Mezzogiorno sulle Alpi (Noon in the Alps), 1891. Found in the Collection of Segantini Museum, St. Moritz
Goddess of Love (Angel of love). Found in the Collection of Galleria d arte moderna, Milano
L ultima fatica del giorno (The Last Task of the Day), 1884. Creator: Segantini, GiovanniL ultima fatica del giorno (The Last Task of the Day), 1884. Found in the Collection of Szepmuveszeti Muzeum, Budapest
Le due madri (The two mothers), 1884-1886. Creator: Segantini, Giovanni (1858-1899)Le due madri (The two mothers), 1884-1886. Found in the Collection of The Mesdag Collection, The Hague
Pascoli di primavera (Spring Pastures), 1896. Creator: Segantini, Giovanni (1858-1899)Pascoli di primavera (Spring Pastures), 1896. Found in the Collection of Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan
On the balcony, 1892. Creator: Segantini, Giovanni (1858-1899)On the balcony, 1892. Found in the Collection of Gottfried Keller-Stiftung
La raccolta dei bozzoli (Collecting the cocoons), 1882-1883. Creator: Segantini, GiovanniLa raccolta dei bozzoli (Collecting the cocoons), 1882-1883. Found in the Collection of Gallerie di Piazza Scala, Milano
Le due madri (The two mothers), 1889. Creator: Segantini, Giovanni (1858-1899)Le due madri (The two mothers), 1889. Found in the Collection of Galleria d arte moderna, Milano
Rose petal. Private Collection
La falconiera, c. 1875. Found in the Collection of Musei Civici, Pavia
The Bad Mothers (Le cattive madri), 1894. Found in the Collection of O sterreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna
Love at the Source of Life (L amore alla fonte della vita). Found in the Collection of Galleria d arte moderna, Milano
The angel of life. Found in the Collection of Galleria d arte moderna, Milano
May in the Alps. Private Collection
The hay harvest. Found in the Collection of Pinacoteca Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Tortona
High Noon in the Alps, 1892. Found in the collection of Ohara Museum of Art, Kurashiki
Vanity (The Source of Evil). Artist: Segantini, Giovanni (1858-1899)Vanity (The Source of Evil). Found in the collection of Kunsthaus Zurich
The Angel of Life. Artist: Segantini, Giovanni (1858-1899)The Angel of Life. Found in the collection of Szepmuveszeti Muzeum, Budapest
Vanity (La Vanita), 1897. Artist: Segantini, Giovanni (1858-1899)Vanity (La Vanita), 1897. Found in the collection of the Kunsthaus Zurich
Bagpipers of Brianza, c. 1883-1885. Artist: Segantini, Giovanni (1858-1899)Bagpipers of Brianza, c. 1883-1885. Found in the collection of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
The Sheepshearing, 1883-1884. Artist: Segantini, Giovanni (1858-1899)The Sheepshearing, 1883-1884. Found in the collection of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
Rocky landscape, 1898-1899. Found in the Collection of Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau
Study for The Life, 1897. Private Collection
Springtime in the Alps (The Allegory of Spring), 1897. Private Collection
Riposo all ombra (Rest in the Shade), 1892. Private Collection
Ritorno dal bosco (Return From The Forest), 1890. Found in the Collection of Segantini Museum, St. Moritz
Costume grigionese (Grisons Costume), 1887. Found in the Collection of Segantini Museum, St. Moritz
Vacche aggiogate (Cows at the Watering Place), 1888. Found in the Collection of Art Museum Basel
Ave Maria a trasbordo (Ave Maria at the Crossing), 1886. Found in the Collection of Segantini Museum, St. Moritz