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East India Company Collection

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Colonel Mordaunt watching a cock fight at Lucknow, India, 1790. Artist: Johan Zoffany

Colonel Mordaunt watching a cock fight at Lucknow, India, 1790. Artist: Johan Zoffany
Colonel Mordaunt watching a cock fight at Lucknow, India, 1790. In an open-sided tent, East India Company officers and administrators sit and stand under a canopy

Background imageEast India Company Collection: English grandee of the East India Company riding in an Indian procession, 1825-1830

English grandee of the East India Company riding in an Indian procession, 1825-1830

Background imageEast India Company Collection: John Wood Approaching Bombay, c1850. Artist: Joseph Heard

John Wood Approaching Bombay, c1850. Artist: Joseph Heard
John Wood Approaching Bombay, c1850. At this time the East India Company was still governing India

Background imageEast India Company Collection: East India Companys Packet Swallow, 1788. Artist: Thomas Luny

East India Companys Packet Swallow, 1788. Artist: Thomas Luny
East India Companys Packet Swallow, 1788. From Adventures By Sea From Art of Old Time, by Basil Lubbock. [The Studio Ltd. London, 1925]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The Shipyard of the Dutch East India Company at Amsterdam, 1696. Creator: Ludolf Bakhuizen

The Shipyard of the Dutch East India Company at Amsterdam, 1696. Creator: Ludolf Bakhuizen
The Shipyard of the Dutch East India Company at Amsterdam, 1696.

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of Thomson, F.R.S. 1855. Creator: Maull & Polyblank

Portrait of Thomson, F.R.S. 1855. Creator: Maull & Polyblank
Portrait of Thomson, F.R.S. 1855. Additional Info: Portrait of Dr Thomas Thomson, seated, holding a book in his right hand. On the table next to him is a bell jar and some ferns

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Elveden Hall, Suffolk, 1872. Creator: Unknown

Elveden Hall, Suffolk, 1872. Creator: Unknown
Elveden Hall, Suffolk, of the Maharajah Dhuleep Singh...Elveden, or Elden, as it is sometimes called

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Sir Bartle Frere, K.C.B. G.C.S.I. 1872. Creator: Unknown

Sir Bartle Frere, K.C.B. G.C.S.I. 1872. Creator: Unknown
Sir Bartle Frere, K.C.B. G.C.S.I. 1872. Engraving is from a photograph by John Watkins

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Sir Henry Havelock at the relief of Lucknow, c1900. Creator: Howard Davie

Sir Henry Havelock at the relief of Lucknow, c1900. Creator: Howard Davie
Sir Henry Havelock at the relief of Lucknow, c1900

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The late Colonel Sykes, M.P. 1872. Creator: Unknown

The late Colonel Sykes, M.P. 1872. Creator: Unknown
The late Colonel Sykes, M.P. 1872. Engraving from a photograph by Caldesi. William Henry Sykes, M.P. for Aberdeen, ...was born in 1790, and entered the Bombay army in 1804

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of Henry Hudson, English navigator in ruff, 1609, (1937). Creator: Unknown

Portrait of Henry Hudson, English navigator in ruff, 1609, (1937). Creator: Unknown
Portrait of Henry Hudson, the English navigator, showing the ruff, reign of James I, 1609, (1937)

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The Battle of Plassey, (1757), 1890. Creator: Unknown

The Battle of Plassey, (1757), 1890. Creator: Unknown
The Battle of Plassey, (1757), 1890

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Lord Sandhurst (Lieutenant-General Sir William Mansfield), 1871. Creator: Unknown

Lord Sandhurst (Lieutenant-General Sir William Mansfield), 1871. Creator: Unknown
Lord Sandhurst (Lieutenant-General Sir William Mansfield), 1871. Engraving from a photograph by Thomas Cranfield. The Right Hon

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Field-Marshal Sir G. Pollock, G

Field-Marshal Sir G. Pollock, G.C.B. the new Constable of the Tower of London, 1871. Engraving after a photograph by John Watkins

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Plate given to the Royal Engineers by Indian engineer officers, 1871. Creator: Unknown

Plate given to the Royal Engineers by Indian engineer officers, 1871. Creator: Unknown
Plate given to the Royal Engineers by Indian engineer officers, 1871. General Sir John Cheape, in the name of the Engineer officers formerly in the Hon

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Statue of Sir James Outram, Thames Embankment, 1871. Creator: Unknown

Statue of Sir James Outram, Thames Embankment, 1871. Creator: Unknown
Statue of Sir James Outram, Thames Embankment, [London], 1871

