The Last of England, 1855. Artist: Ford Madox BrownThe Last of England, 1855. From World Famous Paintings edited by J Grieg Pirie [W.& G. Foyle Ltd. London, 1938]
Dancing between Decks, 1850. Creator: UnknownDancing between Decks, 1850. Emigrants leaving for the colonies: United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia or New Zealand
Leaving the Port of London, 1872. Creator: UnknownLeaving the Port of London, 1872
The Last of England, 1852-1855. Creator: Ford Madox BrownThe Last of England, 1852-1855. This is a painting about emigration, the couple are departing for Australia
Refugees, 1917. Creator: Kazaks, Jekabs (1895-1920)Refugees, 1917. Found in the Collection of the Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga
Wreck of the Underley at the back of the Isle of Wight, 1871. Creator: UnknownWreck of the Underley at the back of the Isle of Wight, 1871. Engraving of a sketch by Mr. J
Emigrants by the ship Ganges departing for Canada, 1870. Creator: UnknownEmigrants by the ship Ganges departing for Canada, [from Victoria Docks, London], 1870
Dr. O'Carroll, c.1900. Creator: William Francis GordonDr. O'Carroll, c.1900
The emigrant ship Amoor driving up the Catwater, Plymouth, in the late gale, 1865
Francis Alexander Molesworth, c1840. Creator: Charles LandseerFrancis Alexander Molesworth, c1840
Embarkation of dockyard workmen as emigrants at Portsmouth, 1869. Creator: UnknownEmbarkation of dockyard workmen as emigrants at Portsmouth, 1869....discharged workmen of the Admiralty dockyards, with their wives and families
Les émigrants (The Emigrants), 1857. Creator: Daumier, Honoré (1808-1879)Les emigrants (The Emigrants), 1857. Found in the Collection of the Petit Palais, Musee des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris
The "Prairie Schooner". -- Emigrant wagon on the plains; Ocean to Ocean, the Pacific railroad, 1875. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London]
Récompense honnête, décernée...à Louis-Philippe, 1835. Creator: Honore DaumierRecompense honnete, decernee...a Louis-Philippe, 1835
Les émigrants, 1857. Creator: Honore DaumierLes emigrants, 1857. The emigrants. France
Auswanderer-Dampfer, 1893. Creator: Fritz StoltenbergAuswanderer-Dampfer, 1893
Group of emigrants (women and children) from eastern Europe on deck of the S.S. Amsterdam, 1899
The Pilgrim Fathers Leaving England, (1902). Creator: C. HowardThe Pilgrim Fathers Leaving England, (1902). English puritans on their way to north America. Quakers on board the Mayflower landed in 1620
The Emigration of the Russian Jews - Sketches on board the Guion Liner "Wisconsin", The Rush for the First Meal, 1891. From "The Graphic
The Emigration of the Russian Jews - Sketches on board the Guion Liner "Wisconsin", off Queenstown on Sunday Morning - The Ruling Passion, 1891. From "The Graphic
The Emigration of the Russian Jews - The Doctor Examining Steerage Passengers before their Departure from Liverpool on board the Guion Liner "Wisconsin" in the Mersey, 1891
Emigrants, 1922. Creator: Emil OrlikEmigrants, 1922
Searching for Stowaways, 1850. Creator: UnknownSearching for Stowaways, 1850. Sailors looking for stowaways on a British ship leaving for the colonies: United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia or New Zealand
Quarter-Deck of an Emigrant Ship - Roll-Call, 1850. Creator: UnknownQuarter-Deck of an Emigrant Ship - Roll-Call, 1850. Emigrants leaving Britain for the colonies: United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia or New Zealand
Emigration to Australia - Farewell Group Meeting of the Family Colonisation Loan Society, 1850
The Canterbury Colonists - scene at Gravesend, on Monday, 1850. Creator: UnknownThe Canterbury Colonists - scene at Gravesend [in Kent], on Monday, 1850. Settlers bound for New Zealand
Emigrant Ship, between Decks, 1850. Creator: UnknownEmigrant Ship, between Decks, 1850
Emigrant Needlewomen on Deck, 1850. Creator: UnknownEmigrant Needlewomen on Deck, 1850. Sailing ship bound for the colonies
The Canterbury Settlement, New Zealand - sketch on board the "Randolph" Emigrant Ship, 1850
The Embankment, Waterloo Docks, Liverpool, 1850. Creator: SmythThe Embankment, Waterloo Docks, Liverpool, 1850. Emigrants leaving Britain for the colonies: United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia or New Zealand
The Government Inspector's Office, 1850. Creator: UnknownThe Government Inspector's Office, 1850
The Departure, 1850. Creator: UnknownThe Departure, 1850. Emigrants leaving Britain for the colonies: United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia or New Zealand
Scene between Decks, 1850. Creator: UnknownScene between Decks, 1850. Emigrants leaving Britain for the colonies: United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia or New Zealand
Map showing the lands assigned to emigrant Indians west of Arkansas and Missouri, 1836
