Deux meres ( Two Mothers ), 1888. Artist: Leon-Maxime FaivreDeux meres ( Two Mothers ), 1888. From the Musee d Orsay, Paris
Holmes Lashed Furiously, 1892. Artist: Sidney E PagetHolmes Lashed Furiously, 1892. Illustration from The Adventure of the Speckled Band by Arthur Conan Doyle. From The Strand Magazine: An Illustrated Monthly - Vol. III
Nichiren Calming the Storm, 19th century. Artist: Utagawa KuniyoshiNichiren Calming the Storm, 19th century
The Silver Age, 1527. Artist: Lucas Cranach the ElderThe Silver Age, 1527. Aportrayal of the second of the four Ages of the World from Ovids poem. Found in the collection of the Kunstsammlungen zu Weimar, Weimar, Germany
The Ash Lad and the Wolf; For Soria Moria Palace, series consisting of twelve paintings [Series title], 1900.
The Last Judgement and the Seventh Act of Mercy: Burying the Dead, 1517-1524/ 1525.
Last Judgement and the Seven Acts of Mercy, 1517-1525. Creator: Bernaert van OrleyLast Judgement and the Seven Acts of Mercy, 1517-1525.
The Ash Lad and the Troll; For Soria Moria Palace, series consisting of twelve paintings [Series title], 1900.
The Death of Abel, 17th century. Creator: AnonThe Death of Abel, 17th century
The Israelites Fear of the Giants: The Israelites Stoning the Spies; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
Interview Between Coriolanus and His Wife and Mother, 1890. Creator: UnknownInterview Between Coriolanus and His Wife and Mother, 1890. From " Cassells Illustrated Universal History Vol. II - Rome", by Edmund Ollier
Englishwoman martyred by the Chinese, 1930. Creator: UnknownEnglishwoman martyred by the Chinese, 1930. Une Anglaise Martyrisee Par Des Chinois. A terrified woman is restrained as her fingers are cut off with a knife on a wooden block
A tragic masked ball, 1930. Creator: UnknownA tragic masked ball, 1930. Un Tragique Bal Masque. Guest in a burning bear costume. Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 30 March 1930]
A Ghost, about 1865. Creator: London Stereoscopic & Photographic CoA Ghost, about 1865
Mosaic of a Lion Chasing a Bull, 5th-6th century. Creator: UnknownMosaic of a Lion Chasing a Bull, 5th-6th century. Additional Info: Fragment of a mosaic depicting a lion chasing a bull, running to the right. Only the head and a front paw of the lion are preserved
The Burning of Paris: saved from the fire, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Burning of Paris: saved from the fire, 1871
Resurrection of Christ, altarpiece sketch. Creator: Berndt GodenhjelmResurrection of Christ, altarpiece sketch
The Last Day of Pompeii, mid 19th century. Creator: Karl BriullovThe Last Day of Pompeii, mid 19th century. Copy
Afraid of the Dark, Original Sketch. Creator: Gerhard MuntheAfraid of the Dark, Original Sketch
The Great Anxiety, 1918. Creator: Gramatté, Walter (1897-1929)The Great Anxiety, 1918. Private Collection
Tiring Head, 1922. Creator: Gramatté, Walter (1897-1929)Tiring Head, 1922. Private Collection
Street by Night, 1922. Creator: Gramatté, Walter (1897-1929)Street by Night, 1922. Private Collection
Fear in The Woods, 1896. Creator: Hugo SimbergFear in The Woods, 1896
The Abandoned, c1930-1931. Creator: Barlach, Ernst (1870-1938)The Abandoned, c1930-1931. Private Collection
On the Bridge, 1903. Creator: Munch; Edvard (1863-1944)On the Bridge, 1903. Found in the Collection of the Thielska Galleriet, Stockholm
Surpris Par Un Express, 1929. Creator: UnknownSurprised by an express train, 1929. Surpris Par Un Express. A steam locomotive bears down on people taken unawares. Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 17 November 1929]
The Scream, 1893. Artist: Edvard MunchThe Scream, 1893. The Scream is one of four versions painted by Edward Munch in 1893
