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German School 17th Century Collection

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Red Carnation and Lavender, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Red Carnation and Lavender, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Caryophyllus maximus plenus flore rubro II Lavendula flore albo III Lavendula flore coeruleo. Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: African Marigold and French Marigolds, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)

African Marigold and French Marigolds, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)
I Caryophyllus Indicus flore multiplici luteo pleno maior; II Caryophyllus indicus flore luteo simplici minor; III Caryophyllus indicus floreauros simplici minor; Besler was an apothecary in

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Thorn Apple, Germander and Purple Toadflax, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Thorn Apple, Germander and Purple Toadflax, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Datura Turcarum; II Polium folys & facie Lavendulae; III Linaria purpureo vislacea elatior; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens at the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Autumn Snowflake and Meadow Saffrons, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)

Autumn Snowflake and Meadow Saffrons, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)
I Leucoium bulbosum Autumnale tenuifolium; II Colchicum vulgare plyanthos; III Colchicum bitlorum; IIII Colchicum vulgare album; V Colchicum vulgare purpura scente flore; Besler was an apothecary in

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Colutea Tree and Cytisus Varieties, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Colutea Tree and Cytisus Varieties, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Colutea Vesicaria; II Cytisus Caleni Maranth cornutus; III Cytisus primus Tabernam spicatus; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Horseweed / Butterweed / Fleabane and European Michaelmas Daisies, from Hortus Eystettensis

Horseweed / Butterweed / Fleabane and European Michaelmas Daisies, from Hortus Eystettensis
I Conyzamedia; II Aster atticus minor flore coeruleo; III Aster atticus maior flore coeruleo; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens at the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Marsh Marigold, March Violet and Spring Gentian, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Marsh Marigold, March Violet and Spring Gentian, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Caltha palustris flore multiplici; II Viola martia canina; III Gentianella minima verna flore coeruleo; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Hippoglossum, Cowslip and Sanicle / Snakeroot, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Hippoglossum, Cowslip and Sanicle / Snakeroot, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Hippoglossum; II Primula veris anglicana flore pleno; III Sanicula montana altera; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens at the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Varieties of Tulip, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Varieties of Tulip, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Tulipani uci coloris oris rubeo purpurascen; II Tulipa florib y flexis inferni miniatis exterius berbaceis margine excinnabari ru; III Tulipa florib ex fulpburco colore pallescentibus lituris

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Madonna Lily and Bulb, Red Martagon of Constantinople, from Hortus Eystettensis

Madonna Lily and Bulb, Red Martagon of Constantinople, from Hortus Eystettensis
I Lilium Album; II Lilium Byzantium flore multiplici; III Scapus Lily; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens at the Prince Bishop near Eichstat

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Orange Lily with Bulbils and Bulbs, Late-Blooming Blackstoria, from Hortus Eystettensis

Orange Lily with Bulbils and Bulbs, Late-Blooming Blackstoria, from Hortus Eystettensis
I Lilium Cruentum Bulbiferum; III Centaurium flore luteo; II Scapuscum radice; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens at the Prince Bishop near Eichstat

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Sultan Zambach Lily and Bulb, Veronica, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)

Sultan Zambach Lily and Bulb, Veronica, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)
I Sultan Zambach Martagon Constantinopolitanum flore albo; II Veronica recta coerulea; III Bulbus Zambachcum inferisi pantecaulis; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Snakes Head Fritillary, Wild Garlic and Tulip, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Snakes Head Fritillary, Wild Garlic and Tulip, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Fritillaria iuncifolijs; II Allium ursinum; III Tulipa viridis coloris; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens at the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Judas Tree, May Lily, Moonwort, Liverwort, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Judas Tree, May Lily, Moonwort, Liverwort, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Arbor Iudae (Cercis siliquastrum); II Unifolium (Maianthemum bifolium); III Lunaria Botrytis IIII Hepatica Palustris. Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Four variets of Dog Rose, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Four variets of Dog Rose, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Rosa sylvestris odorata incarnato flore; II Rosa Sylvestris flore rubro; III Rosa milesiarubra flore simpli (Rosa Gallica); IV Rosa eglenteria (Rosa Rubiginosa)

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Three Varieties of Buttercup, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Three Varieties of Buttercup, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Ranunculus Hortensis erectus flore simplici luteo [Bulbous buttercup]; II Ranunculus Montanus maior flore luteo [Common buttercup]; III Ranunculus erectus minimus flore pleno luteo prolifero

