Deux meres ( Two Mothers ), 1888. Artist: Leon-Maxime FaivreDeux meres ( Two Mothers ), 1888. From the Musee d Orsay, Paris
An escaped chimpanzee, 1930. Creator: UnknownAn escaped chimpanzee, 1930. Un Singes Etait Evade. (A monkey escaped). A fireman climbs a ladder to try and catch an ape on a roof as a woman watches from a window
He was very thin, 1930. Creator: UnknownHe was very thin, 1930. Il Etait Tres Maigre. Skinny man escaping through the bars of the prison at Loos near Lille, France. Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
Escaped from Tampico, in launch, 1914. Creator: Bain News ServiceEscaped from Tampico, in launch, 1914. Shows seven men who escaped in a small boat from Tampico, Mexico arriving in Galveston, Texas. The men left during the U.S
Professor Kinkel, from a lithograph published at Berlin, 1850. Creator: UnknownProfessor Kinkel, from a lithograph published at Berlin, 1850
A Vagrant under Rural Guard, 1891. Creator: Aleksei KuznetsovA Vagrant under Rural Guard, 1891. One of 74 views taken in July 1891 and contained in the albumTipy i vidy Nerchinskoi katorgi (Views and inhabitants of Nerchinsk hard labor camps)
A Vagrant on the Loose, 1891. Creator: Aleksei KuznetsovA Vagrant on the Loose, 1891. One of 74 views taken in July 1891 and contained in the albumTipy i vidy Nerchinskoi katorgi (Views and inhabitants of Nerchinsk hard labor camps)
A Hard Labor Convict Attempts to Escape from the Work Site, 1891
The Hunted Slaves, 1862. Creator: Richard AnsdellThe Hunted Slaves, 1862. This depicts a fugitive enslaved man and woman beset by three mastiff dogs in a marshy landscape
The misfortune of being too fat, 1931. Creator: UnknownThe misfortune of being too fat, 1931. La Malchance D Etre Trop Gros. Escaping convicts attempt to pull their portly comrade through the sawn bars of a prison cell window
A condemned man escapes from the gallows, 1931. Creator: UnknownA condemned man escapes from the gallows, 1931. Un Condamne A Mort Parvient As Enfuir Au Pied De La Potence. A man with a noose round his neck flees from the scaffold, chased by police
Evangelina Cossio (1877-1970), c1910Evangelina Cossio (1877-1970), (c1910)
William Buckley, esaped English convict in Australia, (1886). Artist: W MacleodWilliam Buckley, esaped English convict in Australia, (1886). Buckley (1780-1856) was transported to Australia in 1803 as punisment for stealing cloth, a charge that he denied