Atsina Indian, Red Whip, half-length portrait, seated, facing front, wearing feather... c1908
Atsina Indian, Red Whip, half-length portrait, seated, facing front, wearing feather, beaded buckskin shirt, holding pipe in left hand, c1908
Ghost Bear, Crow Indian, Montana, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, feather... c1908
Ghost Bear, Crow Indian, Montana, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, feather headdress, beaded buckskin shirt, bead choker with shell concho, large medal on strand of metal beads, c1908
Fish Shows, an Apsaroke Indian, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, pompadour... c1908
Fish Shows, an Apsaroke Indian, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, pompadour, temple braids painted white, 2 eagle feathers, disk earring, shell beads with large disk ornaments