1966 Lotus Europa Series 1 prototype in factory. Creator: Unknown1966 Lotus Europa Series 1 prototype in factory
Four moons of Jupiter, Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, 1979. Four separate pictures of these moons sometimes known as the Galilean moons taken from Voyager 1
The rape of Europa, 1621. Creator: Abraham GovaertsThe rape of Europa, 1621. Abduction by Zeus in the form of a bull
1953 Ferrari 212 Inter Europa
1977 Lotus Europa JPS Special
1954 Ferrari 250 GT Europa
The Abduction of Europa, 1632. Creator: Rembrandt Harmensz van RijnThe Abduction of Europa, 1632
Coast View with the Abduction of Europa, (1645?). Creator: Claude LorrainCoast View with the Abduction of Europa, (1645?). The maiden Europa rests atop a white bull, unaware it is the god Jupiter in disguise
The Rape of Europa. Creator: Ingannati, Pietro degli (ca 1510-ca 1550)The Rape of Europa. Private Collection
The Rape of Europa, 1640. Creator: Simon VouetThe Rape of Europa, 1640
The Abduction of Europa, mid-16th century. Creator: Leon DaventThe Abduction of Europa, mid-16th century
Cadmus Asks the Delphic Oracle Where He Can Find his Sister, Europa, published 1615. Book: Metamorphoses by Ovid, book 3, plate 1
The Rape of Europa, published 1590. Creator: Hendrik GoltziusThe Rape of Europa, published 1590. Book: Metamorphoses by Ovid, book 2, plate 20
The Rape of Europa. Creator: UnknownThe Rape of Europa, Unknown date
Europa, 1776. Creator: John Raphael SmithEuropa, 1776
Rape of Europa, 1550-1599. Creator: AnonRape of Europa, 1550-1599
The Rape of Europa, c.1735-c.1740. Creator: Nicolaas VerkoljeThe Rape of Europa, c.1735-c.1740
Rape of Europa, 1652-1705. Creator: Luca GiordanoRape of Europa, 1652-1705
Antique Mosaic in the Barberini Palace, n.d. Creator: James BarryAntique Mosaic in the Barberini Palace, n.d
Europa from The Four Continents, 16th century. Creator: Julius GoltziusEuropa from The Four Continents, 16th century
The Rape of Europa, ca. 1542-45. Creator: Leon DaventThe Rape of Europa, ca. 1542-45
The Rape of Europa, 1654 / 56. Creator: David Teniers IIThe Rape of Europa, 1654/56
The Abduction of Europa, 1634. Creator: Willem BasseThe Abduction of Europa, 1634
The Rape of Europa, 1546. Creator: Giulio BonasoneThe Rape of Europa, 1546
Woman with a Young Bull. Creator: Stefano della BellaWoman with a Young Bull
Jupiter and Europa, from Game of Mythology (Jeu de la Mythologie), 1644
Rape of Europa, 1776. Creator: Richard EarlomRape of Europa, 1776. After Claude Lorrain
Enlevement d Europe (Abduction of Europa), 18th century
The Rape of Europa, 1634. Creator: Claude LorrainThe Rape of Europa, 1634
The Rape of Europa, after Reni, ca. 1636. Creator: Simone CantariniThe Rape of Europa, after Reni, ca. 1636
The Rape of Europa, ca. 1636. Creator: Simone CantariniThe Rape of Europa, ca.1636
Europa, from Prosopographia, ca. 1585-90. ca. 1585-90. Creator: Philip GalleEuropa, from Prosopographia, ca. 1585-90
The Rape of Europa, 1602-1605. Creator: Carracci, Antonio Marziale (1583-1618)The Rape of Europa, 1602-1605. Found in the Collection of Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna
The Rape of Europa, 1541-1542. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594)The Rape of Europa, 1541-1542. Found in the Collection of Galleria Estense, Modena
The Rape of Europa, ca 1574. Creator: Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588)The Rape of Europa, ca 1574. Found in the Collection of Palazzo Ducale, Venice
The Rape of Europa. Creator: Giordano, Luca (1632-1705)The Rape of Europa. Private Collection
The Rape of Europa, 1637-1639. Creator: Reni, Guido (1575-1642)The Rape of Europa, 1637-1639. Found in the Collection of National Gallery, London
The Rape of Europa, c. 1650. Creator: Canlassi (Called Cagnacci)The Rape of Europa, c. 1650. Found in the Collection of Collezione Molinari Pradelli
The Rape of Europa, ca 1604. Creator: Cesari, Giuseppe (1568-1640)The Rape of Europa, ca 1604. Found in the Collection of Galleria Borghese, Rome
