The Prophet Elijah Awakened in the Desert by an Angel, 1624-1625
The Ascension of Elijah, 1627. Creator: David ColijnsThe Ascension of Elijah, 1627
Elisha Watching Elijah Ascend in the Fiery Chariot, 1750/1755
The sacrifice of Elijah, ca. 1653. Creator: Luca GiordanoThe sacrifice of Elijah, ca. 1653
Elijah Restoring the Widows Son, 1868, (1947). Artist: Ford Madox BrownElijah Restoring the Widows Son, 1868, (1947). Part of the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. From The English Bible, by Sir Herbert Grierson [Collins, London, 1947]
Elijah, 1926. Artist: Frederic ShieldsElijah, 1926. From An Outline of Christianity, The Story of Our Civilisation, volume 1: The Birth of Christianity, edited by RG Parsons and AS Peake, published by the Waverley Book Club (London, 1926)
The Transfiguration, 1311. Artist: Duccio di BuoninsegnaThe Transfiguration, 1311. Found in the collection of the National Gallery, London
The Transfiguration, 17th century. Artist: MosesThe Transfiguration, 17th century
The Transfiguration of Christ, 12th centuryThe Transfiguration of Christ, with the Prophet Elias on the left, Moses on the right of the painting. From Asinov Church on Cyprus, 12th century
Elijah, Old Testament prophet, raising the widows son from apparent death, c1860. From the Bible (1 Kings 17)
Elijah goes into wilderness and asks to die, but an angel comes and bids him arise and eat, 1866. From the Bible (1 Kings 19.5)
Elijah raising the widows son, c1808. From the Bible (1 Kings 17.19, 20)
Angel of the Lord appearing to Elijah on the mountain, 1804Angel of the Lord appearing to Elijah on the mountain and telling him not to be afraid and to go down to the king, 1804. Bible II Kings I:15