The Scream, 1895. Artist: Edvard MunchThe Scream, 1895. Found in the collection of the State A Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Love Conquered Fear, c1840. Creator: Auguste HervieuLove Conquered Fear, c1840. Ragged child workers in a Victorian textile factory
A Rape in the Stone Age, 1888. Artist: Paul Joseph JaminA Rape in the Stone Age, 1888. From the Musee des Beaux-Arts, Reims, France
Poster, He's Coming South, 1942. Creator: Department of InformationPoster, He's Coming South, 1942
The Young Captive, 1832. Creator: Ary SchefferThe Young Captive, 1832
Susanna and the Elders, between c1525 and c1625. Creator: Rene BoyvinSusanna and the Elders, between c1525 and c1625
Représentants et Représentés, 1859. Creator: Félicien RopsRepresentants et Representes, 1859
Figurine of a Theater Mask (?), Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE). Creator: UnknownFigurine of a Theater Mask (?), Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE)
Yamamoto Kansuke Kills the Wild Boar, 1868. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiYamamoto Kansuke Kills the Wild Boar, 1868
Vajrabhairava with Vajravetali, 18th century. Creator: UnknownVajrabhairava with Vajravetali, 18th century. The enlightened wrathful deity Vajrabhairava, Buddhist conqueror of death, embraces his female partner, Vajravetali
Les Fuyards; La panique: soldats russes fuyant eperdument a travers un village apres avoir jete leurs armes a la voix d'un provocateur criant que la cavalerie allemande avait perce, 1917
Tor's Fight with the Giants, 1872. Creator: Marten Eskil WingeTor's Fight with the Giants, 1872
British Offensive in Cambrai; German Gunners Surprised by a Tank, 1917. Creator: J SimontBritish Offensive in Cambrai; German Gunners Surprised by a Tank, 1917. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume 2" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
"To Christina: a Confession", 1860. Its curved shining finger drew me towards it, and I heard its voice saying "Come!" It's the only way. Hasten! Save yourself!'
Moses and the Brazen Serpent, 17th century. Creator: UnknownMoses and the Brazen Serpent, 17th century
Scene from the opera Don Giovanni (1787), c1914 Artist: Charles A BuchelScene from the opera Don Giovanni (1787), c1914. The stone statue of the Commandatore arrives to join the feast to which Don Giovanni has jokingly invited him
Le Dessous de cartes d'une partie de Whist, 1886. Creator: Félicien RopsLe Dessous de cartes d'une partie de Whist, 1886. From Les Diaboliques - Petites planches
A Cat and a Chaffinch. Five animal studies in one frame, 1885. Creator: Bruno LiljeforsA Cat and a Chaffinch. Five animal studies in one frame, 1885
Landscape with Soldiers, 1836. Creator: John Wilhelm NahlLandscape with Soldiers, 1836
L'Allemagne Abattue; La peur allemande; "Que Dieu protégé nos foyers ! " --D'apresL'Allemagne Abattue; La peur allemande; "Que Dieu protege nos foyers ! " --D'apres l'Illustrirte Zeitung da 31 octobre 1918, 1918
The Peasant's Pleasure, after c.1619. Creator: UnknownThe Peasant's Pleasure, after c.1619
The Peasant's Misfortune, after c.1619. Creator: UnknownThe Peasant's Misfortune, after c.1619
Pan and Syrinx, c.1637-c.1640. Creator: Caesar Boëtius van EverdingenPan and Syrinx, c.1637-c.1640
les premieres operations Italiennes; un biplan autrichien sur Venise le 24 mai: la population sur les terrasses, 1915
J'veux pas entrer dans tant d'eau... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierJ'veux pas entrer dans tant d'eau... 19th century. I don't want to get into so much water...ther must be big fish in there
On dit qu'on commence déja a la voir... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierOn dit qu'on commence deja a la voir... 19th century. The comet of 1857: women discussing the appearance of the comet. One asks where it can be seen. Near Cherbourg is the reply