The Rape of Europa, 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall paintingThe Rape of Europa, 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Found in the Collection of Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli
The Rape of Europa. Krater, ca 370-360 BC. Creator: Art of Ancient Rome, Attican ArtThe Rape of Europa. Krater, ca 370-360 BC. Found in the Collection of Museo Archeologico Nazionale del Sannio Caudino
Four moons of Jupiter. Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, 1979. Four separate pictures of these moons taken from Voyager 1
The Rape of Europa, 1737-1789. Creator: Johann Heinrich TischbeinThe Rape of Europa, 1737-1789. The god Zeus transforms himself into a tame white bull in order to abduct the goddess Europa
The planet Jupiter, 1979
Roman fresco of Europa and the bull (Zeus) from Pompeii
On Board the Europa, 1931, (1945). Creator: UnknownOn Board the " Europa", 1931, (1945). British politician and statesman Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) talking to reporters on board the SS Europa in New York
Jupiter, Io and Europa from 20 million kilometres. Creator: NASAJupiter, Io and Europa from 20 million kilometres. The planet Jupiter and two of its moons
Europa from Voyager 2, 9 July 1979. Creator: NASAEuropa from Voyager 2, 9 July 1979. Europa, one of Jupiters moons, seen from the unmanned Voyager 2 spacecraft
The Rape of Europa. Private Collection
The Rape of Europa. Artist: Luini, Bernardino (ca. 1480-1532)The Rape of Europa. Found in the collection of Staatliche Museen, Berlin
The Rape of Europa. Artist: Vouet, Simon (1590-1649)The Rape of Europa. Found in the collection of Thyssen-Bornemisza Collections
The Rape of Europa. Artist: Serov, Valentin Alexandrovich (1865-1911)The Rape of Europa. Private Collection
The Rape of Europa (After Titian), 1629. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)The Rape of Europa (After Titian), 1629. Found in the collection of the Museo del Prado, Madrid
The Rape of Europa, 1910. Artist: Serov, Valentin Alexandrovich (1865-1911)The Rape of Europa, 1910. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Aerial view of Bremen harbour, Germany, and the liner Europa, from a Zeppelin, c1931 (1933)
The Rape of Europa. Artist: Boucher, Francois (1703-1770)The Rape of Europa. Found in the collection of Louvre, Paris
The Rape of Europa, c. 1570. Artist: Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588)The Rape of Europa, c. 1570. Found in the collection of the National Gallery, London
The Rape of Europa, c. 1640. Artist: Vouet, Simon (1590-1649)The Rape of Europa, c. 1640. Found in the collection of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collections
The Rape of Europa, ca 1590. Artist: Vos, Maerten, de (1532-1603)The Rape of Europa, ca 1590. Found in the collection of the Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao
Rape of Europa, 1655. Artist: Claude LorrainRape of Europa, 1655. Lorrain, Claude (1600-1682). Found in the collection of the State A. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
The Abduction of Europa, 17th century. Artist: Hendrick van MinderhoutThe Abduction of Europa, 17th century
The Rape of Europa, 1560-1561. Artist: Titian (1488-1576)The Rape of Europa, 1560-1561. Found in the collection of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
Europa being carried off by the bull, 6th century BCA metope Europa being carried off by the bull and dolphins, from temple Y at Selinunte in Sicily, 6th century BC
The Rape of Europa. Artist: Cazes, Pierre-Jacques (1676-1754)The Rape of Europa. From a private collection
Lullingstone Roman villa floor mosaic, 2nd centuryLullingstone Roman villa floor mosaic showing Europa and the Bull, 2nd century
Detail of Floor mosaic showing Europa riding a bull, Lullingstone Roman Villa, Kent
Roman wallpainting of The Rape of Europa, House of Jason, Pompeii, ItalyDetail from a Roman wallpainting of The Rape of Europa, House of Jason, Pompeii, Italy. This scene shows Europa & the Bull (Zeus or Jupiter)
Subject to Correction, 1912. Artist: Leonard Raven-HillSubject to Correction, 1912. Cartoon relating to the Peace Conference held in London in December 1912, to end the First Balkan War