Detail of a leaf of a Byzantine ivory diptych showing men and bears at the circusDetail of a leaf of a Byzantine ivory diptych from Constantinople, showing men and bears at the circus, watched by the court. From the Heritage Museum of St Petersburgs collection
The Stigmatization of Saint Francis, and Angel Crowning Saints Cecilia and Valerian, 1330s
Entombment of Christ / Resurrection and Nativity, 1325-1375. Creator: UnknownEntombment of Christ / Resurrection and Nativity, 1325-1375. Right wing of a diptych
Cupid and Psyche - Two Studies of Venus on the Margin of the Sea and Psyche at the Bath, c1860s
Cupid and Psyche - Study for the Palace Green Mural - Psyche gazes in despair at Cupid flying away into the Night, 1872
The Peasant and Death at the Gates of Heaven and Hell, 1897. Creator: Hugo SimbergThe Peasant and Death at the Gates of Heaven and Hell, 1897
The Crucifixion; The Last Judgment, ca. 1440-41. Creator: Jan van EyckThe Crucifixion; The Last Judgment, ca. 1440-41
The open gardens of the Tomigaokoa Shrine. 1850. Creator: Ando HiroshigeThe open gardens of the Tomigaokoa Shrine. 1850
Diptych with symbols of the Virgin and Redeeming Christ: Virgin and Child in the Hortus Conclusus (Left wing), 1410
The Annunciation Diptych, 1433. Creator: Jan van EyckThe Annunciation Diptych, 1433
Diptych with symbols of the Virgin and Redeeming Christ: Christ with the Cross as Redemptor Mundi (Right wing), 1410
Wing of a Diptych with the Souls of the Just and a Donor, 1520. Creator: Jan MostaertWing of a Diptych with the Souls of the Just and a Donor, 1520
The Demon of Rashomon Visits Watanabe no Tsuna Disguised as an Old Woman to Retrieve Her Severed Arm, 1885. From Sketches by Yoshitoshi
Diptych Icon with Saint George, and Mary and the Infant Christ, early 15th century
Omatsu at Kasamatsu Pass (image 1 of 2), c1850. Creator: Utagawa YoshitoraOmatsu at Kasamatsu Pass (image 1 of 2), c1850
Yotsuguruma Daihachi and Kotengu Heisuke Duel during the Battle of the Wrestlers and the Firemen at Shimmei Shrine, 1886. From A Selection of Western Color Prints
The Priest Dainichi Murders Umegae, 1886. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiThe Priest Dainichi Murders Umegae, 1886. From A New Selection of Eastern Brocade Pictures
The Story of the Courtesan Jigokudayu and Priest Ikkyu, 1886. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiThe Story of the Courtesan Jigokudayu and Priest Ikkyu, 1886. From A New Selection of Eastern Brocade Pictures
Ota Dokan Decides to Study Poetry, 1887. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiOta Dokan Decides to Study Poetry, 1887. From A New Selection of Eastern Brocade Pictures
Story of the Nine-tailed Fox, 1807. Creator: HokusaiStory of the Nine-tailed Fox, 1807
The Greedy Old Woman Leaving the Three Sparrows, c1886. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiThe Greedy Old Woman Leaving the Three Sparrows, c1886. From Sketches by Yoshitoshi
The Story of Tamiya Botaro, 1886. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiThe Story of Tamiya Botaro, 1886. From A New Selection of Eastern Brocade Pictures
Lady Ejima and the Actor Ikushima Shingoro, 1886. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiLady Ejima and the Actor Ikushima Shingoro, 1886. From A New Selection of Eastern Brocade Pictures
The Story of Priest Nitto at Emmeiin, 1885. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiThe Story of Priest Nitto at Emmeiin, 1885. From A New Selection of Eastern Brocade Pictures
Lord Mashiba Subjugates Korea, 1862. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiLord Mashiba Subjugates Korea, 1862
A Swedish Fairy Tale, 1897. Creator: Carl LarssonA Swedish Fairy Tale, 1897
Portraits of Giuliano and Francesco Giamberti da Sangallo, 1482-1485
