Crew of Lundin Boat, A.J. Meldrum, Chas. Kliktherg, Walter Patterson, E. Sivard & wife... 1914
Crew of Lundin Boat, A.J. Meldrum, Chas. Kliktherg, Walter Patterson, E. Sivard & wife, BA Rigoulet, 1914. Shows the crew of the Lundin Power Lifeboat that newlyweds Einar Sivard
On the Imperator, Capt. H. von Meibom, Com. Ruser, Capt. A. Hoefer, Capt. H. Schetelig... 1913
On the Imperator, Captain H. von Meibom, Com. Ruser, Captain A. Hoefer, Captain H. Schetelig, Captain K. Meyer, 1913. Shows the crew of the S.S