Hugues de Payens, Grand Master of the Knights Templar. Artist: Lehmann, Henri (1814-1882)Hugues de Payens, Grand Master of the Knights Templar. Found in the collection of Musee de l Histoire de France, Chateau de Versailles
Baldwin I of Constantinople, 1889. Creator: Albrecht De VriendtBaldwin I of Constantinople, 1889
Hugh I, Count of Vermandois (1057-1101), 1840s. Creator: Decaisne, Henri (1799-1852)Hugh I, Count of Vermandois (1057-1101), 1840s. Found in the Collection of the Musee de l Histoire de France, Chateau de Versailles
Guy of Lusignan, King of Jerusalem and Cyprus. Artist: Picot, Francois-Edouard (1786-1868)Guy of Lusignan, King of Jerusalem and Cyprus. Found in the collection of Musee de l Histoire de France, Chateau de Versailles
The coronation of Baldwin II on 1118. Miniature from the Historia by William of Tyre, 1460s. Found in the collection of the Bibliotheque de Geneve
Prince Alphonse of Poitiers (1220-1271), Count of Toulouse, 1837. Found in the Collection of the Musee de l Histoire de France, Chateau de Versailles
The Return, 1837. Creator: Thomas ColeThe Return, 1837
The Conquest of Constantinople by the Crusaders. Artist: Chatzis, Vasilios (1870-1915)The Conquest of Constantinople by the Crusaders. Private Collection
Armida Binding the Sleeping Rinaldo with Flowers, c1680-1740. Creator: Willem van MierisArmida Binding the Sleeping Rinaldo with Flowers, c1680-1740.
Crusaders departing towards the Holy Land, Order of the Holy Spirit, 15th century (19th century). Chromolithography after a miniature.
Thierry of Alsace, 1889. Creator: Albrecht De VriendtThierry of Alsace, 1889
Philip of Alsace, 1889. Creator: Albrecht De VriendtPhilip of Alsace, 1889
Godfrey of Bouillon, c1080, 1864-1869. Creator: Jan August Hendrik LeysGodfrey of Bouillon, c1080, 1864-1869
The King! The King!, 1932. Creator: Howard DavieThe King! The King!, 1932....the abbot's hood had fallen back and revealed his features clearly
Rinaldo's Conquest of the Enchanted Forest, about 1650-1655. Creator: Francesco MaffeiRinaldo's Conquest of the Enchanted Forest, about 1650-1655
Rinaldo and the Mirror-Shield, about 1650-1655. Creator: Francesco MaffeiRinaldo and the Mirror-Shield, about 1650-1655
Richard the Lionheart listening to music, 19th century. Creator: UnknownRichard the Lionheart listening to music, 19th century. Scene at court depicting Richard I of England (1157-1199), known as Richard the Lionheart, listening to a harpist
Naval Victory of the Venetians at Jaffa against the Egyptians, May 1123, End of 16th cen. Found in the Collection of the Palazzo Ducale, Venice
The capture of Constantinople by the Crusaders, c1587. Found in the Collection of the Palazzo Ducale, Venice
King Sigurd the Crusader - A Norse Saga, 1862. Creator: Dalziel BrothersKing Sigurd the Crusader - A Norse Saga, 1862. Norwegian king bidding farewell to the maiden he loves as he departs on a crusade. Illustration for "Good Words" by William Forsyth
Saint Benedict and Saint Peter in a boat intercepting the Saracens, Second Half of the 17th cen. Private Collection
The Crusaders capture Jerusalem, c1635-1650. Creator: Falcone, Aniello (1600/7-1665)The Crusaders capture Jerusalem, c1635-1650. Found in the Collection of the Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo, Brescia
The death of Count Josselin de Montmorency, 1825. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna, Torino
Rinaldo and Armida, c1629. Creator: Dyck; Sir Anthony van (1599-1641)Rinaldo and Armida, c1629. Found in the Collection of the Sanssouci, Potsdam
Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse, called Raymond of Saint-Gilles, 1843. Found in the Collection of the Musee de l Histoire de France, Chateau de Versailles
The conquest of Acre in 1191 by Duke Leopold V of Austria, 1841. Private Collection
The Companions of Rinaldo, ca. 1633. Creator: Nicolas PoussinThe Companions of Rinaldo, ca. 1633
Death of Simon De Montfort, (1218), 1890. Creator: UnknownDeath of Simon De Montfort, (1218), 1890
Storming of Constantinople by Baldwin, Count of Flanders, (1204), 1890. Creator: UnknownStorming of Constantinople by Baldwin, Count of Flanders, (1204), 1890
Triumphal Entry of Richard I. and Philip Augustus Into Acre, (1191), 1890. Philip II of France (1165-1223) travelled to the Holy Land in the Third Crusade, 1189-1192 with King Richard I of England
Armida in the battle against the Saracens, 1628-1630. Found in the Collection of the Museo del Prado, Madrid
Godfrey and the council listen to the demand of Armida, 1628-1630. Found in the Collection of the Museo del Prado, Madrid
Illustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiIllustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. Robert of Paris humiliating the pride of the Greek Emperor Alexis
Illustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiIllustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. Peter Bartholomew finds the Sacred Lance
Illustration for Johann Christoph Mayer's History of the Crusades, 1781
Illustration for Johann Christoph Mayer's History of the Crusades, 1781. Peter Bartholomew passing through fire with the Holy Lance
Illustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiIllustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800
