Allegory of the Planets and Continents, 1752. Creator: Giovanni Battista TiepoloAllegory of the Planets and Continents, 1752
Title page: volume IV, The Antiquities of Rome by Giambatista Piranesi, Venetian Architect. Volume 4, containing the ancient bridges, the remains of theaters, of porticoes
Saint Thecla Praying for the Plague-Stricken, 1758-59. Creator: Giovanni Battista TiepoloSaint Thecla Praying for the Plague-Stricken, 1758-59
The Chariot of Aurora, 1760s. Creator: Giovanni Battista TiepoloThe Chariot of Aurora, 1760s
View of the Facade of the Basilica of S. Croce in Gerusalemme [the Holy Cross in Jerusalem], from Vedute di Roma (Roman Views), ca. 1750
Stairways adorned by magnificient architecture... (Gruppo di Scale ornato di magnifica Architettura...), ca. 1750
St. Peter Enthroned with St. John the Baptist and St. Paul, 1515-1516, (1930). CreatorSt. Peter Enthroned with St. John the Baptist and St. Paul, 1515-1516, (1930). Saint Peter, the Catholic Churchs first pope, wearing the papal tiara, and fishermans ring
Portrait of Pope Innocent XI (1611-1689), Second Half of the 17th cen. Creator: Gaulli (Il Baciccio)Portrait of Pope Innocent XI (1611-1689), Second Half of the 17th cen. Found in the Collection of the Castello Odescalchi, Bracciano
Woman and infant satyr in a landscape, the woman twisting to look over her left shoulder, a horned goat striding toward the background, from the series The Capricci, ca. 1740-42
Imaginery ancient temple designed in the style of those built in honor of the Goddess Vesta... (Tempio antico inventato e disegnato alla maniera di quelli che si fabbricavano in onore della Dea)
A scene of necromancy: a woman bearing a vessel, a turbaned man, and a soldier look toward a pedestal upon which a skull and limb bone are burning
Three figures and a snake coiled around a staff, surrounded by a landscape, the central figure rests his left hand on a shield and leans toward a bearded figure holding a book
Plate 3: Ancient mausoleum erected for the ashes of a Roman emperor (Mausoleo antico eretto per le ceneri d un imperadore romano)
Titeplate to series of prints after Poloidoro, title on a shield supported by two putti, 1658
The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saint Sebastian and a Franciscan Saint, 1696-1770
Bartolomeo Bonghi (died 1584), shortly after 1553. Creator: Giovanni Battista MoroniBartolomeo Bonghi (died 1584), shortly after 1553
The Battle of Vercellae, 1725-29. Creator: Giovanni Battista TiepoloThe Battle of Vercellae, 1725-29
Leonora, Wife of Giovanni Battista Cambi, called Bombarda, the Medallist, late 16th century
Armour of Giovanni Battista Bourbon del Monte (1541-1614), Italian, possibly Brescia, ca. 1590
Scene from Ancient History, c. 1750. Creator: Giovanni Battista TiepoloScene from Ancient History, c. 1750
Queen Zenobia Addressing Her Soldiers, 1725 / 1730. Creator: Giovanni Battista TiepoloQueen Zenobia Addressing Her Soldiers, 1725/1730
Study for a Ceiling with the Personification of Counsel, before c. 1762
Madonna of the Goldfinch, c. 1767 / 1770. Creator: Giovanni Battista TiepoloMadonna of the Goldfinch, c. 1767/1770
Wealth and Benefits of the Spanish Monarchy under Charles III, 1762
Bacchus and Ariadne, c. 1743 / 1745. Creator: Giovanni Battista TiepoloBacchus and Ariadne, c. 1743/1745
Apollo Pursuing Daphne, c. 1755 / 1760. Creator: Giovanni Battista TiepoloApollo Pursuing Daphne, c. 1755/1760
Burgonet with Falling Buffe, French, ca. 1550. Creator: UnknownBurgonet with Falling Buffe, French, ca. 1550. Scenes from Greek mythology depicting the Battle of Centaurs and Lapiths. Probably made for Henry II of France
View from the street entering beneath the gateway to the city of Pompeii, with the foot paths and the shops, from Antiquites de Pompeia, tome premier, Antiquites de la Grande Grece
View of the interior of the city of Pompeii, from Antiquites de Pompeia, tome premier, Antiquites de la Grande Grece... (Antiquities of Pompeii, volume one, Antiquities of Great Greece...), volume 1
Ariadne, Cupid and Bacchus, 1788. Creator: Francesco BartolozziAriadne, Cupid and Bacchus, 1788
