Il Mulino (The Mill), 1916. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Il Mulino (The Mill), 1916. Private Collection
Theodora, 1914. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Theodora, 1914. Private Collection
Self-portrait, 1923. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Self-portrait, 1923. Private Collection
La suonatrice (Accordion Player), c1909. Creator: Giacometti; Giovanni (1868-1933)La suonatrice (Accordion Player), c1909. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
Mare di Nebbia, 1921. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Mare di Nebbia, 1921. Private Collection
Portrait of Dr. Wilhelm Carl Escher, 1926. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Portrait of Dr. Wilhelm Carl Escher, 1926. Private Collection
The apple tree, 1912. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)The apple tree, 1912. Private Collection
Pioggia primaverile (Spring Rain), 1926. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Pioggia primaverile (Spring Rain), 1926. Private Collection
Mountain Village. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Mountain Village. Private Collection
Hay making, c.1903. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Hay making, c.1903. Private Collection
Eagle with Engadine landscape, 1898. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Eagle with Engadine landscape, 1898. Private Collection
Curtin (Orchard), 1929. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Curtin (Orchard), 1929. Private Collection
Copper still life on a chair, 1932. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Copper still life on a chair, 1932. Private Collection
View of Lake Sils from Capolago, 1927. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)View of Lake Sils from Capolago, 1927. Private Collection
The Mill, 1916. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)The Mill, 1916. Private Collection
Spring Afternoon, 1923-1924. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Spring Afternoon, 1923-1924. Private Collection
Skier, 1899. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Skier, 1899. Private Collection
Spring in Bergell, 1912. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Spring in Bergell, 1912. Private Collection
Self-Portrait, 1899. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Self-Portrait, 1899. Found in the Collection of the Musee d art et d histoire, Genf
View of Capolago, c. 1907. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)View of Capolago, c. 1907. Found in the Collection of the Musee d Orsay, Paris
Panorama of Flims. Triptych, left panel, 1904. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Panorama of Flims. Triptych, left panel, 1904. Found in the Collection of Fondation Saner, Studen
Panorama of Flims. Triptych, right panel, 1904. Creator: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Panorama of Flims. Triptych, right panel, 1904. Found in the Collection of Fondation Saner, Studen
Panorama of Flims. Triptych, central panel, 1904. Found in the Collection of Fondation Saner, Studen
Self-Portrait, c1913. Found in the Collection of Kunsthaus Zü rich
House and way in Capolago, 1921. Private Collection
Panorama of Flims, 1904. Found in the Collection of Fondation Saner, Studen
Winter Evening, 1905-1906. Found in the Collection of Stiftung fur Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Winterthur
Winter Fog (Winter in Maloja). Artist: Giacometti, Giovanni (1868-1933)Winter Fog (Winter in Maloja). Found in the collection of Kunsthaus Zurich
Capolago in Winter with a View of Piz Lagrev, 1928. From a private collection
Winter Sun in Maloja, 1926. Found in the Collection of Stiftung fur Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Winterthur