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Aquilegia, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub. 1613

Aquilegia, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub. 1613
I Aquilegia stellata flore albo minutillimis nigris punctis ornata; II Aquilegia coerulea inverso flore; III Aquilegia flore albo simplici; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Grape Hyacinths, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub. 1613

Grape Hyacinths, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub. 1613
I Hyacinthus Botryoides maior; II Muscari flore obsoleto albo; III Muscari flore obsoleto nigro; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Bindweed, Dogs Bane and Sea Bindweed, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)

Bindweed, Dogs Bane and Sea Bindweed, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)
I Convoluulus maior flore albo (wild morning glory Calystegiasepium); II Scammonca Monspelliens (Cynachum acutum); III Soldanella Marina (Calystegia soldanella)

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Double Flowered Apple, German Catch-Fly and a Bellflower, from Hortus Eystettensis

Double Flowered Apple, German Catch-Fly and a Bellflower, from Hortus Eystettensis
I Poma flore multiplici; II Lychnis viscosa sylvestis flore incarnato; III Rapunculus Sylvestius maior (Campanula patula); Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Spiny Bears Breech and Forget-Me-Nots, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)

Spiny Bears Breech and Forget-Me-Nots, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)
I Acanthus Spinosus; Model for the decoration on the top of classical columns, Corinthian Order in Roman and Baroque architecture; II Scorpisides Mairtertia Dodonei; III Scorpisides Maitertia Dodonei

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Narcissus, Tulip and Summer Snowflake, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)

Narcissus, Tulip and Summer Snowflake, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)
I Narcissus iuncifolius polyanthos albus; II Lilio Narcissus Bononiensis; III Leucojum Bulbosum minus; I Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Late Hyacinth and Star-Of-Bethlehem, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Late Hyacinth and Star-Of-Bethlehem, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Hyacinthus Serotinus obsoleto colore; II Ornithogalum lactum maximum; III Ornithogalum Spicatum maximum; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Harebell and Convovulus, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Harebell and Convovulus, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Campanula minor syluestris flore coeruleo; II Convolvulus Indicus flore violaceo; III Nil Arabiom Camerary; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Dittany, White Helleborine and Yellow Day Lily, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Dittany, White Helleborine and Yellow Day Lily, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Fraxinella; emits a vapour cloud on hot days which can be ignited, also called burning bush; II Epipactis angustifolius; III Asphodelus Liliaceus; I Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Various Narcissi, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Various Narcissi, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Narcissus albus maximus calice luteo brevi; II Narcissus albus medius calice luteo brevi; III Narcissus stotus luteus oblongo calice & reflexis folys; IV Pseudo Narcissus minimus Tuncifolius

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Persian Lily and Irises, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Persian Lily and Irises, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Lilium Persicum: Persian Lily actually a fritillary - related to Crown Imperial; II Iris tuberosa; III Chamairis angustis folys minor; IV Bulbus lily persici; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Creeping Bugle, Spring Vetch and Red Campion, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Creeping Bugle, Spring Vetch and Red Campion, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Consolida media (Ajuga repens); II Orobus Pannonicus (Lathyrus vernus); III Lychnis Sylvestris (Silene dioica); Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Musk Mallow, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub. 1613

Musk Mallow, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub. 1613
I Alcea vulgaris; II Alcea Fuiticans; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Mullein, genus Verbascum, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Mullein, genus Verbascum, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Blattaria flore albo; II Blattaria flore luteo; III Blattaria Pliny verbascum nigrum; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Dames Violet and a Field Iris, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Dames Violet and a Field Iris, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Iris pratensis maior; II Viola matronalis flore albo; III Viola matronalis flore purpunto; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Jamaica Sorrel, Bellflower and Prickly Saltwort, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Jamaica Sorrel, Bellflower and Prickly Saltwort, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Sabdariffa; II Campanula folys serratis coerulea; III Kali Minus; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Red-Yellow Day Lily and Groundsel, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Red-Yellow Day Lily and Groundsel, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Lilium fatuum; Grows over 1 metre tall; II Dorea Narbonensuim; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Chili Pepper [Nightshade Family], from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Chili Pepper [Nightshade Family], from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Piper Indicum rotun dum maximum; II Piper minimum Siliguis rotundis; Brought from the Americas by mid C16th but only then as an ornamental plan