Canto XV, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto XV, 16th century. Series: Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Canto XII, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto XII, 16th century. Series: Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Canto X, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto X, 16th century. Series: Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Canto VII, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto VII, 16th century. Series: Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Canto III, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto III, 16th century. Series: Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Three Christian Kings, 1567. Creator: Harmen Jansz MullerThree Christian Kings, 1567. From Nine Heroes
Illustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiIllustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. The prisoners of Caliph Moftati in the camp of the Kreutzfahrer in front of Anthiocha
Illustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiIllustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. Rare courage of the Christian army leader
Illustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiIllustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. The children of the Crusaders and the Saracens become soldiers and fight with each other
Illustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiIllustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. Tankred's and Baldwin's reconciliation
Illustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiIllustration for History of the First Crusades, 1800. The Jews of Worms
Canto XX, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto XX, 16th century. From Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Canto XVIII, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto XVIII, 16th century. From Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Canto XIV, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto XIV, 16th century. From Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Canto XI, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto XI, 16th century. From Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Canto VIII, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto VIII, 16th century. From Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Canto VI, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto VI, 16th century. From Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Canto IV, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto IV, 16th century. From Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Canto II, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto II, 16th century. From Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Canto I, 16th century. Creator: Antonio TempestaCanto I, 16th century. From Jerusalem Delivered II by Tasso
Crusader defeating a Turkish soldier, 1820-1883. Creator: Theodoor SchaepkensCrusader defeating a Turkish soldier, 1820-1883
Godfrey of Bouillon, 1864-1869. Creator: Leys, Hendrik, Baron (1815-1869)Godfrey of Bouillon, 1864-1869. Found in the collection of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp
King Arthur, Charlemagne and Godfrey of Boulogne, 1492
Sketch for The Knight with the Falcon, known as "The Crusader";The Crusader, 1659-1661
Saint Louis à Damiette, c.1819. Creator: Pierre Nolasque BergeretSaint Louis a Damiette, c.1819. Saint Louis at Damietta - Crusade of Louis IX to the Holy Land
Exposition des oeuvres d'Eugène DelacroixExposition des oeuvres d'Eugene Delacroix, a la galerie Martinet, boulevard des Italiens, en 1864. T
Les funérailles de Charles le BonLes funerailles de Charles le Bon, comte de Flandre, celebrees a Bruges le 22 avril 1127, between 1876 and 1877. Funeral of Charles the Good, Bruges, 22 April 1127
Sketch for the Hôtel de Ville, Paris : Philip II of France leaving for the Holy LandSketch for the Hotel de Ville, Paris : Philip II of France leaving for the Holy Land, c.1862. (Esquisse pour l'Hotel de Ville de Paris : Philippe Auguste avant de partir pour la Terre Sainte)
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Sulpice : Saint Louis enterre les pestiférés à DamietteEsquisse pour l'eglise Saint-Sulpice : Saint Louis enterre les pestiferes a Damiette, between 1864 and 1870. Sketch for the Saint-Sulpice church (6th arrondissement of Paris)
Lancelot at the Chapel of the Holy Grail, 15th century. Creator: AnonymousLancelot at the Chapel of the Holy Grail. From L'Histoire du Saint Graal by Robert de Boron, 15th century. Found in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Lancelot at the Chapel of the Holy Grail. From Tristan de Leonois, Early 15th. Found in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Procession du Saint Graal. From Roman de Perceval le Gallois et continuations, ca 1330. Found in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France
The Appearance of the Holy Grail. From Queste del Saint-Graal, 15th century. Found in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France
The siege of Barbastro, 1064. From Fleurs des chroniques by Bernardus Guidonis, after 1384. Found in the collection of the Bibliotheque municipale, Besancon
The Siege of Antioch. Miniature from the "Historia" by William of Tyre, c. 1280. Found in the collection of the Bibliotheque municipale de Lyon
Execution of the Templars. From: De casibus virorum illustrium by Giovanni Boccaccio, ca 1435-1440. Found in the collection of the Bibliotheque municipale, Rouen
Execution of the Templars. From Fleurs des chroniques by Bernardus Guidonis, after 1384. Found in the collection of the Bibliotheque municipale, Besancon
Baldwin II and Templars. Miniature from the "Historia" by William of Tyre, 13th century. Found in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Execution of the Templars. From Chronique de Baudouin d'Avesnes, ca 1470. Found in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France