Lieut. General Sir Harry Jones, K.Circab. Printed 1856 (11-1). Creator: Roger FentonLieut. General Sir Harry Jones, K.Circab. Printed 1856 (11-1)
Attack between Cossacks of Crimea and French Riding Artillery, 1817
Kadikoi, From Camp Of Horse Artillery (image 2 of 2), Printed 1856 (2-29)
Parade on Boulevard des Italiens, Crimean Army troops, December 29, 1855. Creator: UnknownParade on Boulevard des Italiens, Crimean Army troops, December 29, 1855
Young Karaïme Woman, Tchioufout-Galech Near Baghtcheh-SaraïYoung Karaime Woman, Tchioufout-Galech Near Baghtcheh-Sarai, Crimea, 1840
Portrait of Juguda Kazaz, Misiz, at Work as a Tomb Sculptor in the Josaphat Valley, Near Tchioufout-Galeh, Crimea, 1837
Tartar Women at the Baïdar, Crimea, August 26, 1837, 1842. Creator: Auguste RaffetTartar Women at the Baidar, Crimea, August 26, 1837, 1842
Mariah Tomb, Bachtcheh-Seraï, Crimea, August 21, 1837, 1838. Creator: Auguste RaffetMariah Tomb, Bachtcheh-Serai, Crimea, August 21, 1837, 1838
Praying Tartars, Istrimdjami-Kara-sou-Bazar, Crimea, October 19, 1837, 1844
Tartar Peasants Homes in the Village of Déré-KouiTartar Peasants Homes in the Village of Dere-Koui, near Yalta, Crimea, August 31, 1837, 1841
His Majesty Nicolas I, Emperor of all Russia, Camp Vosnessensk, October 6, 1837, 1842-45
The Main Street of Baghtcheh-SaraïThe Main Street of Baghtcheh-Sarai, Crimea, August 19, 1837, 1841
Tartar Family in Their Home, Kapskhor, Crimea, October 21, 1837, 1846
Crimean Tatars. Mullah, 1862. Creator: Karlis HunsCrimean Tatars. Mullah, 1862. Sheet 43 from the album "Description ethnographique des peuples de la Russie", volume 1
Storm Off Balaclava, 1890. Creator: UnknownStorm Off Balaclava, 1890. From " Cassells Illustrated Universal History, Vol. IV - Modern History", by Edmund Ollier. [Cassell and Company, Limited, London, Paris and Melbourne, 1890]
Landscape in Crimea, 1896. Creator: Arkhip Ivanovich KuindzhiLandscape in Crimea, 1896
Taguri Tatars of the Crimea, c1820s-30s. Creator: D. K. Bonatti (fl. 1720-80)Taguri Tatars of the Crimea, from Costume dei... by Giulio Ferrario, c.1820s-30s (coloured engraving). the Tatars are a Turkic-speaking peoples living mainly in Russia and other Post-Soviet countries
A Street in Sebastopol after the Siege, c1880. Artist: Richard Principal LeitchA Street in Sebastopol after the Siege, c1880. Episode of the Crimean War (1853-1856). From British Battles on Land and Sea, Vol. III, by James Grant
French Attack on the Malakhoff, c1880. Episode of the Crimean War (1853-1856). From British Battles on Land and Sea, Vol. III, by James Grant
Sebastopol, c1880. Episode of the Crimean War (1853-1856). From British Battles on Land and Sea, Vol. III, by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris & New York, c1880]
The Fountain of Bahcesaray, 1849. Artist: Karl BriullovThe Fountain of Bahcesaray, 1849. The Fountain of Bakhchisaray is a poem by Alexander Pushkin published in 1822. Found in the collection of the A Pushkin Memorial Museum, St Petersburg