The most beautiful woman in Paris (La plus belle femme de Paris), 1883-1885. Found in the Collection of Musee d art et d histoire, Genf
An Elegant Soiree, . Private Collection
The Attack, 1834, (1935). Artist: William Henry HuntThe Attack, 1834, (1935). From A Catalogue of the Pictures and Drawings in the Collection of Frederick John Nettleford, Volume II. - D to H, by C. Reginald Grundy. [Bemrose and Sons Ltd
Oscar Peterson looking forward to dinner after a concert at Colston Hall, Bristol, 1955Oscar Peterson looking forward to dinner at Marcos Restaurant after a concert at Colston Hall, Bristol, 1955
Belshazzars Feast, c. 1639 by Rembrandt
Scene from All About Eve, Twentieth Century Fox film, 1950. Artist: Joseph L MankiewiczScene from All About Eve, Twentieth Century Fox film, 1950. Starring Bette Davis and Anne Baxter. Producer: Darryl F Zanuck. Director: Joseph L Mankiewicz
Mealtime, 1925. Creator: Otto StarkMealtime, 1925.
"So he merely pencilled on the back, 'Can't you give it to some one else?'" 1880
Jesus ask: "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?", Codex of Predis, 1476. Jesus during the meal at the Pharisee's house. Royal Library, Turin, Italy.
Banquet, 1850. Creator: Willem Linnig IBanquet, 1850.
Onoranze Nazionali a F.T. Marinetti Animatore d'Italianita, 1o Congresso Futuristi Italiano, 1924. Group portrait taken at a formal dinner
Peasant Meal, 1651. Creator: David Ryckaert IIIPeasant Meal, 1651
The Last Supper, 1575. Creator: Adriaen Thomasz KeyThe Last Supper, 1575
Calvary and the Family of Gillis de Smidt and Maria de Deckere, 1575. The Last Supper and Dutch patrons
Interior, late 17th-early 18th century. Creator: Cornelis DusartInterior, late 17th-early 18th century. Family sharing a meal
The Three Emperors at Berlin: arrival at the banquet in the White Hall of the Old Palace, 1872
Message Was Received Of The Outbreak At Meerut, c1929. Creators: Howard Davie, Harry PayneMessage Was Received Of The Outbreak At Meerut, c1929. The year 1857 startled the world with the outbreak of the Indian Mutiny, and [Lord Roberts], the Hero of Kandahar
Eat, Drink and Be Merry!, 1932. Creator: Howard DavieEat, Drink and Be Merry!, 1932
Tondal Suffers a Seizure at Dinner; Les Visions du chevalier Tondal, 1475
Mary Magdalene and Martha Inviting Christ and the Virgin to Dinner at the HomeMary Magdalene and Martha Inviting Christ
The Last Supper; Gualenghi-d'Este Hours, about 1469. Creator: Taddeo CrivelliThe Last Supper; Gualenghi-d'Este Hours, about 1469. Additional Info: One of the most engaging miniatures in the Suffrages features the Last Supper
The Feast of Darius in Honor of Alexander the Great; Miroir Historial, about 1475
The Coronation Dinner of James II in Westminster Hall, 1685, (1947). Creator: Samuel MooreThe Coronation Dinner of James II in Westminster Hall, 1685, (1947). Banquet held in Westminster Hall at the Palace of Westminster in London, to celebrate the coronation of King James II
Family Group in an Interior, about 1658-1660. Creator: Gerritsz Quiringh van BrekelenkamFamily Group in an Interior, about 1658-1660. Just finishing a Sunday meal, the members of this well-to-do family may be getting ready to return to church
The Vintage of Medoc: labourers in the vineyard at their meals, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Vintage of Medoc: labourers in the vineyard at their meals, 1871. French agricultural workers
The Bride's Song, 1881. Creator: Gunnar BerndtsonThe Bride's Song, 1881
Banquet to Adm. Winterhalter in Japan, 1916. Creator: Bain News ServiceBanquet to Adm. Winterhalter in Japan, 1916. Shows U.S. Navy Admiral Albert Gustav Winterhalter (1856-1920), commander in chief of the U.S
Halfpenny dinners for poor children in East London, 1870. Creator: UnknownHalfpenny dinners for poor children in East London, 1870. The district church of St. John the Evangelist, in the poor and populous parish of St
Lord Grey replying to the toast of the evening at the Dominion Day Banquet at the White City"Without The Self-Governing Dominions The Empire Would Fall To Pieces.'" "Pray, Silence
Allegory of the five senses: Elegant company sitting at a table, c1640. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
