The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, 1922. Creator: UnknownThe Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, 1922. The Eight Immortals are revered by Taoists and are a popular element of Chinese culture
The Last Judgement and the Seventh Act of Mercy: Burying the Dead, 1517-1524/ 1525.
Last Judgement and the Seven Acts of Mercy, 1517-1525. Creator: Bernaert van OrleyLast Judgement and the Seven Acts of Mercy, 1517-1525.
Human Law Founded on the Divine Justice, 1665. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IHuman Law Founded on the Divine Justice, 1665
Historiated Initial from a Gradual, about 1430-1440. Creator: Master of the CypressesHistoriated Initial from a Gradual, about 1430-1440
Border with the Adoration of the Name of Jesus, about 1525-1530. Creator: Simon BeningBorder with the Adoration of the Name of Jesus; Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, about 1525-1530
The Miracles of Saint Francis of Paola, about 1627-1628. Creator: Peter Paul RubensThe Miracles of Saint Francis of Paola, about 1627-1628. Additional Info: Arms outstretched, Saint Francis of Paola levitates while surrounded by a divine light
The Baptism of Christ, about 1580-1588. Creators: Paolo Veronese, Workshop of VeroneseThe Baptism of Christ, about 1580-1588
The Temptation of Saint Anthony, 1570s. Creator: Lelio OrsiThe Temptation of Saint Anthony, 1570s. Additional Info: Lurking in the shadows, grotesque monsters emerge to taunt Saint Anthony, attempting to impede his meditation
Dalziels Bible Gallery - The Days of Creation - The Fifth Day, c1860s, (1900). Orb depicting sky and sea animals
Dalziels Bible Gallery - The Days of Creation - The First Day, c1860s, (1900). Large orb, with representations of darkness and light
Dalziels Bible Gallery - The Days of Creation - The Second Day, c1860s, (1900). Large orb with water in it, representing separation of waters
Dalziels Bible Gallery - The Days of Creation - The Third Day, c1860s, (1900). Large orb with a representation of land in it
Dalziels Bible Gallery - The Days of Creation - The Sixth Day, c1860s, (1900)
Dalziels Bible Gallery - The Days of Creation - The Fourth Day, c1860s, (1900)
The Annunciation, 1580. Creator: Paolo VeroneseThe Annunciation, 1580
The Virgin of Humility, 1440. Creator: Giovanni di PaoloThe Virgin of Humility, 1440
Jesus Christ. Plate 12. From: Christ and the Apostles, 1548. Creator: Lambert SuaviusJesus Christ. Plate 12. From: Christ and the Apostles, 1548. This is the twelfth of 14 engravings depicting Christ, St Paul and the Twelve Apostles
A Divine Figure, 12th-13th century. Creator: UnknownA Divine Figure, 12th-13th century
Vessantara Jataka, Chapter 11: Jujaka Treats Jali and Kanha Poorly; While Jujaka Sleeps the Children are Cared For, c1875-1925
Relief Fragment of Two Divine Figures, Third Intermediate Period (1081-711 BCE)
Bishamonten in Scroll, 18th century. Creator: Juhosai TsunemasaBishamonten in Scroll, 18th century
Saint Francis Xavier with a divine light emanating towards him from the upper left, with a crucifix, mitre, and book on a table at left, 1622
Rev. Henry Moncrief Wellwood, n.d. Creator: Henry RaeburnRev. Henry Moncrief Wellwood, n.d
Allegorical Figures Holding the Papal Insignia, study after the Allegory of Divine Providence in Palazzo Barberini in Rome, c.1650
The Divine Beggar, 1921. Creator: Ernst BarlachThe Divine Beggar, 1921
Saint Jerome, c. 1610 / 1614. Creator: El GrecoSaint Jerome, c. 1610/1614
Holy Family with a Dragonfly, ca. 1495. Creator: Albrecht DurerHoly Family with a Dragonfly, ca. 1495
Plate 40: the division of the elect from the reprobate, 1756
The Annunciation, Folio from the Bellini Album, ca. 1600. Creator: UnknownThe Annunciation, Folio from the Bellini Album, ca. 1600
Dr. Welsh, 1843-47. Creators: David Octavius Hill, Robert Adamson, Hill & AdamsonDr. Welsh, 1843-47
Prof. Fraser, Rev. Welsh, Rev. Hamilton, and Three Other Men, 1843-47
Dr. Welsh (Retiring Moderator of Gel Assembly 1843), 1843-47
Moses Shown the Promised Land, 1801. Creator: Benjamin WestMoses Shown the Promised Land, 1801
Mercys Dream, 1858. Creator: Daniel HuntingtonMercys Dream, 1858
The Coronation of the Virgin, after 1595. Creator: Annibale CarracciThe Coronation of the Virgin, after 1595
Greek two goddesses and divine child group, 14th centuryGreek two goddesses and divine child ivory group from the acropolis in Mycenae, from the National Museums collection in Athens, 14th century
Pharaoh Amenhotep III (Amenophis III), Sobek Temple, Dakamsha, Egypt, c1380 BCPharaoh Amenhotep III (Amenophis III), Sobek Temple, Dakamsha near Luxor, Egypt, 18th Dynasty. Amenhotep reigned between 1403 BC and 1365 BC
The Angel with the Book, Bible Revelation 10: 1-6, 1860The Angel with the Book, Bible Revelation 10:1-6
Cover of the work Ciento diez consideraciones divinas (One hundred and ten divine considerations) by Juan Valdes, French edition printed at Lyon, 1563
Love Divine, 1910, (1911). Artist: George Henry Grenville MantonLove Divine, 1910, (1911). From Bibbys Annual 1911, [J. Bibby & Sons, Liverpool, 1911]
