The Naval Battle of Navarino on 20 October 1827. Private Collection
H. M. S. Challenger, 1872. Creator: UnknownH. M. S. Challenger, 1872
1967 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
1961 Chevrolet Corvette C1 Convertible
H.M. Corvette Volage, 1870. Creator: UnknownH.M. Corvette Volage, 1870. This vessel, which has just been commissioned by Captain Francis Sullivan, C.B
FRUNDSBERG (Austria), between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceFRUNDSBERG (Austria), between c1910 and c1915
Scene from the Battle of Køge Bay, 1677, (1855). Creator: Anton MelbyeScene from the Battle of Koge Bay, 1677, (1855). (En episode af soslaget i Koge Bugt.)
Danish corvette after a storm, 1848. Creator: Anton MelbyeDanish corvette after a storm, 1848
The Starboard Battery and the Deck of the Corvette "Najaden", 1833
The Corvette "Galathea" Lying to in order to Send Help to the Brig "St Jean" at Dawn after a Stormy Night, 1839
A Danish Corvette Laying to in order to Confer with a Danish Brig: The Scene Being Set in West Indian Waters, 1827
The Corvette "Galathea" in a Storm in the North Sea, 1839
Explosion on Board HMS "Cordelia"; the Bursting of a Gun, scene of the accident on Upper Deck, 1891. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper", Volume 44
The Naval Battle of Navarino on 20 October 1827, 1828. Found in the collection of the Muzeum Narodowe, Krakow
H.M.S. Challenger, commissioned for her... cruise on Deep Sea Exploration, 1872, (1901)H.M.S. Challenger, commissioned for her four years cruise on Deep Sea Exploration, 1872, (1901)
A Corvette on the Stocks. Copenhagen, 1828. Creator: CW EckersbergA Corvette on the Stocks. Copenhagen, 1828
War Chile - Bolivia, naval battle of Iquique, between the Chilean corvette Esmeralda and the Monitor Huascar, the May 23, 1879
The Battle of Sinop on 30 November 1853, 1860. Found in the Collection of State Central Navy Museum, St. Petersburg
Snuff box with Portrait of Alexander Ivanovich Kazarsky (1797-1833), First quarter of 19th cen. Found in the Collection of State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Henri Comte de Rigny (1782-1835). Private Collection
Plan of the Battle of Sinope, 1853. Private Collection
Henri Comte de Rigny (1782-1835), 1830s. Private Collection
Portrait of the Admiral Fyodor Fyodorovich Ushakov (1745?1817). Found in the Collection of State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
The frigate Svetlana, 1892. Private Collection
The Naval Battle of Navarino on 20 October 1827, 1828. Private Collection
Brig Mercury. Artist: Aivazovsky, Ivan Konstantinovich (1817-1900)Brig Mercury. Private Collection
The naval Battle of Athos. Artist: Bogolyubov, Alexei Petrovich (1824-1896)The naval Battle of Athos. Found in the collection of State Central Navy Museum, St. Petersburg
Brig Mercury fighting two Turkish ships on May 14th, 1829, 1829. Artist: AnonymousBrig Mercury fighting two Turkish ships on May 14th, 1829, 1829. From a private collection
The brig Mercury encounter after defeating two Turkish ships of the Russian squadron, 1848. Found in the collection of State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
The Battle of Sinop on 30 November 1853, Mid of the 19th cen Artist: AnonymousThe Battle of Sinop on 30 November 1853, Mid of the 19th cen.. From a private collection
Corvette in the Mist, 1886. Artist: Aivazovsky, Ivan Konstantinovich (1817-1900)Corvette in the Mist, 1886. Found in the collection of the Regional I. Kramskoi Art Museum, Voronezh
Royal Navy Makes Invasion Possible, 1943-44. The corvette Widgeon about to go into action with her A.A. guns. From The War Illustrated Volume 7 edited by Sir John Hammerton
The Ambuscade and the Bayonnaise, c1799. Artist: Pierre OzanneThe Ambuscade and the Bayonnaise, c1799. The capture of the British frigate HMS Ambuscade by the smaller French corvette Bayonnaise off the Gironde on 5 December 1798
The Russian Ship of the Line Azov and a Frigate at Anchor in the Roads of Elsinore, 1828. Found in the collection of the Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen