. 1919. Creator: Walter GramattéBildnis Dr. Gr. 1919
Self-Portrait, 1922. Creator: Walter GramattéSelf-Portrait, 1922
Sonia, 1923. Creator: Walter GramattéSonia, 1923
Gloomy Face, Self-portrait (Dunkles Gesicht, Selbstportrat), 1922
Girl with Hand, 1923. Creator: Walter GramattéGirl with Hand, 1923
Bust of a Weary Man, Self-portrait (Ermüdender Kopf, Selbstportrat), 1922Bust of a Weary Man, Self-portrait (Ermudender Kopf, Selbstportrat), 1922
Bust of a Young Man, Self-portrait (Knabenkopf, Selbstportrat), 1922 / 1923Bust of a Young Man, Self-portrait (Knabenkopf, Selbstportrat), 1922/1923
The Couple, Self-Portrait with Wife (Das Paar, Selbstportrat mit Frau), 1922
Smiling Head, Self-portrait (Lachelnder Kopf, Selbstportrat), 1923
Head in Profile, 1923. Creator: Walter GramattéHead in Profile, 1923
The Couple (Das Paar), 1922. Creator: Walter GramattéThe Couple (Das Paar), 1922
Tired Woman, Sonia Gramatte(Müder Madchenkopf, Sonia Gramatte), 1923Tired Woman, Sonia Gramatte (Muder Madchenkopf, Sonia Gramatte), 1923
Tired Soldier I, 1919. Creator: Walter GramattéTired Soldier I, 1919
Barracks (Kaserne), 1916. Creator: Walter GramattéBarracks (Kaserne), 1916
Three People in an Atelier, 1920. Creator: Walter GramattéThree People in an Atelier, 1920
Die Grosse Angst (The Great Anxiety), 1918. Creator: Walter GramattéDie Grosse Angst (The Great Anxiety), 1918
Madchen (Girl), 1921. Creator: Walter GramattéMadchen (Girl), 1921
The Fall into Infinity, 1918. Creator: Walter GramattéThe Fall into Infinity, 1918
Peter with a Gunshot Wound in His Forehead, 1918. Creator: Walter GramattéPeter with a Gunshot Wound in His Forehead, 1918
Scene in the Cafe with the Cripple, 1918. Creator: Walter GramattéScene in the Cafe with the Cripple, 1918
Mit dem Selbstmord Spielen (Playing with Suicide), 1919. Creator: Walter GramattéMit dem Selbstmord Spielen (Playing with Suicide), 1919
Tired Man (Self-Portrait), 1923. Creator: Walter GramattéTired Man (Self-Portrait), 1923
Woman with a Necklace, 1923. Creator: Walter GramattéWoman with a Necklace, 1923
Man in a Room, Self-portrait, 1922-1923. Creator: Walter GramattéMan in a Room, Self-portrait, 1922-1923
Listening, 1920-1921. Creator: Walter GramattéListening, 1920-1921
Man at the Sea, Self-portrait (Mann am Meer, Selbstportrat), 1923
Bird Girl, Sonia Gramatte(Vogelmadchen, Sonia Gramatte), 1922 (?)Bird Girl, Sonia Gramatte (Vogelmadchen, Sonia Gramatte), 1922 (?)
Robert in the Theater, 1918. Creator: Walter GramattéRobert in the Theater, 1918
Qual (Torment), 1920 / 1921. Creator: Walter GramattéQual (Torment), 1920/1921
The Burial (Begrabnis), 1916. Creator: Walter GramattéThe Burial (Begrabnis), 1916