Acis and Galatea, 1787. Creator: Francesco BartolozziAcis and Galatea, 1787
Christ confounding the doctors, 1750-70. Creator: Andrea ScacciatiChrist confounding the doctors, 1750-70
Vase with Two Winged Figures Draping a Term, 17th century. Creator: Rene BoyvinVase with Two Winged Figures Draping a Term, 17th century
Vase with a River God in an Oval Medallion, 17th century. Creator: Rene BoyvinVase with a River God in an Oval Medallion, 17th century
Vase with Two Winged Satyrs, 17th century. Creator: Rene BoyvinVase with Two Winged Satyrs, 17th century
Portrait of Giovanni Battista Piazzetta, early 18th century
Roman arms, standards, and trophies, a composition divided into two horizontal bands, 1774
A bearded, seated man looks over his right shoulder toward a child and woman bearing a vessel, possibly a variation on a theme of Armida and Adraste from Jerusalem delivered (Gerusalemme liberata)
Man in a turban, depicted in bust length format from behind in three-quarters view, from the series Collection of heads (Raccolta di teste), ca. 1770
Bearded man wearing a turban, depicted in bust length from behind in three-quarters view, from the series Collection of heads (Raccolta di teste), ca. 1770
Three soldiers and a youth lying on his abdomen in a landscape, the soldiers bear armour and a flag, from the series The Capricci, ca. 1740-42
Demonstration panel showing technique for raising travertine and marble blocks for the construction of the tomb of Cecilia Metella, Rome, from the series Le Antichita Romane, 1756
Plate 6: Ruins of an ancient tomb in front of ruins of an ancient aqueduct; above the arches of the latter is the channel which conveyed the water to Rome
Partial elevation and plan of the first-order portico at the Theater of Marcellus (Dimostrazione di una parte de portici del prim ordine del Teatro di Marcello), from Le Antichita Romane, 1756
Elevation and plan of the second-order portico at the Theater of Marcellus (Teatro di Marcello), Rome, from the series Le Antichita Romane, 1756
Section of column base from the Temple of Fortuna Virilis (Tempio della Fortuna Virile), from the series Le Antichita Romane, 1756
Plan and facade of the Temple of Fortuna Virilis (Tempio della Fortuna Virile), from the series Le Antichita Romane, 1756
Profile of the Temple of Fortuna Virilis (Profilo del Tempio della Fortuna Virile), and section of the temple, from the series Le Antichita Romane, 1756
Plate 10: The ancient Capitol ascended by approximately one hundred steps [...] (Campidoglio antico a cui si ascendeva per circa cento gradini [...])
Plate 9: Colonnaded hall according to the custom of the ancient Romans, and niches adorned witn statues (Sala all uso degli antichi Romani con colonne, e nicchie ornate di statue)
Cornice and column from the Temple of Fortuna Virilis (Tempio della Fortuna Virile), from Le Antichita Romane, 1756
Plan of a tomb on the Appian Way in Vigna Buonamici (Pianta di un sepolcro sull antica Via Appia nella Vigna Buonamici), from the series Le Antichita Romane, 1756
Plate 7: Ancient altar on which sacrifices were performed in antiquity, surrounded by other ruins (Ara antica sopra la quale si facevano anticamente i sagrifizi, con altre ruine all intorno)
The Capitol and the steps of S. Maria in Aracoeli (Veduta del Romano Camipidoglio con scalinata che va alla chiesa d Araceli), ca. 1775
The Piazza della Rotonda, with the Pantheon and Obelisk (Veduta della Piazza della Rotonda), ca. 1751
The Arch of Septimius Severus, with the Church of S. Martina on the right (Arco di Settimio Severo), ca. 1759
The Piazza di Spagna (Veduta di Piazza di Spagna), ca. 1750
S. Giovanni in Laterano, main facade, with Palace and Scala Santa on the right (Veduta della Basilica di S. Giovanni Laterano), ca. 1749
The Forum Romanum, or Campo Vaccino, from the Capitol, with the Arch of Septimius in the foreground left, Temple of Vespian right, and the Colosseum in the distance (Veduta di Campo Vaccino), ca. 1775
Bird in shell at the center of the lintel, with a frieze of trophies, surmounted by an overmantel with candelabra and flanked by chairs. (Ch. decoree d une frise de casques et d armures...), 1769 (?)
