The Principal Idols of the Saxons, worship d in Britain, late 16th-early 17th century? CreatorThe Principal Idols of the Saxons, worship d in Britain, late 16th-early 17th century? Depiction of Saxon deities or Germanic gods which gave their names to the days of the week
Freitag - Wiesenplan vor Aigen bey Salzburg (Meadow before Aigen near Salzburg), 1823. Creator: Ferdinand OlivierFreitag - Wiesenplan vor Aigen bey Salzburg (Meadow before Aigen near Salzburg), 1823
Friday: Meadow before Aigen Near Salzburg, 1823. Creator: Ferdinand OlivierFriday: Meadow before Aigen Near Salzburg, 1823
Freya (Frigg) goddess of love in Scandinavian mythology, driving her chariot pulled by catsFreya (Frigg) goddess of love in Scandinavian mythology, wife of Wotan (Odin), driving her chariot pulled by cats. Friday is named for her
Interior view of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul during Friday prayers
Friday prayers, Jama Masjid, Delhi, India, early 20th century. The Jama Masjid is one of the largest and most important mosques in India. Commissioned by Shah Jahan, it was completed in 1656
Friday, 1883, (1912). Artist: Walter Dendy SadlerFriday, 1883, (1912). A colour print from Famous Paintings, with an Introduction by Gilbert Chesterton, Cassell and Company, (London, New York, Toronto, 1912)