Papa Chrysantheme at the New Circus. Artist: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Papa Chrysantheme at the New Circus. Found in the collection of Musee d Orsay, Paris
Rousse (La Toilette), 1889. Artist: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Rousse (La Toilette), 1889. Found in the collection of the Musee d Orsay, Paris
Seated Clowness (Mademoiselle Cha-u-ka-o), 1896. From a private collection
Au concert, 1896. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Au concert, 1896. Private Collection
Ballet Scene, 1886. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec; Henri; de (1864-1901)Ballet Scene, 1886. Found in the Collection of the Thielska Galleriet, Stockholm
Monsieur Caudieux, acteur de cafe concert, 1896. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, HenriMonsieur Caudieux, acteur de cafe concert, 1896. Private Collection
Monsieur Fourcade, 1889. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Monsieur Fourcade, 1889. Found in the Collection of the Museu de Arte de S£o Paulo
Madame Countess Adèle de Toulouse-Lautrec in the Garden of MalroméMadame Countess Adele de Toulouse-Lautrec in the Garden of Malrome, 1880-1882. Found in the Collection of the Museu de Arte de S£o Paulo
Les Vielles Histoires, 1893. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Les Vielles Histoires, 1893. Private Collection
Programme pour "L'Argent", 1895. Private Collection
Nuit Blanche, 1893. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Nuit Blanche, 1893. Private Collection
Miss May Belfort (May Belfort à l'orchestra)Miss May Belfort (May Belfort a l'orchestra), 1896. Private Collection
Le Jockey, 1899. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Le Jockey, 1899. Private Collection
Jeanne Granier (1852-1939), c. 1898. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Jeanne Granier (1852-1939), c. 1898. Private Collection
Jane Avril, 1893. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Jane Avril, 1893. Private Collection
Irish and American Bar, Rue Royale, 1895. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Irish and American Bar, Rue Royale, 1895. Private Collection
Henry Somm (1844-1907). Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Henry Somm (1844-1907). Private Collection
Frontispiece for the "Yvette Guilbert" Album, 1898. Private Collection
Woman Combing Her Hair (Femme qui se peigne)Woman Combing Her Hair (Femme qui se peigne, La coiffure), 1896. Private Collection
Woman at her Toilette, Washing Herself (Femme qui se lave)Woman at her Toilette, Washing Herself (Femme qui se lave, La toilette), 1896. Private Collection
Femme au lit, profil, au petit lever, 1896. Private Collection
Elsa, dite la Viennoise, 1897. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Elsa, dite la Viennoise, 1897. Private Collection
Débauche, 1896. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Debauche, 1896. Private Collection
Cléo de Mérode, c. 1898. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Cleo de Merode, c. 1898. Private Collection
Charles Maurin (1856-1914). Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Charles Maurin (1856-1914). Private Collection
Carnot malade!, 1893. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Carnot malade!, 1893. Private Collection
Ta bouche, 1893. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Ta bouche, 1893. Private Collection
Aux Ambassadeurs. Chanteuse au Café-ConcertAux Ambassadeurs. Chanteuse au Cafe-Concert, 1894. Private Collection
L'Aube, 1896. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)L'Aube, 1896. Private Collection
Au Moulin Rouge: L'Union Franco-Russe, 1894. Private Collection
Aristide Bruant, 1893. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Aristide Bruant, 1893. Private Collection
Anna Held dans Toutes ces Dames au ThéâtreAnna Held dans Toutes ces Dames au Theatre, 1895. Private Collection
Anna Held (1873-1918), c. 1898. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Anna Held (1873-1918), c. 1898. Private Collection
Maison de la rue des Moulins, Rolande, ca 1894. Found in the collection of the Musee Toulouse-Lautrec, Albi
La Dépêche. Le Tocsin, 1895. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)La Depeche. Le Tocsin, 1895. Private Collection
Portrait of AndreRivoire, ca 1901. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Portrait of Andre Rivoire, ca 1901. Found in the Collection of the Petit Palais, Musee des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris
Yvette Guilbert, 1893. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Yvette Guilbert, 1893. Private Collection
Edmee Lescot, 1893. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Edmee Lescot, 1893. Private Collection
Le Coiffeur - Programme de Theatre Libre, 1893. Creator: Toulouse-LautrecLe Coiffeur - Programme de Theatre Libre, 1893. Private Collection
Polaire, c. 1895. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Polaire, c. 1895. Found in the Collection of Collection de David E. Weisman et Jacqueline E. Michel
