Vue de la chute du torrent de Gelten, 1785. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisVue de la chute du torrent de Gelten, 1785. [Gelten falls, Switzerland]
Portrait of Frederica Louise Wilhelmina, 1780-1803. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisPortrait of Frederica Louise Wilhelmina, 1780-1803. Portrait of Frederica Louise Wilhelmina of Prussia, Princess of Orange-Nassau. Bust to the right, in oval
Paul and Virginie Furnishing Fabric, Nantes, 1800 / 10. Creator: UnknownPaul and Virginie Furnishing Fabric, Nantes, 1800/10. Engraved by Charles Melchior Descourtis after Jean Michel Moreau, based on the story by Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
La Rixe (The Brawl), c. 1792. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisLa Rixe (The Brawl), c. 1792
Le Tambourin, c. 1789. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisLe Tambourin, c. 1789. [Drummers]
La Lutschinen sortant du Glacier inferieur du Grindelwald, 1785. [The Lutschine flowing from the lower Grindelwald glacier, Switzerland]
Foire de Village, 1788. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisFoire de Village, 1788. [Village fair]
Falls of Schaffhausen, c. 1784. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisFalls of Schaffhausen, c. 1784
Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina of Prussia, Princess of Orange Nassau
Vue du Schild-Wald-Bach prise en Hyver, 1785. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisVue du Schild-Wald-Bach prise en Hyver, 1785. [View of the Schildwaldbach in winter]
Vue de Schadau. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisVue de Schadau. [Schadau Castle on Lake Thun, Switzerland]
Chute de la Tritt dans la vallee de Muhlethal, 1776. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisChute de la Tritt dans la vallee de Muhlethal, 1776. Falls of the Tritt in the Muhlethhal valley, Switzerland]
Noce de Village (Village Wedding), 1785. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisNoce de Village (Village Wedding), 1785
L Amant surpris. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisL Amant surpris. [The Lover surprised]
Vue generale des Alpes et Glaciers. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisVue generale des Alpes et Glaciers. [View of the Alps and glaciers from Worb Castle, Switzerland]
Victori Pacifico, 1785. Creators: Charles-Melchior Descourtis, Antoine CarréVictori Pacifico, 1785. [Devils Bridge in the Schollenen Gorge, Switzerland]
Le Tambourin, 1788-94. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisLe Tambourin, 1788-94
La Noce de Village, 1788-94. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisLa Noce de Village, 1788-94
The Brawl (La Rixe), ca. 1792. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisThe Brawl (La Rixe), ca. 1792
View of Breit-Lauwinen, c1782-1785, (1946). Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisView of Breit-Lauwinen, c1782-1785, (1946). The Breithorn peak and glacier in the Pennine Alps between Italy and Switzerland. From " British Mountaineers", by F. S. Smythe
The Lütschinen Issuing from the Lower Grindelwald Glacier, 1782-1785, (1946)The Lutschinen Issuing from the Lower Grindelwald Glacier, 1782-1785, (1946). Mountain scene in the Alps, with the Black Lutschine river which flows from Grindelwald in Switzerland
Princess Frederica Sophie Wilhelmine of Prussia, Wife of William V, Prince of Orange, 1770, (1913). Princess Frederica Sophie Wilhelmine of Prussia (1751-1820). After Stefano Torelli (1712-1784)
L Amant Surpris, (The Surprised Lover), 1798, (1913). Artist: Charles-Melchior DescourtisL Amant Surpris, 1798, (1913). After Jean Frederic Schall (1752-1825). From French Colour-Prints of the XVIII Century. [William Heinemann, London, 1913]
La Rixe, (The Brawl), c1780, (1913). Artist: Charles-Melchior DescourtisLa Rixe, (The Brawl), c1780, (1913). After Nicolas-Antoine Taunay (1755-1830). From French Colour-Prints of the XVIII Century. [William Heinemann, London, 1913]
Le Tambourin, (Tambourine), c1780, (1913). Artist: Charles-Melchior DescourtisLe Tambourin, (Tambourine), c1780, (1913). After Nicolas-Antoine Taunay (1755-1830). From French Colour-Prints of the XVIII Century. [William Heinemann, London, 1913]
La Foire De Village, (Village Fair), 1785, (1913). Artist: Charles-Melchior DescourtisLa Foire De Village, (Village Fair), 1785, (1913). After Nicolas-Antoine Taunay (1755-1830). From French Colour-Prints of the XVIII Century. [William Heinemann, London, 1913]
La Noce De Village, (Village Wedding), 1785, (1913). Artist: Charles-Melchior DescourtisLa Noce De Village, (Village Wedding), 1785, (1913). After Nicolas-Antoine Taunay (1755-1830). From French Colour-Prints of the XVIII Century. [William Heinemann, London, 1913]
Le Tambourine, c1780. Artist: Charles-Melchior DescourtisLe Tambourine, c1780. After Nicolas Antoine Tournay (1755-1830). From The Connoisseur Vol. XX. [Otto Limited, London, 1908]
Noce de Village, 18th century (1910). Artist: DescourtisNoce de Village, 18th century (1910). A village wedding. Illustration from The Connoisseur, (August 1910)