A Young Man Meeting an Older Bearded Man; Barlaam und Josaphat, 1469. Illustration from "Barlaam und Josaphat", a romance in verse, by Rudolf von Ems
Cheering popular members of the National Assembly in the streets at Bordeaux, 1871. Franco-Prussian War
Politicians discussing affairs on the Boulevard Montmartre, Paris, 1871. Creator: UnknownPoliticians discussing affairs on the Boulevard Montmartre, Paris, 1871
Samuel Johnson, 1770. Creator: James WatsonSamuel Johnson, 1770
Nude Soldiers Gesticulating with Their Weapons (recto); Two Drapery Studies for the Figure of Tatius (verso), 1796/97
Conversation between Mutes (Gespraech zwischen Stummen), 1907. Creator: Moritz JungConversation between Mutes (Gespraech zwischen Stummen), 1907
Election fair, Copenhagen Fields, London, 1795. Artist: James GillrayElection fair, Copenhagen Fields, London, 1795. I tell you, citizens, we mean to new-dress the Constitution and turn it, and set a new nap on it Shakespeare
The Female Orators, 1768. Artist: RennoldsonThe Female Orators, 1768. Two women are having an argument while a dog and a small boy steal from their baskets of market wares
Idomeneus attempts to destroy himself for having sacrificed his only Son to accomplish a rash Vow, 1775. A plate from The Copper-Plate Magazine or A Monthly Treasure, London, 1775
Telemachus, in the Desert of Oasis, is consoled by Termosiris a Priest of Apollo, 1774. A plate from The Copper-Plate Magazine or A Monthly Treasure, London, 1774
Telemachus, by Order of Astarbe, avoids the pursuits of Pygmalion, 1775. Artist: T CookTelemachus, by Order of Astarbe, avoids the pursuits of Pygmalion, 1775. A plate from The Copper-Plate Magazine or A Monthly Treasure, London, 1775
The Transformation of Arachne into a Spider, 1775. Artist: W WalkerThe Transformation of Arachne into a Spider, 1775. A plate from The Copper-Plate Magazine or A Monthly Treasure, London, 1775
Telemachus gains Information of the commerce of Tyre, 1775. Artist: W WalkerTelemachus gains Information of the commerce of Tyre, 1775. A plate from The Copper-Plate Magazine or A Monthly Treasure, London, 1775
Telemachus entreats Hazael to receive him as a Slave with Mentor, 1775. Artist: W WalkerTelemachus entreats Hazael to receive him as a Slave with Mentor, 1775. A plate from The Copper-Plate Magazine or A Monthly Treasure, London, 1775
Telemachus explains the questions of Minos, 1776. Artist: W WalkerTelemachus explains the questions of Minos, 1776. A plate from The Copper-Plate Magazine or A Monthly Treasure, London, 1776
Thisbe takes the Sword already reeking with the blood of Pyramus, plunges it into her own Breast, 1775. A plate from The Copper-Plate Magazine or A Monthly Treasure, London, 1775
Telemachus accompanied by Mentor, relates his Adventures to Calypso, 1774. A plate from The Copper-Plate Magazine or A Monthly Treasure, London, 1774
The Transformation of Galanthis into a Weasel, 1777. Artist: W WalkerThe Transformation of Galanthis into a Weasel, 1777. A plate from The Copper-Plate Magazine or A Monthly Treasure, London, 1777
The Judgement of Solomon, 1649. Artist: Nicolas PoussinThe Judgement of Solomon, 1649. From the collection of the Louvre, Paris, France
Charles Dickens addressing a meeting, London, 1856. British author Charles Dickens speaking at The Dulwich College Charity Meeting at the Adelphi Theatre
Charles Dickens giving an after-dinner speech, c1860s. Dickens (1812-1870) began his career as a journalist before becoming one of the greatest English novelists