Sleeping Peasant and Standing Spinner, 1763. Creator: Francesco LondonioSleeping Peasant and Standing Spinner, 1763
Seated Shepherd Boy and Woman Giving a Drink to a Child, 1759 / 1782Seated Shepherd Boy and Woman Giving a Drink to a Child, 1759/1782
Sleeping Shepherd Boy and Woman with a Child, 1759 / 1782. Creator: Francesco LondonioSleeping Shepherd Boy and Woman with a Child, 1759/1782
Seated Shepherdess, 1762. Creator: Francesco LondonioSeated Shepherdess, 1762
Seated Peasant Woman with Sleeping Child, 1758 / 1759. Creator: Francesco LondonioSeated Peasant Woman with Sleeping Child, 1758/1759
Shepherd in Repose near a Pack Horse, c. 1762. Creator: Francesco LondonioShepherd in Repose near a Pack Horse, c. 1762
Study of Heads: Three Goats, an Ox, and a Ram, published c. 1783
Horse, Ram, Goat with Kid; In the Distance a Shepherd with Flock, 1759
Seated Shepherdess, a Ram, a Sheep and a Goat, 1759. Creator: Francesco LondonioSeated Shepherdess, a Ram, a Sheep and a Goat, 1759
Standing Cow and a Shepherd Boy with Flock, 1760s. Creator: Francesco LondonioStanding Cow and a Shepherd Boy with Flock, 1760s
Seated Shepherd with a Bull and Bullock, 1763. Creator: Francesco LondonioSeated Shepherd with a Bull and Bullock, 1763
Woman, Shepherd Boys, and Sheep near an Arch, 1759 / 1782. Creator: Francesco LondonioWoman, Shepherd Boys, and Sheep near an Arch, 1759/1782
Standing Ox, Two Sheep, and a Goat, c. 1762. Creator: Francesco LondonioStanding Ox, Two Sheep, and a Goat, c. 1762
Two Shepherds with a Cow and Calf, after 1776. Creator: Francesco LondonioTwo Shepherds with a Cow and Calf, after 1776
Seated Shepherd before a Flock of Goats, after 1766. Creator: Francesco LondonioSeated Shepherd before a Flock of Goats, after 1766
Boy on a Donkey Watching over a Group of Animals, 1763. Creator: Francesco LondonioBoy on a Donkey Watching over a Group of Animals, 1763
Shepherd Wearing a Cape Driving a Flock, after 1776. Creator: Francesco LondonioShepherd Wearing a Cape Driving a Flock, after 1776
Goatherd Piping to Four Goats. Creator: Francesco LondonioGoatherd Piping to Four Goats
Peasant Woman with Two Children, 1764. Creator: Francesco LondonioPeasant Woman with Two Children, 1764
Boy and Girl with a Donkey, 1764. Creator: Francesco LondonioBoy and Girl with a Donkey, 1764
Shepherd Boy Speaking to a Farm Girl, 1764. Creator: Francesco LondonioShepherd Boy Speaking to a Farm Girl, 1764
Shepherd Resting on a Walking Stick with an Old Horse and a Reclining Bull, after 1767
Peasant Boy Asleep near Two Sheep, 1758 / 1759. Creator: Francesco LondonioPeasant Boy Asleep near Two Sheep, 1758/1759
Woman Spinning Yarn by an Arch, 1764. Creator: Francesco LondonioWoman Spinning Yarn by an Arch, 1764
Shepherd Boy with Sheep, 1764. Creator: Francesco LondonioShepherd Boy with Sheep, 1764
Child Shepherdess with Flock, 1758. Creator: Francesco LondonioChild Shepherdess with Flock, 1758
Boy on a Donkey Driving a Flock, 1763. Creator: Francesco LondonioBoy on a Donkey Driving a Flock, 1763
Three Goats, 1758. Creator: Francesco LondonioThree Goats, 1758
Seated Peasant Boy Holding a Sheep. Creator: Francesco LondonioSeated Peasant Boy Holding a Sheep
Two Reclining Sheep and One Standing Sheep, 1757 / 1758. Creator: Francesco LondonioTwo Reclining Sheep and One Standing Sheep, 1757/1758
Woman Spinner and a Shepherd with Flock, 1758 / 1759. Creator: Francesco LondonioWoman Spinner and a Shepherd with Flock, 1758/1759
Sleeping Old Man with Dog, 1759. Creator: Francesco LondonioSleeping Old Man with Dog, 1759
