Man and woman in the garden, about 1865. Creator: London Stereoscopic & Photographic CoMan and woman in the garden, about 1865
Baxendales, 1920. Creator: UnknownBaxendales, 1920. Baxendales From " The Ideal Home - April 1920". [London, 1920]
Boy in the gardens of the National Cash Register Company, Dayton, Ohio, between 1896 and 1942
The Gallant Gardener, c. 1711-1712. Creator: Jean-Antoine WatteauThe Gallant Gardener, c. 1711-1712
Reproduction of illustrations showing fortunate and unhappy husbands, between 1915 and 1925. Photograph of illustration in "Fruit recorder and cottage gardener", Vol. 7, No. 2 (Feb)
Peasants Going to Work, 1863. Creator: Jean Francois MilletPeasants Going to Work, 1863
Trimming Shears, 1935/1942. Creator: Harold BallerdTrimming Shears, 1935/1942
Packing garden forks for dispatch, Brades Tools, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, 1966
Packing turf cutters, Everlast Garden Tools, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, 1965. ArtistPacking turf cutters, Everlast Garden Tools, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, 1965
Beating hot garden forks, Ward & Payne Ltd, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, 1965. Red hot garden forks are beaten into shape on an anvil before being finished
Garden tool production, Brades Tools, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, 1966
A Gendun Turf Slide, c1903. Artist: Robert John WelchA Gendun Turf Slide, c1903. From Penroses Pictorial Annual 1903-4, edited by William Gamble. [A. W. Penrose & Co. London, 1903-4]