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Davennes Emile Prisse Collection

Background imageDavennes Emile Prisse Collection: Column from Luxor, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown

Column from Luxor, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown
Column from Luxor, Egypt, (1928). Papyrus composite column with a sand-stone bud capital...from that part of the temple at Luxor built by Amenophis III...1411-1375 B.C. After Prisse D Avennes

Background imageDavennes Emile Prisse Collection: Water carrier, 1840-1879. Creator: Emile Prisse D'Avennes

Water carrier, 1840-1879. Creator: Emile Prisse D'Avennes
Water carrier, 1840-1879

Background imageDavennes Emile Prisse Collection: Ptolemaic capital, Edfu, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown

Ptolemaic capital, Edfu, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown
Ptolemaic capital, Edfu, Egypt, (1928). Spreading capital with open blossom of Nymphaea lotus from the Temple of Horus, Edfu. The edifice was begun 237 B.C

Background imageDavennes Emile Prisse Collection: Column from Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown

Column from Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown
Column from Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Papyrus composite column with bud capital...from the " promenoir" Karnak...the eastern part of the great Temple of Amun

Background imageDavennes Emile Prisse Collection: Bouquet capital, Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown

Bouquet capital, Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown
Bouquet capital, Thebes, Egypt, (1928). So-called bouquet capitals (papyrus clusters, lilies, nymphaea) as depicted on wall paintings

Background imageDavennes Emile Prisse Collection: Ptolemaic-Roman capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown

Ptolemaic-Roman capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown
Ptolemaic-Roman capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Lily capital from Philae, Ptolemaic or Roman period. After Prisse d Avennes

Background imageDavennes Emile Prisse Collection: Capital from Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown

Capital from Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown
Capital from Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Spreading papyrus cluster capital...From the middle aisle of the great columned hall of the great Temple of Amun at Karnak; bears the cartouche of Rameses

Background imageDavennes Emile Prisse Collection: Column, Zawijet el Metin, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown

Column, Zawijet el Metin, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown
Column, Zawijet el Metin, Egypt, (1928)....composite column of Nymphaea lotus the capital of which is formed of an open calyx...2400-2300 B.C

Background imageDavennes Emile Prisse Collection: Capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown

Capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown
Capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Palm column from Philae, probably from the time of Augustus (31 B.C. - 14 A.D.) or of Tiberius (14-37 A.D.) After Prisse d Avennes

Background imageDavennes Emile Prisse Collection: Pilaster from the Amun-Re Temple of Amenophis III at Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown

Pilaster from the Amun-Re Temple of Amenophis III at Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown
Pilaster from the Amun-Re Temple of Amenophis III at Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Amenophis III is represented doing homage to the goddess Hathor...1411-1375 B.C

Background imageDavennes Emile Prisse Collection: Detail of ceiling painting in the tomb of Aichesi, Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown

Detail of ceiling painting in the tomb of Aichesi, Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown
Detail of ceiling painting in the tomb of Aichesi, Thebes, Egypt, (1928). 1120 B.C. After Prisse D Avennes. Plate XIII, fig 38

Background imageDavennes Emile Prisse Collection: Vulture ceiling decorations, Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown

Vulture ceiling decorations, Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown
Vulture ceiling decorations, Philae, Egypt, (1928). 370 B.C. And 3rd Century B.C. The upper condor comes from the ceiling of the portal of the Temple of Isis at Philae

Background imageDavennes Emile Prisse Collection: Detail of ceiling painting in the tomb of Bekenranef at Sakkara, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown

Detail of ceiling painting in the tomb of Bekenranef at Sakkara, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown
Detail of ceiling painting in the tomb of Bekenranef at Sakkara, Egypt, (1928). End of 8th Century B.C...Bekenranef (Bocchoris) is the only sovereign of the XXIV Dynasty (718-712 B.C.)

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