Shoeing, 1844, (1938). Artist: Edwin Henry LandseerShoeing, 1844. Painting held at the Tate Britain, London. From World-Famous Paintings edited by J. Greig Pirie [W. & G. Foyle, Ltd, London, 1938.]
A Midsummer Nights Dream (Shakespeare, Act 4, Scene 1), November, 1857
The Effects of Good Government in the Countryside, (detail), 1338-1340. Ambrogio Lorenzetti frescoed the side walls of the Council Room (Sala dei Nove) of the City Hall (Palazzo Pubblico) of Siena
Le Meunier, Son Fils, et l'Ane (The Miller)Le Meunier, Son Fils, et l'Ane (The Miller, His Son, and the Ass) (Furnishing Fabric), France, 1806. Designed by Jean Baptiste Huet after Jean Baptiste Oudry, manufactured by Oberkampf Manufactory
September - the Chateau de Saumur, 15th century, (1939). Septembre - the Chateau de Saumur
Rifle fete at Ecclesbourne, near Hastings, 1860. Creator: W ThomasRifle fete at Ecclesbourne, near Hastings, 1860. The contest was chiefly among the members of the Cinque Ports Corps...The first prize was a Lancaster rifle, value ten guineas, which was won by Mr
An Inside View of the Town Wall of Newcastle upon Tyne, c1760-90. Creator: UnknownAn Inside View of the Town Wall of Newcastle upon Tyne, c1760-90. Near St. Andrews Church, between Newgate and Westgate, with a Tower, at present the Meeting House of the Company of Paviors
An Arab Cafe, Cairo, c1880, (1904). Artist: Robert George Talbot KellyAn Arab Cafe, Cairo, c1880, (1904). From Egypt, by R. Talbot Kelly. [Adam & Charles Black, London, 1904]
Milk Donkeys, c. 1890. Creator: Frank Meadow SutcliffeMilk Donkeys, c. 1890. Platinum print
A traditional custom, Montlucon, France, 1900. An illustration from Le Petit Journal, 1st April 1900
Ben and Bijan, 1904-1921. Creator: Eva Watson-SchutzeBen and Bijan, 1904-1921. Portrait of a boy standing beside a white donkey. The donkey is wearing a bridle with blinders
Shepherds with Sheep in a Mountainous Landscape, late 18th-early 19th century
Landscape, mid-late 17th century. Creator: Adam PynackerLandscape, mid-late 17th century
Plough Ox and Mule with Fellah, 1876. Creator: Charles VerlatPlough Ox and Mule with Fellah, 1876
Greedy and Lazy, Moderate and Industrious, c1850-1890. Creator: Charles VerlatGreedy and Lazy, Moderate and Industrious, c1850-1890
Open Window on Bosvoorde, 1914. Creator: Rik WoutersOpen Window on Bosvoorde, 1914
The Legend of Saint Christopher, 3rd quarter of the 16th century. Creator: AnonThe Legend of Saint Christopher, 3rd quarter of the 16th century
The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1555. Creator: Lambert van NoortThe Adoration of the Shepherds, 1555
Visit of Arabs to Livingstone and Stanley at Unyanyembe, 1872. Creator: J. B. ZwickenVisit of Arabs to Livingstone and Stanley at Unyanyembe, 1872. There are three different routes for the traveller from Bagamoyo to Unyanyembe
An Autumn Ramble, 1872. Creator: WentworthAn Autumn Ramble, 1872
Group of donkeys crossing road and holding up traffic in New Forest 2011
The Entry into Jerusalem, about 1480-1490. Creator: Master of Guillaume LambertThe Entry into Jerusalem, La Passion de nostre seigneur ihesus christ, about 1480-1490
Saint Anthony of Padua; Gualenghi-d'Este Hours, about 1469. Creator: Taddeo CrivelliSaint Anthony of Padua; Gualenghi-d'Este Hours, about 1469. Additional Info:The Franciscan friar Saint Anthony of Padua kneels in prayer while a mule bows down before a basket in front of him
The Entry into Jerusalem; Gospel Book, 1386. Creator: UnknownThe Entry into Jerusalem; Gospel Book, 1386
The Entry into Jerusalem; Benedictional, about 1030-1040. Creator: UnknownThe Entry into Jerusalem; Benedictional, about 1030-1040
The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1480-1490. Creator: Georges TrubertThe Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1480-1490
The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1415-1420
The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1410. Creator: UnknownThe Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1410. Follower of the Egerton Master