Peasant Teasing a Sleeping Girl with a Twig, 1763. Creator: Francesco LondonioPeasant Teasing a Sleeping Girl with a Twig, 1763
Shepherd Speaking to a Peasant Woman, 1760 / 1764. Creator: Francesco LondonioShepherd Speaking to a Peasant Woman, 1760/1764
Reclining Cow and Calf in the Open, 1758 / 1759. Creator: Francesco LondonioReclining Cow and Calf in the Open, 1758/1759
Donkey with her Foal, a Dog, and a Peasant Man, 1762 / 1763. Creator: Francesco LondonioDonkey with her Foal, a Dog, and a Peasant Man, 1762/1763
Shepherd with a Sack Driving a Flock, 1763. Creator: Francesco LondonioShepherd with a Sack Driving a Flock, 1763
Shepherd with his Flock. Creator: Francesco LondonioShepherd with his Flock
Peasant Woman Seated on a Donkey and a Peasant Man. Creator: Francesco LondonioPeasant Woman Seated on a Donkey and a Peasant Man
Reclining Shepherd with a Sack, c. 1763. Creator: Francesco LondonioReclining Shepherd with a Sack, c. 1763
Two Girls Conversing: One Standing and Spinning, 1764. Creator: Francesco LondonioTwo Girls Conversing: One Standing and Spinning, 1764
Seated Old Man. Creator: Francesco LondonioSeated Old Man
Shepherd Pointing Out the Direction to a Shepherdess, 1762. Creator: Francesco LondonioShepherd Pointing Out the Direction to a Shepherdess, 1762
Standing Shepherd, 1760. Creator: Francesco LondonioStanding Shepherd, 1760
Seated Shepherdess with Three Rams, 1762. Creator: Francesco LondonioSeated Shepherdess with Three Rams, 1762
Sleeping Shepherd, Two Calves, and a Peasant Woman, 1762 / 1763Sleeping Shepherd, Two Calves, and a Peasant Woman, 1762/1763
Interior of a Stable with a Seated Spinner and Sleeping Child, 1759 / 1782Interior of a Stable with a Seated Spinner and Sleeping Child, 1759/1782
Seated Old Man about to Drink from a Gourd, c. 1763. Creator: Francesco LondonioSeated Old Man about to Drink from a Gourd, c. 1763
Old Man Leaning against a Sack, probably after 1767. Creator: Francesco LondonioOld Man Leaning against a Sack, probably after 1767
Seated Shepherd and a Peasant Woman with a Basket, 1759/1782
Old, Bald-headed Shepherd, Seated Shepherd Boy and Flock, after 1766
Peasant Man with a Sack and Two Shepherdesses, after 1765. Creator: Francesco LondonioPeasant Man with a Sack and Two Shepherdesses, after 1765
Seated Shepherd with Horse, Dog, Goats and Sheep, after 1776. Creator: Francesco LondonioSeated Shepherd with Horse, Dog, Goats and Sheep, after 1776
Standing Shepherdess with a Child, after 1776. Creator: Francesco LondonioStanding Shepherdess with a Child, after 1776
Shepherd Playing a Flute with Goats, 1764. Creator: Francesco LondonioShepherd Playing a Flute with Goats, 1764
Goat and Two Kids, 1758. Creator: Francesco LondonioGoat and Two Kids, 1758
Seated Old Man and Woman with a Basket of Eggs, 1759 / 1782. Creator: Francesco LondonioSeated Old Man and Woman with a Basket of Eggs, 1759/1782
Shepherd with Donkey, Sheep and Goat, 1759. Creator: Francesco LondonioShepherd with Donkey, Sheep and Goat, 1759
Shepherd with Walking Stick and a Peasant Woman with Child, 1758 / 1759Shepherd with Walking Stick and a Peasant Woman with Child, 1758/1759
Interior of a House, 1763. Creator: Francesco LondonioInterior of a House, 1763
Peasant Woman with Baby and Little Girl, 1760 / 1764. Creator: Francesco LondonioPeasant Woman with Baby and Little Girl, 1760/1764
Reclining Sheep in a Landscape, 1759-82. Creator: Francesco LondonioReclining Sheep in a Landscape, 1759-82