1948 Ferguson TEA 20 tractor. Creator: Unknown1948 Ferguson TEA 20 tractor
Maynard Ferguson, 2000. Creator: Brian FoskettMaynard Ferguson, 2000
1961 Ferguson P99, Stirling Moss at Oulton Park Gold Cup. Creator: Unknown1961 Ferguson P99, Stirling Moss at Oulton Park Gold Cup
Maynard Ferguson, 1968. Creator: Brian FoskettMaynard Ferguson, 1968
Maynard Ferguson, Canadian jazz trumpeter and bandleader, 1968. Creator: Brian FoskettMaynard Ferguson, Canadian jazz trumpeter and bandleader, 1968
Photograph of Tobe Brown, 1890s. Creator: G. W. FergusonA black and white photograph of Tobe Brown.; Brown is pictured from the waist up. He has curly hair with a side part and a long mustache
1961 Ferguson P99, Stirling Moss in pits. Creator: Unknown1961 Ferguson P99, Stirling Moss in pits
1961 Ferguson P99, Stirling Moss at Aintree. Creator: Unknown1961 Ferguson P99, Stirling Moss at Aintree
Js. Ferguson, (1710-1776), 1830. Creator: UnknownJs. Ferguson, (1710-1776), 1830. James Ferguson (1710-1776) Scottish self-educated astronomer known as the inventor of astronomical and other scientific apparatus, also a lecturer
Monuments, Kings Mountain. National Military Park, S. C. 1942. Creator: UnknownMonuments, Kings Mountain. National Military Park, S.C. 1942. Commemorating the Battle of Kings Mountain and Patrick Fergusons grave. From " Souvenir of the Beautiful Carolinas"
Maynard Ferguson playing the trumpet. Artist: Denis WilliamsMaynard Ferguson playing the trumpet
Rebecca Ferguson, Love Supreme Jazz Festival, Glynde Place, East Sussex, 2015. ArtistRebecca Ferguson, Love Supreme Jazz Festival, Glynde Place, East Sussex, 2015
Still Life and Dead Game, c1680, (1935). Artist: William Gowe FergusonStill Life and Dead Game, c1680, (1935). From A Catalogue of the Pictures and Drawings in the Collection of Frederick John Nettleford, Volume II. - D to H, by C. Reginald Grundy
Sir Ronald Craufurd Ferguson, 1810 (1909). Artist: Anthony CardonSir Ronald Craufurd Ferguson, 1810 (1909). After Richard Cosway R. A. (1742-1821). Sir Ronald Craufurd Ferguson (1773-1841) was a Member of the Parliament and a Scottish officer in the British Army
Solar and lunar eclipses, 1785. Diagrams illustrating the causes and results of lunar and solar eclipses. From Astronomy Explained upon Newtons Principles (1785) by James Ferguson