Le Viaduc du Castelviel a Albi, 1880. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Le Viaduc du Castelviel a Albi, 1880. Found in the Collection of Musee Toulouse-Lautrec, Albi
Maurice Joyant (1864-1930), 1900. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Maurice Joyant (1864-1930), 1900. Found in the Collection of Musee Toulouse-Lautrec, Albi
Portrait of Emile Bernard, 1885. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Portrait of Emile Bernard, 1885. Found in the Collection of National Gallery, London
La Blanchisseuse, 1886-1887. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)La Blanchisseuse, 1886-1887. Found in the Collection of Onyx Art Collection
Bruant au Mirliton, 1893. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Bruant au Mirliton, 1893. Private Collection
Madame Misia Natanson, 1898. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Madame Misia Natanson, 1898. Private Collection
Au lit, 1892. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Au lit, 1892. Found in the Collection of Foundation E. G. Buhrle Collection, Zurich
Messaline, 1901. Creator: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Messaline, 1901. Found in the Collection of Foundation E. G. Buhrle Collection, Zurich
Jane Avril Dancing, ca 1892. Artist: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Jane Avril Dancing, ca 1892. Found in the collection of the Musee d Orsay, Paris
Die Clownesse Cha-U-Kao, 1895. Artist: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Die Clownesse Cha-U-Kao, 1895. Found in the collection of the Musee d Orsay, Paris
Frontispiece from Elles, 1896. Private Collection
Les deux amies, 1895. Found in the Collection of Foundation E. G. Bü hrle Collection, Zurich
The Reader (La Liseuse), 1889. Found in the Collection of Coleccio n Alicia Koplowitz-Grupo Omega Capital
Self-Portrait, 1893. Found in the Collection of Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny
The Admiral Viaud, or Paul Viaud in an Admirals Costume, 1901. Found in the Collection of Museu de Arte de Sa o Paulo
Study of a woman, 1893. Private Collection
Jane Avril, 1899. Private Collection
Debauche, 1896De bauche, 1896. Private Collection
Francois Gauzy (1861-1933). Found in the collection of Musee des Augustins, Toulouse
The Rope Dancer. Found in the collection of Nationalmuseum Stockholm
Abandonment (The pair), 1895. Private Collection
Moulin Rouge, 1882. Found in the collection of National Gallery, Prague
Portrait of Count Alphonse Charles de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa (1838-1913). Private Collection
Hélène Vary in Profile. Found in the Collection of Musee Toulouse-Lautrec, Albi
Woman Pulling up her Stockings. Found in the Collection of Musee d Orsay, Paris
In the Salon: The Couch. Found in the Collection of Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo
In the bed. Private Collection
Misia Natanson at the Piano. Found in the Collection of Kunstmuseum Bern
Young Routy in Celeyran. Found in the Collection of Musee Toulouse-Lautrec, Albi
The Toilet. (Madame Poupoule). Private Collection
Two Half-Naked Women Seen from behind. Found in the Collection of Musee Toulouse-Lautrec, Albi
At the Cafe. The Customer and the Anemic Cashier. (Au cafe: le patron et la caissiere chlorotique). Found in the Collection of Kunsthaus Zurich
The Drinker (Suzanne Valadon). Found in the Collection of Musee Toulouse-Lautrec, Albi
The Reader. Private Collection
The Clownesse Cha-U-Kao, 1895. Private Collection
Madame Marthe X, in Bordeaux, 1900Madame Marthe X. in Bordeaux, 1900. Found in the collection of Ohara Museum of Art, Kurashiki
Le Jockey, 1899. Artist: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Le Jockey, 1899. Private Collection
La Passagere du 54 ou Promenade en Yacht, 1895. Private Collection
Eldorado, Aristide Bruant (Poster), 1892. Artist: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Eldorado, Aristide Bruant (Poster), 1892. Private Collection
Madame Favre at her toilet, 1891. Artist: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Madame Favre at her toilet, 1891. Found in the collection of Private collection, Schwitzerland
Woman Adjusting Her Corset, 1896. Artist: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Woman Adjusting Her Corset, 1896. Private Collection
May Belfort (Poster). Artist: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)May Belfort (Poster). Found in the collection of Museu Nacional d Art de Catalunya, Barcelona
Portrait of Andre Rivoire (1872-1930). Artist: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)Portrait of Andre Rivoire (1872-1930). Found in the collection of Petit Palais, Musee des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris
The Ladies in the Dining Room. Artist: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, de (1864-1901)The Ladies in the Dining Room. Found in the collection of Szepmuveszeti Muzeum, Budapest