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Court of Proprietors, East India Company, 1844. Creator: Unknown

Court of Proprietors, East India Company, 1844. Creator: Unknown
Court of Proprietors, East India Company, 1844....a view of the General Court Room [in Leadenhall Street, London]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Bostonian Electors of L-Shire, 1790. 1790. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson

Bostonian Electors of L-Shire, 1790. 1790. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson
Bostonian Electors of L-Shire, 1790

Background imageEast India Company Collection: G. Steevens, (1736-1800), 1830. Creator: Unknown

G. Steevens, (1736-1800), 1830. Creator: Unknown
G. Steevens, (1736-1800), 1830. George Steevens (1736-1800) English Shakespearean commentator and director of the East India Company, educated at Eton College and at Kings College, Cambridge

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Tippoo Saib, (1750-1799), 1830. Creator: Unknown

Tippoo Saib, (1750-1799), 1830. Creator: Unknown
Tippoo Saib, (1750-1799), 1830

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The First Fleet of the East India Company Leaving Woolwich

The First Fleet of the East India Company Leaving Woolwich, 1601, (1890)

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The late General Sir John Low, K.C.B., G.C.S.I., 1880. Creator: Unknown

The late General Sir John Low, K.C.B., G.C.S.I., 1880. Creator: Unknown
The late General Sir John Low, K.C.B., G.C.S.I., 1880. Engraving from a photograph by Mr. T. Rodger

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Monument of Field Marshal Lord Clyde

Monument of Field Marshal Lord Clyde, by Baron Marochetti, in Waterloo-Place, [London], 1868

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The late Earl Canning, 1862. Creator: Unknown

The late Earl Canning, 1862. Creator: Unknown
The late Earl Canning, 1862. Engraving from a photograph

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The Storming of Delhi, the Cashmere Gate, 1857. Creator: Unknown

The Storming of Delhi, the Cashmere Gate, 1857. Creator: Unknown
The Storming of Delhi, the Cashmere Gate, 1857. This spirited Engraving, from an original Sketch, represents tha exciting scene of the storming of Delhi, at the Cashmere gate, by our brave troops

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The Finding of the Body of Tippoo Sultan, published 1800. Creator: Samuel William Reynolds

The Finding of the Body of Tippoo Sultan, published 1800. Creator: Samuel William Reynolds
The Finding of the Body of Tippoo Sultan, published 1800

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The New Indian Council Chamber, 1858. Creator: Unknown

The New Indian Council Chamber, 1858. Creator: Unknown
The New Indian Council Chamber, 1858. Meeting room in India House, London. View of...the chamber in which the new Council of India now holds its deliberations

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The 70th Bengal Native Infantry messing, 1858. Creator: Unknown

The 70th Bengal Native Infantry messing, 1858. Creator: Unknown
The 70th Bengal Native Infantry messing, 1858. Indian soldiers in China. A scene which...may be witnessed daily down at the beach

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The 70th Bengal Native Infantry drawing rations at the Commissariat Stores

The 70th Bengal Native Infantry drawing rations at the Commissariat Stores, Canton, 1858. Indian soldiers in China

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Lord Charles Cornwallis (1738-1805) receiving Tipu Sahib's Sons

Lord Charles Cornwallis (1738-1805) receiving Tipu Sahib's Sons Abdul Khaliq Sultan (1782-1806) and Mu'izz-ud-din Sultan (1783-1818) as hostages at Seringapatam 26 February 1792

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Nawab Mir Jafar Khan (reigned 1704-1726), between 1760 and 1775. Creator: Unknown

Nawab Mir Jafar Khan (reigned 1704-1726), between 1760 and 1775. Creator: Unknown
Nawab Mir Jafar Khan (reigned 1704-1726), between 1760 and 1775

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Opium-smoking in China - from drawings by a native artist, 1858. Creator: Unknown

Opium-smoking in China - from drawings by a native artist, 1858. Creator: Unknown
Opium-smoking in China - from drawings by a native artist, 1858. Fig. 4

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Opium-smoking in China - from drawings by a native artist, 1858. Creator: Unknown

Opium-smoking in China - from drawings by a native artist, 1858. Creator: Unknown
Opium-smoking in China - from drawings by a native artist, 1858. Fig 1....two partners in an opium firm superintending the operations of their workmen...Fig

Background imageEast India Company Collection: View of Fort Saint George at Madras, 1754. Creator: Unknown

View of Fort Saint George at Madras, 1754. Creator: Unknown
View of Fort Saint George at Madras, 1754. Fort St. George on the Coromandel Coast, belonging to the East India Company of England

