The Imperial Festivities at Berlin: crowd at the illuminations, Serenade by Prussian Guards, 1872
The Three Emperors at Berlin: arrival at the banquet in the White Hall of the Old Palace, 1872
The Three Emperors at Berlin: Grand Review at Tempelhof - the Emperors passing along the line, 1872
The Three Emperors at Berlin: the Crown Princess's evening garden party at the New Palace, Potsdam, 1872
Emperor Franz Josef and Archduke Franz Joseph Otto (2d heir to throne), between c1910 and c1915
Hoch the Kaiser! : cheering crowds in the streets, Berlin, Germany, 4 August 1914, (1933)
Wedding of Archduke Karl Franz Josef & Princess Zita, Kaiser Franz Joseph, 1911
Emperor of Austria, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceEmperor of Austria, between c1910 and c1915. Shows Franz Joseph I of Austria (1830-1916)
La mort de l'empereur d'autriche ; le nouveau couple imperial et les representants des puissances c CreatorLa mort de l'empereur d'autriche ; le nouveau couple imperial et les representants des puissances centrales suivent le cercueil de Francois-Joseph, 1916
Derriere le cercueil de Francois-Joseph; le nouveau couple imperial, suivi de souverains et princes des puissances centrales, 1916. From "Collection de la Guerre IV
Francois-Joseph a la veille de la guerre. Photographie publiee en 1re page de L'Illustration du 9 mai 1914, 1914. From "Collection de la Guerre IV. L'Illustration Tome CXLVIII
Francois-Joseph, le 23 juillet 1914'. Creator: HoeckFrancois-Joseph, le 23 juillet 1914'. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
A Berlin, La jeunesse des ecoles promene les portraits des deux kaisers, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
Les Funerailles a La Hofburg, 1914.. Creator: UnknownLes Funerailles a La Hofburg; L empereur aide de camp en victoria, l'archidue heritier en automobile se rendent a la chapelle de la Hofburg'
Francois-Joseph et Charles de Habsbourg, 1914. Creator: J SimontFrancois-Joseph et Charles de Habsbourg'. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
Sarajevo, D'autres manifestants promenent un portrait de Francois-Joseph'. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
Elizabeth Amelia Eugenia, Empress of Austria, 1854. Creator: UnknownElizabeth Amelia Eugenia, Empress of Austria, 1854. From "Cassells Illustrated Family Paper; London Weekly 31/12/1853 - 30/12/1854"
Emperor Joseph of Austria, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownEmperor Joseph of Austria, ca. 1860-1865
The Emperor of Austria, 1860-69. Creator: UnknownThe Emperor of Austria, 1860-69. [Portrait of Franz Joseph I of Austria]. Albumen print
Emperors Birthday, Austria, from the Holidays series (N80) for Duke brand cigarettes, 1890
Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, c1872. Creator: George J StodartFrancis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, c1872. Portrait of Franz Joseph (1830-1916) who became Emperor of Austria after the Revolution of 1848 which led to the abdication of his uncle, Ferdinand I
The Kaiser-Franz-Josefs-Hohe look-out point on the Grossglockner High Alpine Road, Austria, c1935
Private Office of Emperor Franz Joseph I in the Hofburg, Vienna, Austria, c1935. The Imperial Palace is the former principal imperial palace of the Habsburg dynasty rulers
Francis Joseph I. Emperor of Austria, 1910. Creator: Joseph SimpsonFrancis Joseph I. Emperor of Austria, 1910. Portrait of Franz Josef I (1830-1916). From " The Strand Magazine, an illustrated monthly", Volume XL - July to December 1910
Kaiser Franz Josef von Oesterreich, Konig von Ungarn, c1910. Creator: UnknownKaiser Franz Josef von Oesterreich, Konig von Ungarn, c1910. Portrait of Franz Joseph I (1830-1916), Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary. Postcard. [Dr. Trenkler & Co. Leipzig]
The Emperor of Austria, c1910s, (1919). Creator: UnknownThe Emperor of Austria, c1910s, (1919)
Franz Joseph, (1933). Creator: UnknownFranz Joseph, (1933). Portrait of Franz Josef I (1830-1916) as a boy. Franz Joseph became Emperor of Austria after the Revolution of 1848 which led to the abdication of his uncle, Ferdinand I