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Fire Lily and Viola, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Fire Lily and Viola, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Lilium cruentum flore pleno; One of the lilies which produces bulbils in its leaf axils, its a hybridized form from the original alpine wild flower; II Viola erecta flore coeruleo; III Viola erecta

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Varieties of Larkspur, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Varieties of Larkspur, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Consolida regalis simplici flore rubro; II Consolida regalis flore plonara; III Consolida regalis flore plenor; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Turks Cap Lily, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Turks Cap Lily, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
Llium Montanum maximum polyanthos variegatum; Bred to grow especially tall and heavily flowered at Eichstatt; Found in the wild in Germany from 16thC; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Canterbury Bells, and Corn Cockles, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Canterbury Bells, and Corn Cockles, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Medium flore purpurea; II Pseudomelantoium flore rubescente; III Pseudo melantbium flore albo; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Scarlet Turks Cap Lily and Scilla Autumnalis, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Scarlet Turks Cap Lily and Scilla Autumnalis, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Hemerocallis Calcedonica polyanthos; II Scapuscum bulbo; III Hyacinthus stellatus autumnalis angustifolijs maior; I & II Lilium Martagon

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Turks Cap Lily and Enchanters Nightshade, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Turks Cap Lily and Enchanters Nightshade, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Circea; II Lilium montanum maius album punctatum; III Lilium Montanum minus album non punctatum; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Turks Cap Lily and Dianthus, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Turks Cap Lily and Dianthus, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Martagon Imperiale Moschatum; In 1612 this plant bore 210 flowers on its flowerhead; II Caryopoyllus minor sylvestus flore simplici; III Caryopaillus minor sylvestus flore pleno; Besler was an

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Snapdragons or Antirrhinums, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Snapdragons or Antirrhinums, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Antirrhinum flore albo; II Antirrbinum flore rubro; III Antirribinum Sylvestre; wild variety, is probably Antirrhinum orontium, the calfs snout or small snapdragon

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Hardy Geraniums, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub. 1613

Hardy Geraniums, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub. 1613
I Geranium moscatum odoratum; II Geranium Fuscum; III Geranium Saxatile; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Guaiacum and Chinese Privet, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Guaiacum and Chinese Privet, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Guaiacana; Guaiacum used against syphilis, gout and rheumatism - but is in fact an Asian Ebenaceae aka Date Plum: II Ligustrum; Poisonous berries once used for blue

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Asphodel, Burnt Orchid and Fumaria Spicata, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Asphodel, Burnt Orchid and Fumaria Spicata, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Asphodelus maior albus; II Cinosorchis flore purpureo, now rare; so named as the bud is black before flowers; III Fumarra rubea tenuifolia - fumaria spicata differs from other German species of

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Italian Cypress and Spanish Broom, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Italian Cypress and Spanish Broom, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Cupressus arbor; Italian cypress originally from Asia, brought by the Phoenicians and now considered native to Italy; II Spartium Hispanicum; usually more bare-stemmed than shown here; plant which

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Oxe Eye Daisy and Crown Daisy, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Oxe Eye Daisy and Crown Daisy, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Bellis maior, now Leucanthemum; II Chrysanthaemum Creticum luteum; III Chrysanthemum Creticum mixtum, now classified as Glebionis coronaria; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Bloody Cranesbill and Bigroot Cranesbill, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)

Bloody Cranesbill and Bigroot Cranesbill, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)
I Geranium anglicanum variegatum; II Geranium sanguinaeium maius; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens at the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Snowball Viburnum, Garden Broom, Low-growing Alpine Broom, from Hortus Eystettensis

Snowball Viburnum, Garden Broom, Low-growing Alpine Broom, from Hortus Eystettensis
I Sambucus arborrosea; II Trifolium arborescens; III Cytisus V. Clusy; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens at the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: French Honeysuckle, Common Sainfoin and Feather Geranium / Jerusalem Oak, from Hortus