Background imageEast India Company Collection: View of Fort William at Calcutta, 1754. Creator: Anon

View of Fort William at Calcutta, 1754. Creator: Anon
View of Fort William at Calcutta, 1754. Fort William in the Kingdom of Bengal. Belonging to the East India Company of England

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The siege of the city of Machilipatnam (Masulipatnam), 1675-1725. Creator: Anon

The siege of the city of Machilipatnam (Masulipatnam), 1675-1725. Creator: Anon
The siege of the city of Machilipatnam (Masulipatnam), 1675-1725. View of the city of Machilipatnam (Masulipatnam) on the Coromandel coast, India. Ships with Dutch flags at sea

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of Reinier de Klerk, Governor-General of the Dutch East India Company

Portrait of Reinier de Klerk, Governor-General of the Dutch East India Company, 1777

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of Jeremias van Riemsdijk

Portrait of Jeremias van Riemsdijk, Governor-General of the Dutch East India Company, 1775-1777

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Sketches in the Persian Gulf - Margill

Sketches in the Persian Gulf - Margill, the Residence of the British Consul, near Bussorah, [Basra], 1857

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The Persian Expedition - H.E.I

The Persian Expedition - H.E.I.C. [Honourable East India Company] "Semiramis", Bushire, Resident's House, Sandbag Batteries, 1857

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The Persian Expedition - 64th Regiment and Bombay (4th) Rifles

The Persian Expedition - 64th Regiment and Bombay (4th) Rifles, the "Bombay" Steamer aground, Gun-boats, the "Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy", Hallilah Hill, 1857

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The Persian Expedition - Island of Kishni

The Persian Expedition - Island of Kishni, Harbour of Bunder [Bandar] Abbas, Fleet at Anchor, Persian Coast, 1857

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of Pieter Cornelis Hasselaer

Portrait of Pieter Cornelis Hasselaer, Adviser to the Dutch East India Company and Burgomaster of Amsterdam, with his Family, 1763

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of Pieter Dircksz Hasselaer (1554-1616), after c.1610. Creator: Unknown

Portrait of Pieter Dircksz Hasselaer (1554-1616), after c.1610. Creator: Unknown
Portrait of Pieter Dircksz Hasselaer (1554-1616), after c.1610. Copy after Cornelis van der Voort

Background imageEast India Company Collection: His Royal Highness Prince Albert laying the Foundation-Stone of the Strangers Home

His Royal Highness Prince Albert laying the Foundation-Stone of the Strangers Home, near Limehouse Church, 1856

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Searching for Rebel Santhals, 1856. Creator: Unknown

Searching for Rebel Santhals, 1856. Creator: Unknown
Searching for Rebel Santhals, 1856. In the Sketch representing the searching for Santhal rebels is a very fine elephant, the property of Mr

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Attack by 600 Santhals upon a party of 50 Sepoys

Attack by 600 Santhals upon a party of 50 Sepoys, 40th Regiment Native Infantry, 1856

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The Hon. East India Company's Banquet at the London Tavern to Lieutenant-General Patrick Grant

The Hon. East India Company's Banquet at the London Tavern to Lieutenant-General Patrick Grant, C.B. The New Commander-in- Chief of Madras, 1856

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Johan Boudaen Courten (1635-1716)

Johan Boudaen Courten (1635-1716), Lord of St Laurens, Schellach and Popkensburg. Councillor of Middelburg and Director of the East India Company, 1668

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of Jan Boudaen Courten (1635-1716)

Portrait of Jan Boudaen Courten (1635-1716), lord of St. Laurens, Schellach and Popkensburg, Judge and alderman of Middelburg, 1690-1753

Background imageEast India Company Collection: David Nuyts, 1645. Creator: Jonas Suyderhoef

David Nuyts, 1645. Creator: Jonas Suyderhoef
David Nuyts, 1645

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Lord Cornwallis, 1799. Creator: William Ward

Lord Cornwallis, 1799. Creator: William Ward
Lord Cornwallis, 1799

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Shipping the Great Bull from Nimroud

Shipping the Great Bull from Nimroud, at Morghill, on the Euphrates, [Iraq], 1850. The drawing from which the taken has been brought over by one of the Messrs

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Loss of the Kent, East Indiaman, n

Loss of the Kent, East Indiaman, n.d

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Bust of Viscount Gough, by G. G. Adams, 1850. Creator: Unknown

Bust of Viscount Gough, by G. G. Adams, 1850. Creator: Unknown
Bust of Viscount Gough, by G. G. Adams, 1850. On Saturday evening last, the Hon

