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Damned Collection

Background imageDamned Collection: Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld, 1630s. Creator: Jan Brueghel the younger

Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld, 1630s. Creator: Jan Brueghel the younger
Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld, 1630s

Background imageDamned Collection: That is the ancient soul of wretched Myrrha, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré

That is the ancient soul of wretched Myrrha, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré
" That is the ancient soul of wretched Myrrha", he replied, " who burn d with most unholy flame for her own sire, and a false shape assuming, so perform d the deed of sin", c1890

Background imageDamned Collection: Illustration from a breviary, 1412. Creator: Unknown

Illustration from a breviary, 1412. Creator: Unknown
Illustration from a breviary, 1412. The risen Christ with saints and angels (above); demons and souls of the damned, including a cardinal, a bishop, a king and a pope (below)

Background imageDamned Collection: Last Judgment, 1607. Creator: Willem van Swanenburg

Last Judgment, 1607. Creator: Willem van Swanenburg
Last Judgment, 1607. From Thronus Justitiae, pl. 13

Background imageDamned Collection: Last Judgement, 1600-1649. Creator: Anon

Last Judgement, 1600-1649. Creator: Anon
Last Judgement, 1600-1649

Background imageDamned Collection: The Glorification of Saint Dominic, 1710-1785. Creators: Francesco Solimena, Unknown

The Glorification of Saint Dominic, 1710-1785. Creators: Francesco Solimena, Unknown
The Glorification of Saint Dominic, 1710-1785. Copy after Francesco Solimena

Background imageDamned Collection: Sketch for the Sainte-Elisabeth church (3rd arrondissement of Paris): The Last Judgment, 1843

Sketch for the Sainte-Elisabeth church (3rd arrondissement of Paris): The Last Judgment, 1843. Creator: Adolphe Roger
Sketch for the Sainte-Elisabeth church (3rd arrondissement of Paris): The Last Judgment, 1843. The Righteous go to their eternal reward in heaven, while the Accursed are condemned to Hell

Background imageDamned Collection: Esquisse pour l'église de Saint-Germain-des-Prés : Le Jugement Dernier, c.1872

Esquisse pour l'église de Saint-Germain-des-Prés : Le Jugement Dernier, c.1872
Esquisse pour l'eglise de Saint-Germain-des-Pres : Le Jugement Dernier, c.1872. Sketch for the Saint-Germain-des-Pres church in Paris. The Last Judgment

Background imageDamned Collection: Esquisse pour l'église de Saint-Germain-des-Prés : Le Jugement Dernier, c.1872

Esquisse pour l'église de Saint-Germain-des-Prés : Le Jugement Dernier, c.1872
Esquisse pour l'eglise de Saint-Germain-des-Pres : Le Jugement Dernier, c.1872. Sketch for the Saint-Germain-des-Pres church in Paris. The Last Judgment

Background imageDamned Collection: Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Gervais : La Vierge intercédant près de Jésus pour les... c.1869-1871

Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Gervais : La Vierge intercédant près de Jésus pour les... c.1869-1871
Esquisse pour l'eglise Saint-Gervais : La Vierge intercedant pres de Jesus pour les pecheurs. Le Jugement dernier et Jesus intercedant. La bonne mort

Background imageDamned Collection: The Last Judgment, 1606. Creator: Willem van Swanenburg

The Last Judgment, 1606. Creator: Willem van Swanenburg
The Last Judgment, 1606

Background imageDamned Collection: Fall of the Damned, 1642. Creator: Jonas Suyderhoef

Fall of the Damned, 1642. Creator: Jonas Suyderhoef
Fall of the Damned, 1642

Background imageDamned Collection: The Damned in Hell, n.d. Creator: Unknown

The Damned in Hell, n.d. Creator: Unknown
The Damned in Hell, n.d

Background imageDamned Collection: Head of a Damned Soul from Dante's 'Inferno, ' (verso), 1770/78. Creator: Henry Fuseli

Head of a Damned Soul from Dante's "Inferno, " (verso), 1770/78. Creator: Henry Fuseli
Head of a Damned Soul from Dante's "Inferno, " (verso), 1770/78

Background imageDamned Collection: La Maison Maudite (The House of the Damned), c. 1883 / 1885. Creator: Felix Hilaire Buhot

La Maison Maudite (The House of the Damned), c. 1883 / 1885. Creator: Felix Hilaire Buhot
La Maison Maudite (The House of the Damned), c. 1883/1885

Background imageDamned Collection: The Circle of Corrupt Officials: The Devils Tormenting Ciampolo, from Dantes Infer

The Circle of Corrupt Officials: The Devils Tormenting Ciampolo, from Dantes Inferno, Canto XXII, ca. 1825-27

Background imageDamned Collection: The Circle of Traitors: Dantes Foot Striking Bocca degli Abbate, from Dantes Infe

The Circle of Traitors: Dantes Foot Striking Bocca degli Abbate, from Dantes Inferno, Canto XXXII, ca. 1825-27

Background imageDamned Collection: Punitio Tirannorum, from Allegories of the Christian Faith

Punitio Tirannorum, from Allegories of the Christian Faith, from Christian and Profane Allegories

Background imageDamned Collection: Hell (copy), after 1511. Creator: Unknown

Hell (copy), after 1511. Creator: Unknown
Hell (copy), after 1511

Background imageDamned Collection: Illustration from Revelations Sancte Birgitte, Koberger Nuremberg 1502 (German Text). n. d

Illustration from Revelations Sancte Birgitte, Koberger Nuremberg 1502 (German Text). n. d
Illustration from Revelations Sancte Birgitte, Koberger Nuremberg 1502 (German Text).n.d