French Honeysuckle, Common Sainfoin and Feather Geranium / Jerusalem Oak, from Hortus
I Hedysarum Clypeatum flore suauiter rubente; II Onobychris dodon flore rubro; III Botrys; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens at the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: i. Carnation, Dianthius, ii. Arnica & iii. Round Leaved Sundew from Hortus Eystettensis

i. Carnation, Dianthius, ii. Arnica & iii. Round Leaved Sundew from Hortus Eystettensis
Arnica is used to treat sprains, bruises etc.; Sundew is used to treat coughs; First used in 12th Century by an Italian Doctor Matthaeus Platearius; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Three Types of Clematis, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Three Types of Clematis, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Clematis coerulea Pannonica; II Clematis peregrina incarnata simplici flore; III Clematis peregrina purpurea simplici flore; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: The Marvel of Peru and Two Varieties of Gentian, from Hortus Eystettensis

The Marvel of Peru and Two Varieties of Gentian, from Hortus Eystettensis
I Iasminum Indicum flore rubro & variegato; II Gentionella Autumnalis foliis Centaury minoris flore coeruleo; III Gentionella multiflora Autumnalise coeruleo purpurascens; Besler was an apothecary in

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Variegated Dwarf Bearded Iris, Mauve Dwarf Bearded Iris, Cream Coloured Dward Bearded Iris

Variegated Dwarf Bearded Iris, Mauve Dwarf Bearded Iris, Cream Coloured Dward Bearded Iris
i.Chamaeiris Latifolia; ii.Chamaeiris Latifolia; iii Chamaeiris Latifolia Minima; iv Chamaeiris Latifolia Biflora; Iris is greek for rainbow plant, is a symbol of nobility representing the sceptre

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Four varieties of rhizomatous irises, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Four varieties of rhizomatous irises, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Chameiris flore argenteo; II Chameiris coeruleo & vio laceo colori; III Chameiris flore candido; IV Chameiris flavo & purpurascene flore; Iris is Greek for rainbow; plant is also a symbol of

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Cuckoo Pint, Spring Meadow Saffron, Star Hyacinth, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Cuckoo Pint, Spring Meadow Saffron, Star Hyacinth, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Arum; II Arum lalifolium; III Colcbicum vernium flo pleno purpureum; IIII Hyacintbus Stellalus flore coeruleo; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Star of Bethlehem, with Blue Flowered Sheeps Bit and Dyers Greenwood, from Hortus

Star of Bethlehem, with Blue Flowered Sheeps Bit and Dyers Greenwood, from Hortus
I Ornithogalum Arabicum; II Scabiosa Sylvestris Minor Carulea; III Cenistella Tinctorum; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Paeonies and Borage, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Paeonies and Borage, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Paeonia Bizanthina Maior; II Paeonia Bizanthina Minor; III Paeonia Pumilis; IIII Borago flore albo; V Borago flore coeruleo; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Three Types of Balm, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Three Types of Balm, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Moluca odorata spinosa; II Melisa Officinarum; III Melisa Moldavica flore coeruleo; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Yellow Turkscap Lily with bulb and Dwarf Blue-Eyed Grass, , from Hortus Eystettensis

Yellow Turkscap Lily with bulb and Dwarf Blue-Eyed Grass, , from Hortus Eystettensis
I Sisyrinchium minus; II Lilium montanum flore luteo nsu punctatum; III Lilium montanum flore luteo punctatum; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Sea Lavender, Swine Cress, Calamint, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Sea Lavender, Swine Cress, Calamint, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Limonium Syriacum; II Calamenta Lingustifolys; III Coronopus; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Spearmint, Roman Nettle and Long-Leaved Horsemint, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Spearmint, Roman Nettle and Long-Leaved Horsemint, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Mentha Crispa; II Urtica Romana; III Pulegium aquaticum spicatum; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Carnation, Cat Thyme and Common Lavender Cotton, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Carnation, Cat Thyme and Common Lavender Cotton, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Caryophyll, plenuslaete rubescens instar florum perfici mali; II Marum peregrinum; III Abrotanum foemina sive chamaecy parissus; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Poppies, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629) pub. 1613

Poppies, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629) pub. 1613
1.Papaver flore multiplici incarnato; 2.Papaver flore multiplici purpurascente; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Pyramidal Campanula, Muscipulas, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Pyramidal Campanula, Muscipulas, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Pyramidalis Lutetiana; II Muscipula flore albo; III Muscipula flore vibro; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens at the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Christmas Rose and Snowdrop Variations, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)

Christmas Rose and Snowdrop Variations, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)
I Helleborus niger legi timus; II Leucoiumbulborum triphyl Maius Byzantinum; III Leucoium bulborum triphijli Minus; IIII Leucoium bolborum nexaphyll Maius; V Leucoium bolborum hexaphyllon Minus;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Castor Oil Plant, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629) pub. 1613