The Entry into Jerusalem; Barlaam und Josaphat, 1469. Illustration from "Barlaam und Josaphat", a romance in verse, by Rudolf von Ems
The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, 1478. Creator: Master of Guillaume LambertThe Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, 1478
Initial D: The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1430-1440. Creator: Fastolf MasterInitial D: The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1430-1440
The Flight into Egypt; Llangattock Hours, 1450s. Creator: Master of the Llangattock HoursThe Flight into Egypt; Llangattock Hours, 1450s. Additional info: This finely illustrated book of hours takes its name from the Baron Llangattock, who owned the book in the 1900s
The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1420-1430
Initial C: The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1450-1455
The Entry into Jerusalem; Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, about 1525-1530
The Nativity; Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, about 1525-1530
The Flight into Egypt; Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, about 1525-1530
The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1400-1410. Creator: UnknownThe Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1400-1410
A Horse Laden with Sacks and a Donkey; Fables: Exemplum de Tribus Latronibus: Defensio Curatorum Adversus Fratres Mendicantes, 1357: De Balsamo (Ch)
A Farmer with an Ox and Calf: A Man Hitting a Donkey: A Man Beating a Drum; Fables: Exemplum de Tribus Latronibus: Defensio Curatorum Adversus Fratres Mendicantes, 1357: De Balsamo (Ch)
A Young Man in a Bed under which is a Snake: A Donkey Fighting with a Fox; Fables: Exemplum de Tribus Latronibus: Defensio Curatorum Adversus Fratres Mendicantes, 1357: De Balsamo (Ch)
Lions and a Donkey with Other Animals: A Lion in his Den and a Fox, Ram, and Goat; Fables: Exemplum de Tribus Latronibus: Defensio Curatorum Adversus Fratres Mendicantes, 1357: De Balsamo (Ch)
A Man with a Sword and Spurs Leading a Donkey from his House while a Man Prays in a Nearby Church: Two People Praying in a Church; Fables: Exemplum de Tribus Latronibus
A Crab and Its Mother: A Man Hitting a Donkey; Fables: Exemplum de Tribus Latronibus: Defensio Curatorum Adversus Fratres Mendicantes, 1357: De Balsamo (Ch)
A Horseman Leading a Donkey; Miscellany: Physiologus: other texts, 1510-1520
A Crowned Couple with a Dog and a Donkey: A Woman Feeding a Bird; Fables: Exemplum de Tribus Latronibus: Defensio Curatorum Adversus Fratres Mendicantes, 1357: De Balsamo (Ch)
A Wild Donkey; De Natura Avium; De Pastoribus et Ovibus; Bestiarium; Mirabilia Mundi; Philosophia Mundi; On the Soul, 1277 or after
A Dog Biting a Wolf Laying Near his Den and Nearby a Sheep, a Donkey and a Stag; Fables: Exemplum de Tribus Latronibus: Defensio Curatorum Adversus Fratres Mendicantes, 1357: De Balsamo (Ch)
The Meeting of Balaam and Balak; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410. Creator: UnknownThe Meeting of Balaam and Balak; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
Balaam Blessing the People of Israel; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410. Creator: UnknownBalaam Blessing the People of Israel; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
Joseph and Mary on their Way to Bethlehem; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410. Creator: UnknownJoseph and Mary on their Way to Bethlehem; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
Samson Slaying the Philistines with the Jawbone of an Ass: Samson Drinking from the Jawbone of an Ass; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
The Woman from Shunem on a Donkey; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410. Creator: UnknownThe Woman from Shunem on a Donkey; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
The Flight into Egypt; Katherine Hours, about 1480-1485. Creator: Jean BourdichonThe Flight into Egypt; Katherine Hours, about 1480-1485