Hoff, Vanda, Miss, 1916 May 21. Creator: Arnold GentheHoff, Vanda, Miss, 1916 May 21
Impressions et compressions de voyage, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierImpressions et compressions de voyage, 19th century. Early railway passengers: We're done for! No, it's well known that when the convoy moves forward the travellers move backwards
Devant l'envahisseur; Beaucoup, qui ne possedent qu'un chien comme bete de trait, ont du abandonner derriere eux tous leurs biens, 1914
Devant l'envahisseur; Les habitants des campagnes belges fuient sur les routesDevant l'envahisseur; Les habitants des campagnes belges, emportant ce qu'ils ont pu reunir dans la hate de la panique, fuient sur les routes, 1914
Le Massacre des Innocents, between 1626 and 1627. Creator: Nicolas PoussinLe Massacre des Innocents, between 1626 and 1627. The Massacre of the Innocents
Pictures of the Year - VII. "La Gigale", after Henrietta Rae, 1891. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper", Volume 44. July to December, 1891
Scene from "Tess of the D'Urbervilles"Tess of the D'Urbervilles", By Thomas Hardy; "On going up to the fire to throw a pitch of dead weeds upon it, she found that he did the same on the other side", 1891
La Peur (Fear), 1865. Creator: Odilon RedonLa Peur (Fear), 1865
The Triumph of Death, c. 1539. Creator: Georg PenczThe Triumph of Death, c. 1539
Naufrage dans le port de Dieppe, 1873. Creator: Jean-Baptiste CarpeauxNaufrage dans le port de Dieppe, 1873
Scene from "Tess of the D'Urbervilles"Tess of the D'Urbervilles", By Thomas Hardy; "What makes you draw off in that way, Tess?", 1891. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper", Volume 44
The Charge of Prince of Lambesc in the Tuileries Gardens, July 12, 1789, c1789
The Latest Republican Bugaboo, from Puck, published November 2, 1892
The Flood, n.d. Creator: William Young OttleyThe Flood, n.d
Seated Male Figure with Raised Arm, 1735. Creator: John VanderbankSeated Male Figure with Raised Arm, 1735
Kneeling Figures Huddled Together, n.d. Creator: George RomneyKneeling Figures Huddled Together, n.d
The International Exhibition: marble group by Flaxman - "The Fury of Athamas - Ino Endeavouring to Rescue her Children from Destruction by their Father", 1862
A Raid on a Settlement, 19th century. Creator: Nikolay Nikolaevich KarazinRaid on a Settlement, 19th century
The Ghost in the Stereoscope, ca. 1856. Creator: London Stereoscopic & Photographic CoThe Ghost in the Stereoscope, ca. 1856
Terror or Fright (from Heads Representing the Various Passions of the Soul; as they are E)Terror or Fright (from Heads Representing the Various Passions of the Soul; as they are Expressed in the Human Countenance: Drawn by that Great Master Monsieur Le Brun), 1765
Horse with Rider Shying Away From Woman with Dog, c. 1860. Creator: Hablot Knight BrowneHorse with Rider Shying Away From Woman with Dog, c. 1860
Fright, n. d. Creator: John DownmanFright, n.d
Hannah Jane Locker Lampson, 1898. Creator: Catherine GreenawayHannah Jane Locker Lampson, 1898
Evacuees, 5723. Creator: Theophile Alexandre SteinlenEvacuees, 5723
The Rattlesnake, Modeled 1905, cast 1918. Creator: Frederic RemingtonThe Rattlesnake, Modeled 1905, cast 1918
A Glimpse into Hell, or Fear, 1888 / 98. Creator: Elihu VedderA Glimpse into Hell, or Fear, 1888/98. Illustration to Dante Alighieris Inferno from the Divine Comedy
Door Boss: Bust of a Satyress, c. 1580. Creator: UnknownDoor Boss: Bust of a Satyress, c. 1580
The Fear of Love, 1742. Creator: Jean-Louis LemoyneThe Fear of Love, 1742
The Count, from The Dance of Death, ca. 1526, published 1538
Fear, 1825. Creator: DelpechFear, 1825. [Collection of Grimaces (Recueil de Grimaces)]