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Monument lately erected in Lichfield Cathedral

Monument lately erected in Lichfield Cathedral, [Lichfield, Staffordshire], to the 80th Regiment of Foot, 1850

Background imageEast India Company Collection: His Excellency Jung Bahadoor, Ambassador from the Court of Nepaul, 1850. Creator: Unknown

His Excellency Jung Bahadoor, Ambassador from the Court of Nepaul, 1850. Creator: Unknown
His Excellency Jung Bahadoor, Ambassador from the Court of Nepaul, 1850

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The International Exhibition: the Outram Shield, 1862. Creator: Unknown

The International Exhibition: the Outram Shield, 1862. Creator: Unknown
The International Exhibition: the Outram Shield, exhibited by Messrs. Hunt and Roskell - from a photograph by the London Stereoscopic Company, 1862. Testimonial manufactured by Messrs

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Plan of Havelocks March, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Plan of Havelocks March, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Plan of Havelocks March, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Plan of the Battle of Bithoor, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Plan of the Battle of Bithoor, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Plan of the Battle of Bithoor, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Hand-to-Hand Combat Between Mr. Shore and the Goojur, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Hand-to-Hand Combat Between Mr. Shore and the Goojur, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Hand-to-Hand Combat Between Mr. Shore and the Goojur, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Plan of the Affair at Aong, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Plan of the Affair at Aong, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Plan of the Affair at Aong, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Plan of the Affair at Pandoo Nuddee, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Plan of the Affair at Pandoo Nuddee, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Plan of the Affair at Pandoo Nuddee, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of the Right Hon. George Canning, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Portrait of the Right Hon. George Canning, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Portrait of the Right Hon. George Canning, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. I.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Plan of the Battle of Futtehpore, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Plan of the Battle of Futtehpore, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Plan of the Battle of Futtehpore, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of Nana Sahib, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Portrait of Nana Sahib, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Portrait of Nana Sahib, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Plan of the Advance on Koreigaum, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Plan of the Advance on Koreigaum, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Plan of the Advance on Koreigaum, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. I.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Plan of the Entrenchment at Cawnpore, June, 1857, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Plan of the Entrenchment at Cawnpore, June, 1857, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Plan of the Entrenchment at Cawnpore, June, 1857, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Fitzgeralds Charge, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Fitzgeralds Charge, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Fitzgeralds Charge, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. I.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Plan of the Defence of Seetabuldee Hill, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Plan of the Defence of Seetabuldee Hill, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Plan of the Defence of Seetabuldee Hill, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. I.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of the Marquis of Hastings, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Portrait of the Marquis of Hastings, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Portrait of the Marquis of Hastings, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. I.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Sir David Ochterlony and the Ghoorka Messenger, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Sir David Ochterlony and the Ghoorka Messenger, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Sir David Ochterlony and the Ghoorka Messenger, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. I.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: View of the Fort of Bushire, c1891. Creator: James Grant

View of the Fort of Bushire, c1891. Creator: James Grant
View of the Fort of Bushire, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Plan of the Battle of Meanee, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Plan of the Battle of Meanee, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Plan of the Battle of Meanee, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The Surrender of Moolraj, c1891. Creator: James Grant

The Surrender of Moolraj, c1891. Creator: James Grant
The Surrender of Moolraj, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The Attack on the Alumbagh, c1891. Creator: James Grant

The Attack on the Alumbagh, c1891. Creator: James Grant
The Attack on the Alumbagh, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of Lord Ellenborough, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Portrait of Lord Ellenborough, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Portrait of Lord Ellenborough, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of Lady Sale, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Portrait of Lady Sale, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Portrait of Lady Sale, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of Sir Herbert Edwardes, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Portrait of Sir Herbert Edwardes, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Portrait of Sir Herbert Edwardes, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Portrait of Sir James Outram, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Portrait of Sir James Outram, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Portrait of Sir James Outram, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Plan of Lucknow, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Plan of Lucknow, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Plan of Lucknow, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Plan of the Battle of Sobraon, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Plan of the Battle of Sobraon, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Plan of the Battle of Sobraon, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: The Battle of Ferozeshah, c1891. Creator: James Grant

The Battle of Ferozeshah, c1891. Creator: James Grant
The Battle of Ferozeshah, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. II.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

Background imageEast India Company Collection: Plan of the Attack on Sholapore, c1891. Creator: James Grant

Plan of the Attack on Sholapore, c1891. Creator: James Grant
Plan of the Attack on Sholapore, c1891. From " Cassells Illustrated History of India Vol. I.", by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris and New York]

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