Castor Oil Plant, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629) pub. 1613
Ricinis: Used widely for medicinal purposes. Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Holy Basil, and Two Further Varieties of Basil, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Holy Basil, and Two Further Varieties of Basil, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Ocimum latifolium magnum; II Ocimum crispum viride; III Ocimum minimum caris phyllatum; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens at the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Velvetleaf and Sweet Peas, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Velvetleaf and Sweet Peas, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Abutilon Avicennae; II Lathyrus peregrinus svavitei erubescen;s III Lathyrus peregrinus e coeruleo purpurascente flore; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Crown Imperial called Fritillaria, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629) pub

Crown Imperial called Fritillaria, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629) pub
Corona Imperialis; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Barbados Aloe, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629) pub. 1613

Barbados Aloe, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629) pub. 1613
Aloe hepatica; Sap is used medicinally especially for de-tox purposes; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Hyacinths and an Autumn Crocus, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Hyacinths and an Autumn Crocus, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Hyacinthus Orientalis violacco colore albislineis; II Hyacinthus Orientalis flore duplici; III Hyacinthus Orientalis reflexis floys

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Canterbury Bells, White Bladder Campion, Nottingham Catchfly, from Hortus Eystettensis

Canterbury Bells, White Bladder Campion, Nottingham Catchfly, from Hortus Eystettensis
I Medium flore argenteo; II Lychnis sylvestris; III Lynchnis sylvestris flore albo;. Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Stinking Hellebore, and Two Kinds of Crocus, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Stinking Hellebore, and Two Kinds of Crocus, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Helleboraster maximus; II Crscusvernus polyantsos varie gatris; III Crscusvernus polyantsos albus; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Three varieties of rhizomatous bearded irises, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Three varieties of rhizomatous bearded irises, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
i. Iris Latifolia violaceo co lore maior; ii.Iris Latifolia vulgaris coerule; iii Iris Latifolia maior va riegata; Iris is greek for rainbow plant, is a symbol of nobility representing the sceptre

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Paeony, Hedge Hyssop and Sheeps Sorrel, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)

Paeony, Hedge Hyssop and Sheeps Sorrel, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629)
I Poenia rubra flore simplici; II Gratisla flore albo et Gratia Dei; III Alcetosa Vesicaria peregrina; Hedge Hyssop once used as a strong emetic and purgative

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Three varieties of rhizomatous beardless irises, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Three varieties of rhizomatous beardless irises, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
i. Iris Calcedonica Latifolia; ii.Iris Florontina; iii Iris Illyrica; Iris is greek for rainbow plant; is a symbol of nobility representing the sceptre; The French royal fleur de lys is an iris;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Horsemint and Spearmint, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Horsemint and Spearmint, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Mentastrum niveum Angli cum; II Mentastrum sylvestre; III Balsamita officinarum; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Basil, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Basil, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Basilicum Indicum maculatum; II Basilicum Medium; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens at the Prince Bishop near Eichstat

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Two Mallow Varieties, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Two Mallow Varieties, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Althaea Vulgaris; II Althaea Fruticans Hispanica; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Stinking Iris, Orlaya, and Crosswort Gentian, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

Stinking Iris, Orlaya, and Crosswort Gentian, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Spatula foetida; II Caucalis Dodonei; III Cruciata - plants with this cross shape were credited with many healing properties; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Variations of Geranium, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Variations of Geranium, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Geranium muscatum inodorum; II Geranium Batrachioides caerul; III Geranium Batrachioides flore albo; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: White Cedar, A Self-Heal and Yellow Bugle, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler

White Cedar, A Self-Heal and Yellow Bugle, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler
I Arbos Uitae: II Prunella Officinarum (Prunella vulgaris): III Chamepitis Maior; Besler was an apothecary in Nuremberg and was in charge of the gardens of the Prince Bishop near Eichstat;

Background imageGerman School 17th Century Collection: Varieties of Hyacinth with Bulb, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub

Varieties of Hyacinth with Bulb, from Hortus Eystettensis, by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub
I Hyacinthus candidissimus pleno flore; II Hyacinthus orientalis senotinus erectis candidis floribus; III Hyacinthus orientalis serotinus erectiset coeruleis floribus; IV Hyacinthus orientalis flore

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