Crowd celebrating the Kaisers proclamation of war against Great Britain, Berlin, 4 August, 1914
Kaiser Franz Joseph von Osterreich 1830-1916, 1934. Franz Joseph I (1830-1916), Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary. From Die Groszen der Weltgelchichte. [Ecktein-Halpaus, Dresden, 1934]
The cover of The Illustrated London News, 24th April 1875. The Emperor of Austrias visit to Venice: The Emperor taking leave of the Princess of Piedmont
The Kaiservilla, Bad Ischl, Salzkammergut, Austria, c1900s. Artist: Wurthle & SonsThe Kaiservilla, Bad Ischl, Salzkammergut, Austria, c1900s. During the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Kaiservilla was the summer residence of Emperor Franz Joseph. Stereoscopic card. Detail
Francis Joseph I, Emperor of Austria. Franz Joseph (1830-1916) became Emperor of Austria after the Revolution of 1848 which led to the abdication of his uncle, Ferdinand I
Franz Joseph I (1830-1916), Emperor of Austria. Franz Joseph became Emperor of Austria after the Revolution of 1848 which led to the abdication of his uncle, Ferdinand I
Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria (1830-1916), 1849 (1900)
Emperor Franz Josef I of Austria, 1900. Franz Joseph (1830-1916) became Emperor of Austria after the Revolution of 1848 which led to the abdication of his uncle, Ferdinand I
Franz Josef I, Emperor of Austria, 19th century. Artist: Cassell, Petter & GalpinFranz Josef I, Emperor of Austria, 19th century. Franz Joseph (1830-1916) became Emperor of Austria after the Revolution of 1848 which led to the abdication of his uncle, Ferdinand I
Emperor Franz Josef I of Austria, 23 July 1914. Artist: HoeckEmperor Franz Josef I of Austria, 23 July 1914
Emperor Franz Josef I of Austria and Archduke Charles Habsburg, (1926)Emperor Franz Josef I of Austria and Archduke Karl Habsburg, (1926)
Francis Joseph I, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, late 19th-early 20th century. Portrait of Franz Josef I (1830-1916)
Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, 19th century. Artist: George J StodartFrancis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, 19th century. Franz Joseph (1830-1916) became Emperor of Austria after the Revolution of 1848 which led to the abdication of his uncle, Ferdinand I
Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria on a state visit to St Petersburg, Russia, 1897. Tsar Nicholas II (1868-1918) is riding alongside Franz Joseph (1830-1916)
Empress Elisabeth of Austria, 19th century. Artist: Franz HanfstaenglEmpress Elisabeth of Austria, 19th century. Elisabeth of Bavaria (1837-1898) married the Emperor Franz Josef I of Austria on 24 April 1854
Empress Elisabeth of Austria, 1857. Artist: Franz HanfstaenglEmpress Elisabeth of Austria, 1857. Elisabeth of Bavaria (1837-1898) married the Emperor Franz Josef I of Austria on 24 April 1854
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, on a visit to France, 1894. Artist: Jose BelonFranz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, on a visit to France, 1894. An illustration from Le Petit Journal, 19th March 1894
Emperor Franz Josef of Austria, 1892. Franz Joseph (1830-1916) became Emperor of Austria after the Revolution of 1848 which led to the abdication of his uncle, Ferdinand I
Emperor Franz Josef of Austria. Franz Joseph (1830-1916) became Emperor of Austria after the Revolution of 1848 which led to the abdication of his uncle, Ferdinand I
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, 1859. Franz Joseph (1830-1916) became Emperor of Austria after the Revolution of 1848 which led to the abdication of his uncle, Ferdinand I
Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria, c1880. Artist: Cassell, Petter & GalpinFranz Joseph, Emperor of Austria, c1880. Franz Joseph (1830-1916) became Emperor of Austria after the Revolution of 1848 which led to the abdication of his uncle, Ferdinand I
A Hint to Louis Napoleon, 1859. The Pope has threatened to Excommunicate the Emperor Napoleon - French Paper