The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450
The Agony in the Garden; Book of Hours, about 1420. Creator: Spitz MasterThe Agony in the Garden; Book of Hours, about 1420. Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane as the disciples sleep. An angel bringing a goblet comes to comfort him
The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1420. Creator: Spitz MasterThe Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1420. Additional Info:In the Hours of the Virgin in this book of hours, the Vespers service opens with a miniature of the Flight into Egypt
The Entry in Jerusalem; Gospel Book, 1583. Creator: GhoukasThe Entry in Jerusalem; Gospel Book, 1583. Additional Info:Gospel Book
The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, 1544. Creator: UnknownThe Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, 1544
The Entry into Jerusalem, about 1190-1200. Creator: UnknownThe Entry into Jerusalem, about 1190-1200. Additional Info:Illustrated Vita Christi, with devotional supplements
Allegory of Fortune, about 1658-1659. Creator: Salvator RosaAllegory of Fortune, about 1658-1659. Additional Info: A personification of Fortune bestows symbols of wealth, status, and power on dumb animals who neither need nor deserve them
Nativity, about 1420-1422. Creator: Gentile da FabrianoNativity, about 1420-1422
Mosaic of a Lion Attacking an Onager, A.D. 150-200. Creator: UnknownMosaic of a Lion Attacking an Onager, A.D. 150-200. Additional Info: A lion sinks his teeth and claws into the back of a fallen onager (wild ass) in the scene portrayed on this fragmentary mosaic
Mosaic Fragment with Donkey and Bird, 5th-6th century. Creator: UnknownMosaic Fragment with Donkey and Bird, 5th-6th century. Additional Info: Fragment of a mosaic depicting a donkey and a long-legged bird perched on grapevines
Two Italian peasants, one riding a donkey, about 1870. Creator: Giorgio ConradTwo Italian peasants, one riding a donkey, about 1870
The Entry into Jerusalem; Book of Hours, about 1420. Creator: UnknownThe Entry into Jerusalem; Book of Hours, about 1420. Jesus rides a donkey into the city on Palm Sunday
The Nativity; Book of Hours, 1544. Creator: UnknownThe Nativity; Book of Hours, 1544
The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1460. Creator: UnknownThe Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1460
The Second Temptation of Christ; The Third Temptation of Christ; The Raising of Lazarus; The Entry into Jerusalem; Wenceslaus Psalter, about 1250-1260
The Flight into Egypt; Book of Hours, about 1466-1470
The Nativity; Book of Hours, 1478. Creator: Master of Guillaume LambertThe Nativity; Book of Hours, 1478
The Civil War in France: wounded insurgent prisoners brought into Versailles, 1871. The bringing in at Versailles of wounded Communists made prisoners by the Government troops'
Sloth (Desidia), from the series The Seven Deadly Sins, 1558. Creator: Philip GalleSloth (Desidia), from the series The Seven Deadly Sins, 1558. After Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Fording the river, c1670s. Creator: Jacob van RuisdaelFording the river, c1670s
The Road Across the Heath, 1834-37. Creator: David Cox the ElderThe Road Across the Heath, 1834-37
Rowsley Mill, Derbyshire, 1847. Creator: David Cox the ElderRowsley Mill, Derbyshire, 1847
Study of a Donkey, 1841-1843. Creator: David Cox the ElderStudy of a Donkey, 1841-1843
Adam and Eve, 1895. Creator: Hugo SimbergAdam and Eve, 1895
The Flight into Egypt, 1862. Creator: Sir Edward Coley Burne-JonesThe Flight into Egypt, 1862. Design for a stained glass window
Landscape, 1631-1678. Creator: Jan Brueghel the youngerLandscape, 1631-1678
An Italian Inn, 1846. Creator: Robert Wilhelm EkmanAn Italian Inn, 1846
For the Squire's Hall, drawn by E. N. Downard, 1871. Creator: UnknownFor the Squire's Hall, drawn by E. N. Downard, 1871. Illustration to "The Ancestral Portrait", a short story by John Latey
Street View in Rome, 1823. Creator: Alexander LauréusStreet View in Rome, 1823