Say Please (Dites doncs il vous plait), c1780, (1911). Artist: Jean-Honore FragonardSay Please (Dites doncs il vous plait), c1780, (1911). Painting held at The Wallace Collection, London. From The French Genius by Haldane Macfall. [T. C. and E. C. Jack, London and Edinburgh, 1911]
The Swing (Les Hasards heureux de l'escarpolette), ca 1767. Found in the collection of the The Wallace Collection
The Great Cypresses of the Villa d'Este (Les Grands Cyprès de la villa d'Este)The Great Cypresses of the Villa d'Este (Les Grands Cypres de la villa d'Este), 1760. Found in the Collection of the Musee des Beaux-Arts et d'Archeologie, Besancon
Education is Everything (L'Éducation fait tout)Education is Everything (L'Education fait tout), 1775-1780. Found in the Collection of the Museu de Arte de S£o Paulo
Jeanne d'Arc sur le bûcher (Joan of Arc at the Stake)Jeanne d'Arc sur le bucher (Joan of Arc at the Stake), 1822. Found in the collection of the Musee des Beaux-arts, Rouen
Anne de Beaujeu. Creator: Fragonard, Théophile (1806-1876)Anne de Beaujeu. Found in the collection of the Musee Anne de Beaujeu, Moulins
The coquette and the youth. Creator: Fragonard, Jean Honore(1732-1806)The coquette and the youth. Found in the Collection of the Museo Nacional de San Carlos
Portrait of a Man in Costume, 1768 / 70. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardPortrait of a Man in Costume, 1768/70
La Fontaine d Amour, late 18th century. Creator: Jean-Baptiste AudebertLa Fontaine d Amour, late 18th century. The fountain of love
The Waterworks. Creator: Pierre-Laurent AuvrayThe Waterworks
Le Songe d Amour (Loves Dream), 1785. Creator: Nicolas-Francois RegnaultLe Songe d Amour (Loves Dream), 1785
La Fontaine d Amour (The Fountain of Love), 1785. Creator: Nicolas-Francois RegnaultLa Fontaine d Amour (The Fountain of Love), 1785
Le Baiser ala Derobee (The Stolen Kiss). Creator: Nicolas-Francois RegnaultLe Baiser a la Derobee (The Stolen Kiss)
A femme avare, galant escroc. Creators: Antoine Jean Duclos, Jacques AliametA femme avare, galant escroc
Le petit chien. Creator: UnknownLe petit chien. [The little dog]
Autre imitation: L amour mouille. Creator: UnknownAutre imitation: L amour mouille. [Another imitation: wet Cupid]
Imitation d anacreon: Le portrait d iris. Creator: UnknownImitation d anacreon: Le portrait d iris. [Imitation of Anacreon: the portrait of Iris]
Les deux amis. Creator: UnknownLes deux amis. [The two friends]
Mountain Landscape at Sunset, c. 1765. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardMountain Landscape at Sunset, c. 1765
The Happy Family, c. 1775. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Happy Family, c. 1775
The Swing, c. 1775 / 1780. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Swing, c. 1775/1780
Love as Folly, c. 1773 / 1776. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardLove as Folly, c. 1773/1776
The Visit to the Nursery, c. 1775. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Visit to the Nursery, c. 1775
A Game of Horse and Rider, c. 1775 / 1780. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardA Game of Horse and Rider, c. 1775/1780
Blindmans Buff, c. 1775 / 1780. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardBlindmans Buff, c. 1775/1780
Diana and Endymion, c. 1753 / 1756. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardDiana and Endymion, c. 1753/1756
Love the Sentinel, c. 1773 / 1776. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardLove the Sentinel, c. 1773/1776
A Game of Hot Cockles, c. 1775 / 1780. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardA Game of Hot Cockles, c. 1775/1780
Young Girl Reading, c. 1769. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardYoung Girl Reading, c. 1769
To the Genius of Franklin, 1779. Creator: Marguerite GerardTo the Genius of Franklin, 1779
The Pledge of Love, 1786. Creator: Jean MathieuThe Pledge of Love, 1786. After Jean Honore Fragonard
View of the gardens at the Villa d Este in Tivoli, cyprus trees to right, a staircase leading to the villa at left, two statues at center of the staircase, three figures in the garden at right, 1764
La Bonne Mere. n. d. Creator: Nicolas de LaunayLa Bonne Mere.n.d. Engraved by Nicolas de Launay
Le Contrat. n. d. Creator: Maurice BlotLe Contrat.n.d. Engraved by Maurice Blot
The Satyrs Family, 1763. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Satyrs Family, 1763
Le Temps Orageux. n. d. Creator: Jean MathieuLe Temps Orageux.n.d. (Stormy weather). Engraved by Jean Mathieu
La Famille du Fermier. n. d. Creators: Antoine Louis Romanet, Clement Pierre MarillierLa Famille du Fermier.n.d. (The Farmers Family). Engraved by Antoine Louis Romanet and Clement Pierre Marillier
Le Verrou. n. d. Creator: Maurice BlotLe Verrou.n.d. (The lock). Engraved by Maurice Blot
Les Hazards heureux de l Escarpolette. n. d. Creator: Nicolas de LaunayLes Hazards heureux de l Escarpolette.n.d. Engraved by Nicolas de Launay
La Fontaine d Amour, 1785. Creator: Nicolas-Francois RegnaultLa Fontaine d Amour, 1785. (The Fountain of Love). Engraved by Nicholas Francois Regnault
Pelerinage a Saint Nicolas. n. d. Creator: UnknownPelerinage a Saint Nicolas.n.d
La Mere de Famille. n. d. Creator: Antoine Louis RomanetLa Mere de Famille.n.d. Engraved by Antoine Louis Romanet
Le Songe d Amour. n. d. Creator: Nicolas-Francois RegnaultLe Songe d Amour.n.d. (The Dream of Love). Engraved by Nicholas Francois Regnault