The International Exhibition: "The Emigrants Farewell" by Carl HübnerThe International Exhibition: "The Emigrants Farewell" by Carl Hubner, 1862
Departure of the Noncomformists from London...for the new colony... 1862. Creator: UnknownDeparture of the Noncomformists from London, on Thursday week, for the new colony of Albertland, New Zealand: scene on board the Matilda Wattenbach on her passage down the river [Thames], 1862
Emigrants, 1880. Creator: James TissotEmigrants, 1880
Homeward Bound (New York), ca. 1860. Creator: UnknownHomeward Bound (New York), ca. 1860
The Migrants Farewell, 1844. Creator: UnknownThe Migrants Farewell, 1844
The Emigrants, 1883-1889, (1946). Creator: William McTaggartThe Emigrants, 1883-1889, (1946). Scots preparing to leave for America. The location is a headland at Carradale, in Argyllshire on the west coast of Scotland. A sailing ship waits in the distance
Emigrants Crossing the Plains, c1869, (1874). Creator: Henry Bryan Hall JrEmigrants Crossing the Plains, c1869, (1874). Pioneers in covered wagons pulled by oxen, travelling west to colonise the USA
Caroline Chisholm, The Emigrants Friend, Sydney, Australia, c1845
Outward Bound (Dublin), ca. 1860. Creator: UnknownOutward Bound (Dublin), ca. 1860
Caroline Chisholm addressing a crowd from the emigrant ship Ballengeich, 1852. Caroline Chisholm (nee Jones) (1808-1877), British philanthropist and reformer, was born at Wootton, near Northampton
Boys emigrating to Canada setting off from Saint Nicholas Industrial School, Essex, 1908Boys emigrating to Canada setting off from Saint Nicholas Industrial School, Manor House, Manor Park, East Ham, Essex, 1908
Roll call of boys about to emigrate to Canada, Essex, 1908Roll call of boys about to emigrate to Canada, Saint Nicholas Industrial School, Manor House, Manor Park, East Ham, Essex, 1908
Blackwall, Poplar, London, c1830. Artist: Robert WallisBlackwall, Poplar, London, c1830; view of an emigrant ship and other vessels on the water
The Polish emigrant exodus, early 20th century
The Emigrants. Artist: Van den Berghe, Frits (1883-1939)The Emigrants. Found in the collection of Collection Belfius Banque
The Emigrants, 1864 (1906). Irish emigrants at Ballinasloe Station waiting for a train to Galway where they will board a ship for America. From Cassells Illustrated History of England, Vol. VII
Pilgrim Fathers around a watch-fire, c1620 (c1880). Fleeing religious persecution in England, the Pilgrim Fathers established the second successful colony in North America
Reception the French Protestants in Amsterdam, late 17th century (c1870)
The Baltic Railway Station, expulsion of Jews from St Petersburg, Russia, 1891. A print from The Illustrated London News, 20th June 1891
Entering the New World, 1892. Artist: Charles Joseph StanilandEntering the New World, 1892. See the daystar of Liberty rise
Enlisting Irish and German emigrants on the Battery, New York, USA, 1864. From The Illustrated London News (17 September 1864)
Marti in Tampa, (1892), 1920sJose Marti in Tampa. At the end of 1891 the Ignacio Agramonte Club Tampa invited Jose Marti to give a lecture. The unbridled enthusiasm aroused by the great patriot among the emigrants was immense
Italian emigrants at the Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris, 1896. Artist: Henri MeyerItalian emigrants at the Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris, 1896. An illustration from Le Petit Journal, 29th March 1896
Lochaber no More, 1886. Dispossessed Scottish crofters, victims of the Highland clearances, taking their last view of home as they depart on board a ship
The Rocky Mountains, c1834-c1876. Artist: Frances Flora Bond PalmerThe Rocky Mountains, c1834-c1876. Emigrants crossing the plains watched by Native Americans. Published by Currier and Ives, New York, USA
Emigration to America, 19th century. Artist: Charles VolkmarEmigration to America, 19th century. Emigrants being rowed ashore from the vessel that has brought them from Europe
Irish emigrants leaving Queenstown (Cobh), the port for Cork, for the United States, 1874. Some are buying last-minute trinkets and good luck tokens
Irish emigrants embarking for America at Waterloo Docks, Liverpool, 1850. The failure of the Irish potato crop in the 1840s led to a devastating famine
British emigrant ship being towed out of harbour before setting sail for Sydney, Australia
British emigrants bound for Sydney, Australia, in quarters on the St Vincent
Taking the pulse of a sick Irish emigrant on board ship, (1840s) c1890Taking the pulse of a sick Irish emigrant on board ship bound for North America during the potato famine of the 1840s, c1890. Wood engraving
Something for Paddy, 1864. Artist: John TennielSomething for Paddy, 1864. Daniel O Connell says: Its a Repaler ye call yourself, ye Spalpeen, and you re goin to Die for the Union