Effigies R. Mi D. Ni Georgii Archiepisc: Cantuarien: Toti Angl: Primat: EtcEffigies R.Mi D.Ni Georgii Archiepisc: Cantuarien: Toti Angl: Primat: Etc, 1616. Image depicting George Abbot, an English divine who was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1611 to 1633
Abbot Arch Bishop of Canterbury, 1743-52. Artist: Jacobus HoubrakenAbbot Arch Bishop of Canterbury, 1743-52. George Abbot was an English divine who was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1611 to 1633
Madonna as Nursing Mother and Divine Being, 1511, (1936). Artist: Albrecht DurerMadonna as Nursing Mother and Divine Being, 1511, (1936). Title page to the series The Life of the Virgin. A print from Durer, Und Seine Zeit, by Wilhelm Waetzoldt, Grosse Phaidon Ausgabe, 1936
Henry Allon, English Nonconformist divine, c1890. Artist: Cassell, Petter & GalpinHenry Allon, English Nonconformist divine, c1890. Allon (1818-1892) was pastor of the Congregational Union Chapel, Islington, from 1852 until his death in 1892
William Morley Punshon, English Nonconformist divine, c1890. A lithograph from The Modern Portrait Gallery, Cassell, Petter and Galpin, London, Paris and New York, c1890
Rev George Granville Bradley, DD, Dean of Westminster, 1883. Artist: Lock & WhitfieldRev George Granville Bradley, DD, Dean of Westminster, 1883
Christopher Newman Hall, LLB, English Nonconformist divine, 1877. Artist: Lock & WhitfieldChristopher Newman Hall, LLB, English Nonconformist divine, 1877
Robert Boyd of Trochrig, eminent Scottish divine, (1870). Artist: J RogersRobert Boyd of Trochrig, eminent Scottish divine, (1870)
Sir Henry Moncrieff Wellwood, Scottish clergyman, (1870). Artist:s FreemanSir Henry Moncrieff Wellwood, Scottish clergyman, (1870). Moncrieff-Wellwood (1750-1827) was Moderator of the Church of Scotland in 1785
David Welsh, Scottish divine and academic, (1870). Artist: FA RobertsDavid Welsh, Scottish divine and academic, (1870). Welsh (c1793-1845) chaired the first General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland after its members seceded from the Church of Scotland in 1843
Thomas Chalmers, Scottish divine, (1870). Artist: H RobinsonThomas Chalmers, Scottish divine, (1870). Chalmers (1780-1847) was the first Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland after it was established in 1843
Thomas Chalmers, leader of the Free Church of Scotland, (1893). Artist: W RoffeThomas Chalmers, leader of the Free Church of Scotland, (1893). Chalmers (1780-1847) was the first Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland after it was established in 1843
Justice and Divine Vengeance pursuing Crime, 1808. Artist: Pierre-Paul Prud honJustice and Divine Vengeance pursuing Crime, 1808. Found in the collection of the Louvre, Paris, France
Vishnu, one of the gods of the Hindu trinity (trimurti), c19th century. Artist: A GeringerVishnu, one of the gods of the Hindu trinity (trimurti), c19th century. Vishnu in his avatar of Matsya, a fish. From L Inde Francaise
Shiva, one of the gods of the Hindu trinity (trimurti) with his consort Parvati, c19th century. From L Inde Francaise
Brahma, first god of the Hindu trinity (trimurti), and creator of the universe, c19th century. From L Inde Francaise
Hand inscribed on stone, Bronze AgeHand inscribed on stone. The arm is associated with divine power, and may be the symbol of the one-handed god, an Indo-European deity. Now at the National Museum in Denmark, Bronze Age
Bronze plaque of the Oba of Benin in his divine aspectBronze plaque of the Oba of Benin, the ruler of Benin, in his divine aspect. His legs are mud-puppy fish, a symbol of the sea-god Olokun
Bronze figurine of The God with the Golden Hand, early 2nd millenium BC. The horned crown symbolises divine power. The figurine was originally covered completely by gold
Reliefs showing cartouches of names of captive Near Eastern citiesReliefs showing cartouches of the names of captive Near Eastern cities, Temple of Amun, Karnak, Egypt
Henry Allon (1818-1892), English Congregational divine, c1890
Divine harmony, 1617-1619. The divine harmony existing between Man the microsm, and the universe the macrocosm, with God at the top. From Utriusque cosmi... historia by Robert Fludd
Frontispiece of Denis Diderot Encyclopedie, Paris, 1751-80. Engraving
Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575), Swiss Protestant Reformation divineHeinrich Bullinger (1504-1575) Swiss Protestant Reformation divine. Successor to Zwingli. Copperplate engraving
Five-headed bust of Shiva, Mid 10th centuryFive-headed bust of Shiva, third divinity of Hindu trinity (trimurti), Mid 10th century. Photograph
Ulrich Zwingli, Swiss Reformation divine, c1530 (1851). Chaplain to Swiss forces during Second War of Kappel when he was killed in battle. Steel engraving
Brahma receiving an offering, after 18th centuryBrahama (Hindu Absolute ) receiving an offering, after 18th century. Brahma first in the Hindu divine triad, the others being Vishnu and Shiva. Indian miniature