Diptych with the Annunciation, c13th century. Creator: AnonDiptych with the Annunciation, c13th century
Virgin Mary, c.1557-c.1600. Creator: Lucas van Leyden (copy after)Virgin Mary, c.1557-c.1600
Saint Jerome in his Study, c.1420. Creator: Lorenzo MonacoSaint Jerome in his Study, c.1420. Saint Jerome in the corner of his study, accompanied by the lion that befriended him after he removed a thorn from its paw
Sketch for the town hall of the 19th arrondissement of the City of Paris:Evocations of marriageSketch for the town hall of the 19th arrondissement of the City of Paris: Evocations of marriage, 1880
Sketch for a reception room at the Hotel de Ville in Paris: Arts. Science. Trade. Industry, 1892
Portable triptych of Saint Nicholas. Creator: UnknownPortable triptych of Saint Nicholas
The actors Ichikawa Danjuro V as a skeleton, spirit of the renegade monk Seigen (left), and Iwai Hanshiro IV as Princess Sakura (right)
The Actors Nakamura Nakazo I as Omi no Kotoda (right), and Otani Hiroji III as Bamba no Chuda (left), in the Joruri "Sono Chidori Yowa no Kamisuki" (The Plovers: Combing Hair at Midnight)
The Actors Onoe Matsusuke I as Yawata no Saburo (right), and Otani Tomoemon I as the Yakko Emohei (left), in the Play Myoto-giku Izu no Kisewata
Act Eleven from the series "The Chushingura Drama Parodied by Famous Beauties (Komei)Act Eleven from the series "The Chushingura Drama Parodied by Famous Beauties (Komei bijin mitate Chushingura Junimai Kuzuki)", Japan, c. 1794/95
The Actors Segawa Kikunojo III as Aigo no Waka (right), and Ichikawa Yaozo II as Hachio-maru Aratora (left), in the Play Chigo Sakura Jusan Kane
The Actors Segawa Kikunojo III as the Spirit of Joro-gumo (Harlot Spider) Disguised as the Maiko Tsumagiku (right), and Ichikawa Monnosuke II as Urabe no Suetake (left)
The Actors Bando Mitsugoro I as Hata no Kawakatsu (right), and Otani Hiroemon III as the Manservant (Yakko) Gansuke (left), in the Play Miya-bashira Iwao no Butai (Shrine Pillars on a Stone Base)
The Actors Segawa Kikunojo III as Yasukata (right), and Iwai Hanshiro IV as Utou (left) in the Play Godai Genji Mitsugi no Furisode, Performed at the Nakamura Theater in the Eleventh Month, 1782
The Actors Onoe Kikugoro III (right) as Shirokiya Okoma and Matsumoto Koshiro V (left) as her lover Saiza, c. 1816
The Two Brave Men Inuzuka Shino and Inugai Genpachi Battling on the Roof of Horyukaku (Horyukaku ryoyu tsutomu), September 1887
Taira Koremochi Conquering the Devil Woman on Mount Togakushi (Taira no Koremochi)Taira Koremochi Conquering the Devil Woman on Mount Togakushi (Taira no Koremochi Togakushiyama kijo taiji no zu), 1887
The Moon over Gojo Bridge (Gojo no tsuki), from the series "Heroes for the Snow, Moon, and Flowers (Buyu setsugekka)", 1867
Urashima Taro Returning Home from the Palace of the Dragon King (Urashima Taro)Urashima Taro Returning Home from the Palace of the Dragon King (Urashima Taro no ko kikoku ju Ryugujo no zu), 1886
Recently Imported Big Elephant, 1863 (3rd month). Creator: Ichiryusai YoshitoyoRecently Imported Big Elephant, 1863 (3rd month)
Newly Imported Great Elephant, 2nd month, 1863
John Parker Hale of New Hampshire, 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownJohn Parker Hale of New Hampshire, 1860-1865. Hale, Hon. John P. M.C. [Member of Congress?] N.H. ca. 1860-1865
Cook, Posa, Actress, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownCook, Posa, Actress, ca. 1860-1865
Ristori (group), ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownRistori (group), ca. 1860-1865
Pepita, Mlle. ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownPepita, Mlle. ca. 1860-1865
Sims i. e. Simms, Wm. Gilmore Sims? i. e. Simms(Poet), ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownSims i.e. Simms, Wm. Gilmore Sims? i.e. Simms(Poet), ca. 1860-1865