Background imageDamned Collection: The Fall of the Damned, 1642. Creator: Pieter Soutman

The Fall of the Damned, 1642. Creator: Pieter Soutman
The Fall of the Damned, 1642

Background imageDamned Collection: The Rich Man in Hell and the Poor Lazarus in Abrahams Lap, from Das Plenarium, 1517

The Rich Man in Hell and the Poor Lazarus in Abrahams Lap, from Das Plenarium, 1517

Background imageDamned Collection: The Triumphant Christ, ca. 1530-36. Creator: Daniel Hopfer

The Triumphant Christ, ca. 1530-36. Creator: Daniel Hopfer
The Triumphant Christ, ca. 1530-36

Background imageDamned Collection: Michelangelos Last Judgment, 1562. 1562. Creator: Nicolas Beatrizet

Michelangelos Last Judgment, 1562. 1562. Creator: Nicolas Beatrizet
Michelangelos Last Judgment, 1562

Background imageDamned Collection: Nap and His Partner Joe, September 29, 1808. September 29, 1808

Nap and His Partner Joe, September 29, 1808. September 29, 1808
Nap and His Partner Joe, September 29, 1808

Background imageDamned Collection: Napoleon Le Grande, December 2, 1813. December 2, 1813. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson

Napoleon Le Grande, December 2, 1813. December 2, 1813. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson
Napoleon Le Grande, December 2, 1813

Background imageDamned Collection: That sprite of air is Schicchi; in like mood of random mischief vents he still his spite, c1890

That sprite of air is Schicchi; in like mood of random mischief vents he still his spite, c1890. The alchemist Capocchio is attacked by Gianni Schicchi de Cavalcanti

Background imageDamned Collection: The crust came drawn from underneath in flakes, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré

The crust came drawn from underneath in flakes, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré
The crust came drawn from underneath in flakes, like scales scraped from the bream, or fish of broader mail, c1890. Dante

Background imageDamned Collection: Sir! Brunetto! And are ye here?, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré

Sir! Brunetto! And are ye here?, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré
" Sir! Brunetto! And are ye here?", c1890. Dante and the Roman poet Virgil meet Dantes tutor and guardian, Brunetto Buanaccorso Latini, in a firestorm

Background imageDamned Collection: By the hair it bore the sever d member, lantern-wise pendant in hand, c1890. Creator

By the hair it bore the sever d member, lantern-wise pendant in hand, c1890. Creator
By the hair it bore the sever d member, lantern-wise pendant in hand, which look d at us and said, " Woes me!", c1890

Background imageDamned Collection: all-searching Justice, dooms to punishment the forgers, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré

all-searching Justice, dooms to punishment the forgers, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré
Then my sight was livelier to explore the depth, wherein the minister of the most mighty Lord, all-searching Justice, dooms to punishment the forgers noted on her dread record, c1890

Background imageDamned Collection: Wherefore doth fasten yet thy sight below amongst the maim d and miserable shades?

Wherefore doth fasten yet thy sight below amongst the maim d and miserable shades?
But Virgil roused me: " What yet gazest on? Wherefore doth fasten yet thy sight below amongst the maim d and miserable shades?", c1890

Background imageDamned Collection: Call thou to mind Piero of Medicina, if again returning, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré

Call thou to mind Piero of Medicina, if again returning, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré
Call thou to mind Piero of Medicina, if again returning, c1890. Dante and the Roman poet Virgil encounter Pier da Medicina who must hold open his windpipe to speak

Background imageDamned Collection: Now mark how I do rip me! lo! How is Mahomet mangled!, c1890. Creator

Now mark how I do rip me! lo! How is Mahomet mangled!, c1890. Creator
" Now mark how I do rip me! lo! How is Mahomet mangled!", c1890. Dante and the Roman poet Virgil witness the suffering of the prophet Mohammed, who is repeatedly ripped open

Background imageDamned Collection: The other two look d on, exclaiming, Ah! How dost thou change, Agnello!, c1890

The other two look d on, exclaiming, Ah! How dost thou change, Agnello!, c1890
The other two look d on, exclaiming, " Ah! How dost thou change, Agnello!", c1890. The Florentine thief Agnello Brunelleschi and Cianfa Donati the serpent merging into a single body

Background imageDamned Collection: Amid this dread exuberance of woe ran naked spirits wing d with horrid fear, c1890

Amid this dread exuberance of woe ran naked spirits wing d with horrid fear, c1890. The damned, handcuffed with snakes: With serpents were their hands behind them bound

Background imageDamned Collection: Ah! How they made them bound at the first stripe!, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré

Ah! How they made them bound at the first stripe!, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré
Ah! How they made them bound at the first stripe!, c1890. Naked sinners are lashed by demons. Illustration from " The Vision of Hell" (Inferno)

Background imageDamned Collection: Unceasing was the play of wretched hands, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré

Unceasing was the play of wretched hands, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré
Unceasing was the play of wretched hands, shake off the heat, still falling fresh, c1890. Dante and the Roman poet Virgil witness the damned afflicted by flakes of fire

Background imageDamned Collection: The Lawyers Last Circuit. c1800

The Lawyers Last Circuit. c1800. A damned lawyer riding a horse backwards on his way to Hell, accompanied by the Four Riders of the Apocalypse, with a quotation from Hamlet

Background imageDamned Collection: Sketch for The Last Judgement in Gerard d Euphrate, Paris, 1549, (1870)

Sketch for The Last Judgement in Gerard d Euphrate, Paris, 1549, (1870). A wood engraving from The Arts of the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, (London, 1870)

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