Disc-Shaped Okimono, or Desk Screen, with Rat, Fuji, Plovers, Waves, and Plum Design, 19th century. Creator: Unknown
Disc-Shaped Okimono, or Desk Screen, with Rat, Fuji, Plovers, Waves, and Plum Design, 19th century
Medicine Crow-Apsaroke, c1908. Creator: Edward Sheriff Curtis
Medicine Crow-Apsaroke, c1908. Medicine Crow, Crow Indian, Montana, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right, hawk hide headdress, two earrings in right ear, disc ornaments, shell beads
Fish Shows, an Apsaroke Indian, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, pompadour... c1908
Fish Shows, an Apsaroke Indian, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, pompadour, temple braids painted white, 2 eagle feathers, disk earring, shell beads with large disk ornaments