The Archduke Albert and the Archduchess Isabella Visiting a Garden Party at Vivier d'Oye near Brussels, c1616. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
Dinner Hour - Gettysburg, 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceDinner Hour - Gettysburg, 1913. Shows the Gettysburg Reunion (the Great Reunion) of July 1913, which commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg
La soiree - Autour du piano, c. 1880. Creator: Beraud, Jean (1849-1936)La soiree - Autour du piano, c. 1880. Found in the Collection of Musee Carnavalet, Paris
Jesus said, - one of you that eateth with me shall betray me, mid 19th century. CreatorJesus said, - one of you that eateth with me shall betray me, mid 19th century
Princess Alexandra... attending one of her dinners for poor children... c1897, (1901)Princess Alexandra in the East End: Her Royal Highness attending one of her dinners for poor children at the Peoples Palace, c1897, (1901)
The sleeping Ziethen, (1936). Creator: UnknownThe sleeping Ziethen, (1936). Der Schlafende Ziethen. Cavalry officer Ziethen sleeps at the table of Frederick the Great
Gettysburg - Vets. at mess, 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceGettysburg - Vets. at mess, 1913. Shows the Gettysburg Reunion (the Great Reunion) of July 1913, which commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg
Dinner Time - Gettysburg, 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceDinner Time - Gettysburg, 1913. Shows the Gettysburg Reunion (the Great Reunion) of July 1913, which commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg
The Prince of Wales at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Prince of Wales at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, [London], 1868
Xmas Dinners from Salvation Army, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceXmas Dinners from Salvation Army, between c1910 and c1915
Preparing Dinner, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServicePreparing Dinner, between c1910 and c1915
The Expedition to Abyssinia: Sir Robert Napier entertained by the Prince of Tigre, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by Mr. G. A. Henty...of the interview, near Ad-Abaga, on Feb
Entertainment of Her Majesty's Ministers in the Volunteer Drill-Hall at Bristol, 1868
Dinner given by the Inns of Court Volunteers to the Universities Corps, [London], 1868
A State Banquet at the Tuileries, 1869. Creator: UnknownA State Banquet at the Tuileries [Palace, in Paris], 1869
The Potato Eaters, 1885. Creator: Vincent van GoghThe Potato Eaters, 1885
The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth:banquet to the officers of the French fleetThe International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: the Mayor's Banquet to the officers of the French fleet, 1865. The decorations, which had been intrusted to Mr
The Shakspeare Commemoration: banquet in the pavilion at Stratford-on-Avon...the Earl of Carlisle proposing "The Memory of Shakespeare"
The banquet given to M. Berryer in the Middle Temple Hall by the members of the English BarThe banquet given to M. Berryer in the Middle Temple Hall [in London] by the members of the English Bar, 1864
"Aunt Sally's Christmas-boxes": John Crass's Discomfiture - drawn by A. Hunt, 1862. Illlustration to a short story by Mark Lemon. From "Illustrated London News", 1862
Banquet given at the Exchange, Gottenburg, on the occasion of opening the railway between Gottenburg to Stockholm - from a sketch by our special artist, 1862....there was a ball at the Exchange
Avurhu dinner, Selkups, 1920. Creator: A. G. VarginAvurhu dinner, Selkups, 1920. V. I. Surikov Museum of Art in Krasnoiarsk
The Guildhall Banquet to the Prince and Princess of Wales: the Loving Cup, 1876
Farewell Dinner given to the Prince of Wales by the officers of the Serapis: Captain Glyn presenting the Album, from a sketch by our special artist, 1876
Ah! Il est fraîs...Ah! Il est fraîs... 1846. Creator: Honore DaumierAh! Il est frais...Ah! Il est frais... 1846. Ah! il est frais...ah! il est frais...mais t'nez donc garcon, decidement il est frais!'