Hadrians Villa: The Piazza d Oro (Piazza of Gold) (Veduta degli Avanzi della Circonferenza delle antiche Fabbriche di una delle Piazze della Villa Adriana oggidi chiamata Piazza d oro), ca. 1776
A view of part of the intended Bridge at Blackfriars, London, ca. 1764
S. Constanza (erroneously callled Temple of Bacchus) (Veduta interna del Sepolcro di S. Constanza, fabbricato da Costantino Magno, ed erroneamente detto il Tempio di Bacco)
The Temple of Venus and Roma (erroneously called Temple of Sol and Luna) (Veduta degli avanzi di due triclini che appartenevano alla Casa aurea di Nerone), ca. 1759
The smaller harbor, called the Porto di Ripetta (Veduta del Porto di Ripetta), ca. 1753. Built in 1704 by the Italian Baroque architect Alessandro Specchi
The Basilica of Constantine (Veduta degli avanzi della Casa aurea di Nerone, detti volgarmente il Tempio della Pace, ca. 1757
The Theatre of Marcellus (Teatro di Marcello), ca. 1757
The Temple of Vespasian and Titus (Veduta del Tempio di Giove Tonante), ca. 1756. Temple of Jupiter Tonans
The Pyramid of Caius Cestius, with the Porta S. Paolo and adjoining road (Veduta del Sepolcro di Cajo Cestio), ca. 1755
Veduta interna dell Atrio del Portico di Ottavia (Internal View of the Atrium of the Portico of Octavia), in: Vedute di Roma (Views of Rome), 1760
The Fontana dell Aqua Giulia (Vedute dell avanzo del Castello del Aqua Giulia), ca. 1753
Hadrians Villa: The Canopus (Avanzi del Tempio Dio Canopo nella Villa Adriana in Tivoli), ca. 1769
The Temple of Vespian (Veduta del Tempio di giove Tonante), ca. 1756. Temple of Jupiter Tonans
Two churches near Trajans column, S. Maria di Loreto and Santissimo Nome di Maria (Veduta delle due chiesa, l una detta della Madonna di Loreto, l altra del nome di Maria, presso la Colonna Trajana)
Veduta degli avanzi del Castro Pretorio nella Villa Adriana a Tivoli (View of the Remains of the Praetorian Fort [the Poecile], Hadrians Villa, Tivoli), 1770
View of the Palazzo della Consulta on the Quirinal housing the Papal Secreteriat, from Vedute di Roma (Roman Views), ca. 1760-78
Altra V. del Tempio della Sibilla in Tivoli (Another view of the Temple of the Sibyl in Tivoli), 18th century
View showing the remains of a large enclosure of columns... from Differentes vues de quelques Restes de trois grands Edifices qui subsistent encore dans le milieu de l ancienne Ville de Pesto
View of the palace of the illustrious Barberini family on the Quirinal Hill, desi... caView of the palace of the illustrious Barberini family on the Quirinal Hill, designed by Cavaliere Bernini, from Vedute di Roma (Roman Views), ca. 1750-1759
Plan of Rome... from Le AntichitaRomane (Roman Antiquities), ca. 1756Plan of Rome... from Le Antichita Romane (Roman Antiquities), ca. 1756
View of the Piazza di monte Cavallo, from Vedute di Roma (Roman Views), ca. 1773
Avanzi del Tempio detto di Apollo nella Villa Adriana vicino a Tivoli (Hadrians Villa. Remains of the Smaller Palace [Formerly called the Temple of Apollo]), ca. 1768
The so-called Villa of Maecenas at Tivoli. Interior with two figures in the opening of an arch above. (Veduta interna della Villa di Mecenate), ca. 1764
The so-called Grotto of Egeria (Veduta della fonte e delle spelonche d Egeria fuor della Porta Capena), ca. 1766