Brougham, John, actor, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownBrougham, John, actor, ca. 1860-1865
Belle Boyd, Confederate spy, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownBelle Boyd, Confederate spy, ca. 1860-1865
Louise & Julia Meyers, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownLouise & Julia Meyers, ca. 1860-1865
McGauran, Rev. Father, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownMcGauran, Rev. Father, ca. 1860-1865
Charles Parsloe. Actor, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownCharles Parsloe. Actor, ca. 1860-1865
Fenton, Hon. Reuben Eaton of N. Y. ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownFenton, Hon. Reuben Eaton of N.Y. ca. 1860-1865
Prof. Hitchcock, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownProf. Hitchcock, ca. 1860-1865
Bishop Morris, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownBishop Morris, ca. 1860-1865
Marshall O. Roberts, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownMarshall O. Roberts, ca. 1860-1865
Draper, Hon. Simeon, appointed by Lincoln collector of the Port of N.Y. in 1864, ca. 1860-1865
Frank, Hon. Augustus of N. Y. ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownFrank, Hon. Augustus of N.Y. ca. 1860-1865
Clark, Bishop, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownClark, Bishop, ca. 1860-1865
Darby, Henry F. ? Artist, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownDarby, Henry F. ? Artist, ca. 1860-1865
Hudson, Jas. ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownHudson, Jas. ca. 1860-1865
Nathaniel Hawthorne, ca. 1860-1865. Creator: UnknownNathaniel Hawthorne, ca. 1860-1865
Lowe, Hon. David Perly of Kansas, between 1860 and 1870. Creator: UnknownLowe, Hon. David Perly of Kansas, between 1860 and 1870
Arcgerm, Gen. J. J. (not in uniform), between 1860 and 1870. Creator: UnknownArcgerm, Gen. J.J. (not in uniform), between 1860 and 1870
Dr. Charles A. Leale (in U. S. Army uniform) attended Lincoln at deathDr. Charles A. Leale (in U.S. Army uniform) attended Lincoln at death, between 1860 and 1870
Oliver Spencer Halstead (Pet), 1860-1870. Creator: UnknownOliver Spencer Halstead (Pet), 1860-1870. Halstead, Oliver S. (Pet) M.C. [Member of Congress?], between 1860 and 1870
Clinton L. Cobb of North Carolina, 1860-1870. Creator: UnknownClinton L. Cobb of North Carolina, 1860-1870. Cobb, Hon. M.C. [Member of Congress?], between 1860 and 1870
Dockery, Peter, between 1860 and 1870. Creator: UnknownDockery, Peter, between 1860 and 1870
Ripon, Earl DeGray, between 1860 and 1870. Creator: UnknownRipon, Earl DeGray, between 1860 and 1870
Ackerman, Hon. Ames, Atty. Gen. between 1860 and 1870. Creator: UnknownAckerman, Hon. Ames, Atty. Gen. between 1860 and 1870
Stover, Hon. John Hubler of Missouri, 40th Congress, between 1860 and 1870. Private in Union Army, Colonel of 184th Pa. Inf. U.S.A
Perham, Hon. Jos. L. M. C. between 1860 and 1870. Creator: UnknownPerham, Hon. Jos. L. M.C. [Member of Congress?], between 1860 and 1870
Ross, Hon. M. C. between 1860 and 1870. Creator: UnknownRoss, Hon. M.C. [Member of Congress?], between 1860 and 1870
Newman, Rev. John P. (1826-1899) Methodist Episcopal Bishop of Omaha and San Francisco, between 1860 and 1870
Bayard, Senator, between 1860 and 1870. Creator: UnknownBayard, Senator, between 1860 and 1870
Hon. Montgomery Blair, Post-Master General of Lincolns cabinet, between 1860 and 1870
Haldeman, Hon. Richard J. of PA, between 1860 and 1870. Creator: UnknownHaldeman, Hon. Richard J. of PA, between 1860 and 1870. Delegate to Democratic National Convention at Charleston, S.C. and Baltimore, 1860
Bullock, Hon. Rufus B. Gov. of GA. between 1860 and 1870. Creator: UnknownBullock, Hon. Rufus B. Gov. of GA. between 1860 and 1870