American Prison Life, Blackwell's Island, New York: Dinner-Time, 1876
The Last Supper, 1511. Creator: Albrecht DurerThe Last Supper, 1511. Page from Passio Domini Nostri Jesu (The Passion of Jesus)
Feasting and musicians, 1290. Creator: UnknownFeasting and musicians, 1290. Page from the Beaupre Antiphonary, vol. 2
The Royal Visit to India: Scindia proposing the health of the Prince of Wales at Gwalior, from a sketch by one of our special artists, 1876
American Sketches: Blackwell's Island Penitentiary, New York - Dining-Room, 1876
Mon cher ami, je viens sans cérémonie.. 1838. Creator: Honore DaumierMon cher ami, je viens sans ceremonie.. 1838. Mon cher ami, je viens sans ceremonie vous demander a diner'. (My dear friend, I have come without ceremony to ask you for dinner)
"Home" - painted by T. Faed - from the Flatou Collection, 1858
Carotte du Restaurant, 1844. Creator: Honore DaumierCarotte du Restaurant, 1844. - J'offrirai a monsieur un petit diner distingue et pas cher'
Laissez-moi donc tranquille, Bah! Bah! est-ce qu'on meurt jamais de faimLaissez-moi donc tranquille, Bah!...Bah!...est-ce qu'on meurt jamais de faim... 1838. Oh leave me alone, Bah!...Bah!...are we dying of hunger?'. From Croquis d'expressions, plate 15
Four figures make a toast, c.1854-c.1887. Creator: Alexander Ver HuellFour figures make a toast, c.1854-c.1887. Three men and a woman at a table raise their wine glasses
Scene from the opera Don Giovanni (1787), c1914 Artist: Charles A BuchelScene from the opera Don Giovanni (1787), c1914. The stone statue of the Commandatore arrives to join the feast to which Don Giovanni has jokingly invited him
Banquet given at the Crystal Palace by Sir Joseph and Lady Paxton, 1860. Creator: SmythBanquet given at the Crystal Palace by Sir Joseph and Lady Paxton, 1860. Sir Joseph and Lady Paxton gave a charming fete at their beautiful residence, Rockhills, adjoining the Crystal Palace
Distinguished Dinner Company in an Interior, 1631. Creator: Dirck van DelenDistinguished Dinner Company in an Interior, 1631
Grand Banquet to the Knights of St. Patrick, in Dublin Castle, 1857. Creator: UnknownGrand Banquet to the Knights of St. Patrick, in Dublin Castle, 1857. A grand Chapter of the Most Illustrious Order of St
American Prison Life, Blackwell's Island, New York: Dinner-Time, 1876....the inmates, who are here treated with compulsory hospitality
Finissez n'aime pas qu'on dise des bêtisesFinissez n'aime pas qu'on dise des betises... 1838. Oh do stop...I can't stand listening to nonsense...From Croquis d'expressions
Tavern Scene, 1639. Creator: Dirck HalsTavern Scene, 1639
Menu card with flags, 27 April 1889. Creator: Theo van HoytemaMenu card with flags, 27 April 1889. Flags spelling the word Dinner'. The auditorium, the hortus and the museum of natural history. Queue of people
Marriage of Sir Robert Peel and Lady Emily Hay - The Dejeuner in the Waterloo Gallery at Apsley Hous Creator: UnknownMarriage of Sir Robert Peel and Lady Emily Hay - The Dejeuner in the Waterloo Gallery at Apsley House, [London], 1856
Christmas-Day in the Crimea - Dinner of Captain Brown's Company, 57th Regiment - sketched by J. A
Banquet to Her Majesty's Ministers at the Mansion House, 1857. Creator: UnknownBanquet to Her Majesty's Ministers at the Mansion House
An Artist's Gathering, 1903. Creator: Viggo JohansenAn Artist's Gathering, 1903
Peace Urging the Churches to be Tolerant, 1600-1624. Creator: AnonPeace Urging the Churches to be Tolerant, 1600-1624
The Wrath of Ahasuerus, 1640-1724. Creator: UnknownThe Wrath of Ahasuerus, 1640-1724. King Ahasuerus rises from the table in anger. Haman is seated at left, and Esther in the centre. Manner of Gerbrand van den Eeckhout
Pierre de Moucheron (1508-67), his Wife Isabeau de Gerbier, their eighteen Children, their Son-in-Law Allard de la Dale and their first Grandchild, 1563
State Banquet given by the Emperor of the French to the Peace Plenipotentiaries, at the Tuileries, [Paris], 1856. Ending of the Crimean War
Presentation of a Sword to Major Hibbert, at Macclesfield, 1856. Creator: UnknownPresentation of a Sword to Major Hibbert, at Macclesfield, 1856