Le Serment d Amour. n. d. Creator: Jean MathieuLe Serment d Amour.n.d. Engraved by Jean Mathieu
L Armoire, 1778. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardL Armoire, 1778
Mythological Scene, possibly Diana Seducing Callisto, ca. 1764. After Pietro Liberi
The Little Park, ca. 1763. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Little Park, ca. 1763. Relates closely to drawings made in the gardens of the Villa d Este at Tivoli, outside Rome
La Folie. n. d. Creator: Jean Francois JaninetLa Folie.n.d. After Jean Honore Fragonard
L Amour. n. d. Creator: Jean Francois JaninetL Amour.n.d. After Jean Honore Fragonard
Mademoiselle Rose Bertin, Dressmaker to Marie-Antoinette. n. dMademoiselle Rose Bertin, Dressmaker to Marie-Antoinette.n.d. After Jean Honore Fragonard
View of the entrance to Tivoli and the walls of the Villa d Este, horsemen approaching the entrance at bottom center, arched entrance in the middleground, cyrus trees and other plants surrounding
Fragments choisis dans les Peintures et les Tableaux les plus interessants des Palais et des Eglises d Italie, 18th century. After Jean Honore Fragonard
Marie Louise, Empress of the French, 1811. Creator: J. L. BenoistMarie Louise, Empress of the French, 1811
Napoleon, Emperor of the French, 1811. Creators: Henri CastelNapoleon, Emperor of the French, 1811
La Gageure des trois Commeres: La Servante, from Contes et nouvelles en vers par Jean de La Fontaine. A Paris, de l imprimerie de P. Didot, l an III de la Republique, 1795, published in 1795
L Amour en Sentinelle, . n. d. n. d Creator: Simon Charles MigerL Amour en Sentinelle, .n.d
Le Paysan qui avait offenseson Seigneur, from Contes et nouvelles en vers paLe Paysan qui avait offense son Seigneur, from Contes et nouvelles en vers par Jean de La Fontaine. A Paris, de l imprimerie de P. Didot, l an III de la Republique, 1795, published in 1795
Le Petit Predicateur, 18th century. 18th century. Creator: Nicolas de LaunayLe Petit Predicateur, 18th century
Le Chiffre d Amour, 18th century. 18th century. Creator: Nicolas de LaunayLe Chiffre d Amour, 18th century
The Two Sisters, 1770. Creator: Jean Claude Richard Saint-NonThe Two Sisters, 1770
The Cascade, ca. 1775. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Cascade, ca. 1775
A Shaded Avenue, ca. 1775. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardA Shaded Avenue, ca. 1775
Allegory of Vigilance, ca. 1772. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardAllegory of Vigilance, ca. 1772
Portrait of a Young Woman, 1770s. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardPortrait of a Young Woman, 1770s
The Two Sisters, ca. 1769-70. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Two Sisters, ca. 1769-70
Roman Interior, ca. 1760. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardRoman Interior, ca. 1760
A Woman with a Dog, ca. 1769. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardA Woman with a Dog, ca. 1769
The Stolen Kiss, ca. 1760. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Stolen Kiss, ca. 1760
The Love Letter, early 1770s. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Love Letter, early 1770s
Invocation to Love, c. 1781. Creator: Jean-Honore Fragonard (French, 1732-1806)Invocation to Love, c. 1781. Set in a lush garden, this allegory focuses on a woman pleading for help from a statue of Eros
Three putti wreathed with flowers. Creator: Fragonard, Jean Honore (1732-1806)Three putti wreathed with flowers. Private Collection
La Gifle, 1785. Creator: Fragonard, Jean Honore (1732-1806)La Gifle, 1785. Found in the Collection of Musee Fabre, Montpellier
Reading, c1778, (1943). Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardReading, c1778, (1943). The subjects are Marguerite Gerard (1761-1837), the artists sister-in-law, and his wife Marie-Anne Gerard (1745-1823), who was a painter in her own right
The attack, 1770. Creator: Fragonard, Jean Honore (1732-1806)The attack, 1770. Found in the Collection of State A. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
The Fountain of Love, c. 1785. Artist: Fragonard, Jean Honore (1732-1806)The Fountain of Love, c. 1785. Found in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
Sleeping Bacchante, copy after Fragonard, 1908. Creator: Werner von HausenSleeping Bacchante, copy after Fragonard, 1908
Young girl sleeping, Between 1758 and 1761. Artist: Fragonard, Jean Honore (1732-1806)Young girl sleeping, Between 1758 and 1761. Private Collection
The Swing, c1767. Artist: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Swing, c1767. Painting housed in the Wallace Collection, London. From The Worlds Greatest Paintings, edited by T. Leman Hare. [Odhams Press Ltd, London, 1934]
A bas-relief depicting a satyr at left holding two infants, another child satyr to right, dancing to the sound of the sistrum played by the woman in center, around the relief
Nymph Supported by Two Satyrs, 1763. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardNymph Supported by Two Satyrs, 1763
The Vision of Saint Jerome, ca. 1761-65. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Vision of Saint Jerome, ca. 1761-65. After Johann Liss
The Banquet of Anthony and Cleopatra, ca. 1764. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Banquet of Anthony and Cleopatra, ca. 1764. After Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
The Last Supper, ca. 1761-64. Creator: Jean-Honore FragonardThe Last Supper, ca. 1761-64. After Sebastiano Ricci
The Three Graces. Private Collection