The Adoration of the Magi, 1640. Creator: Miradori, Luigi (around 1600/10-um 1656)The Adoration of the Magi, 1640. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale, Parma
The calling of Saints Peter and Andrew. Creator: Strozzi, Bernardo (1581-1644)The calling of Saints Peter and Andrew. Private Collection
Self-portrait. Creator: Magnasco, Alessandro (1667-1749)Self-portrait. Private Collection
Heracles and Antaeus, c.1690. Creator: De Ferrari, Gregorio (1647-1726)Heracles and Antaeus, c.1690. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Hercules and the Lernaean serpent, c.1690. Creator: De Ferrari, Gregorio (1647-1726)Hercules and the Lernaean serpent, c.1690. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Jael and Sisera, c.1695. Creator: Guidobono, Bartolomeo (1654-1709)Jael and Sisera, c.1695. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Mercury and Argus, c.1710. Creator: De Ferrari, Gregorio (1647-1726)Mercury and Argus, c.1710. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Heracles with the Cretan bull, c.1690. Creator: De Ferrari, Gregorio (1647-1726)Heracles with the Cretan bull, c.1690. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Perseus and Andromeda, c.1710. Creator: De Ferrari, Lorenzo (1680-1744)Perseus and Andromeda, c.1710. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Heracles is welcomed to Olympus, c.1690. Creator: De Ferrari, Gregorio (1647-1726)Heracles is welcomed to Olympus, c.1690. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Allegory of justice and strength, Second half of the 17th century. Creator: Piola, Domenico (1627-1703)Allegory of justice and strength, Second half of the 17th century. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Mary's engagement to Joseph, 1645-1650. Creator: Castello, Valerio (1624-1659)Mary's engagement to Joseph, 1645-1650. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Abraham on the way to Canaan. Creator: Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto (1610-1665)Abraham on the way to Canaan. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Pan and Syrinx, c.1710. Creator: De Ferrari, Gregorio (1647-1726)Pan and Syrinx, c.1710. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
The Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus. Creator: Magnasco, Alessandro (1667-1749)The Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Saint Francis of Assisi in prayer, Second half of the 16th century. Creator: Strozzi, Bernardo (1581-1644)Saint Francis of Assisi in prayer, Second half of the 16th century. Found in the Collection of the Museo dei Cappuccini, Milano
Mother of Sorrows, c.1610. Creator: Strozzi, Bernardo (1581-1644)Mother of Sorrows, c.1610. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Joash is saved from Athaliah's wrath, First half of the 17th century. Creator: Assereto, Gioacchino (1600-1649)Joash is saved from Athaliah's wrath, First half of the 17th century. Private Collection
The refectory of the Franciscan brothers, c.1735. Creator: Magnasco, Alessandro (1667-1749)The refectory of the Franciscan brothers, c.1735. Found in the Collection of the Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa
Standing Warrior, c.1600. Creator: UnknownStanding Warrior, c.1600
The Triumph of Amphitrite, ca. 1550-1580. Creator: Luca CambiasoThe Triumph of Amphitrite, ca. 1550-1580