Reading woman, 1911. Creator: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Reading woman, 1911. Private Collection
Selfportrait with skeleton. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Selfportrait with skeleton. Found in the collection of Stadtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich
Fashion Show, 1921. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Fashion Show, 1921. Found in the collection of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collections
Cameo Gem with Minerva set into a Hollow Ring, 1st century A.D. Creator: UnknownCameo Gem with Minerva set into a Hollow Ring, 1st century A.D. Additional Info: A bust of Minerva (Greek: Athena) has been set into the bezel of this hollow gold ring
Portrait of a Man, perhaps Periander, 1st-2nd century A.D. Creator: UnknownPortrait of a Man, perhaps Periander, 1st-2nd century A.D. Additional Info: Head of a bearded man from a statue or bust. He has curly hair, brushed forward in ringlets that frame his forehead
Bust of Athena, 2nd century A.D. Creator: UnknownBust of Athena, 2nd century A.D. Additional Info: The bust shows the goddess to the waist. It is intact except for a large gap at the front where the head has separated from the body at the neck
Lamp Fragment (Handle Ornament), 1st century A.D. Creator: UnknownLamp Fragment (Handle Ornament), 1st century A.D. Additional Info: Moldmade. Flat ornament handle with part of ring behind
The Sculptor (Portrait of the sculptor Nikolaus Friedrich), 1912. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
Paraphrase (Portrait of Charlotte Berend), 1907. Creator: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Paraphrase (Portrait of Charlotte Berend), 1907. Private Collection
Corinth, 1878. Creator: Lockwood de ForestCorinth, 1878
Aryballos (Container for Oil), 625-600 BCE. Creator: UnknownAryballos (Container for Oil), 625-600 BCE
Fragment of a Bowl, mid 12th-early 13th century. Creator: UnknownFragment of a Bowl, mid 12th-early 13th century
Kylix (Drinking Cup), 560-550 BCE
Fragment of a Column Krater (Mixing Bowl), 580-570 BCE. Creator: Cavalcade PainterFragment of a Column Krater (Mixing Bowl), 580-570 BCE
Pyxis (Container for Personal Objects), 580-570 BCE. Creator: Ampersand PainterPyxis (Container for Personal Objects), 580-570 BCE
Stater (Coin) Depicting Pegasus, 350-338 BCE. Creator: UnknownStater (Coin) Depicting Pegasus, 350-338 BCE
Coin Depicting Pegasus, about 500-450 BCE. Creator: UnknownCoin Depicting Pegasus, about 500-450 BCE
Oinochoe (Pitcher), 640-625 BCE. Creator: UnknownOinochoe (Pitcher), 640-625 BCE
Amphoriskos (Container for Oil), 600-575 BCE. Creator: UnknownAmphoriskos (Container for Oil), 600-575 BCE
Stater (Coin) Depicting Pegasus Flying, 4th-3rd century BCE. Creator: UnknownStater (Coin) Depicting Pegasus Flying, 4th-3rd century BCE
Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), 1915. Creator: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), 1915. Private Collection
Portrait of Friedrich Ebert (1871-1925), President of the German Reich, 1924. Found in the collection of Art Museum Basel
Portrait of the poet Herbert Eulenberg, 1924. Creator: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Portrait of the poet Herbert Eulenberg, 1924. Found in the collection of -sterreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna
Portrait of the dramatist and novelist Gerhart Hauptmann, 1917. Private Collection
Corinth, towards the Gulf, 1913. Creator: Joseph PennellCorinth, towards the Gulf, 1913
Acro, Corinth from Corinth, 1913. Creator: Joseph PennellAcro, Corinth from Corinth, 1913
Self-Portrait in armor, 1911. Creator: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Self-Portrait in armor, 1911. Private Collection
Periandre, ca. 1639-40. Creators: Jean Couvay, Abraham BossePeriandre, ca. 1639-40. After Claude Vignon
Lais Taking Aristipp by Surprise, ca. 1801. Creator: Heinrich Friedrich FügerLais Taking Aristipp by Surprise, ca. 1801
Cesare Borgia (Arthur Kraft), 1914. Creator: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Cesare Borgia (Arthur Kraft), 1914. Found in the Collection of Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Self-Portrait, c. 1925. Creator: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Self-Portrait, c. 1925. Private Collection
The Romans at Corinth, 1890. Creator: UnknownThe Romans at Corinth, 1890. From " Cassells Illustrated Universal History Vol. II - Rome", by Edmund Ollier. [Cassell and Company, Limited, London, Paris and Melbourne, 1890]
Leda, 1890. Creator: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Leda, 1890. Private Collection
Corinth, 1890. Creator: UnknownCorinth, 1890. Corinth, ancient city in Corinthia, Peloponnese, one of the largest and most important cities of Greece, with a population of 90, 000 in 400 BC
Florian Geyer + 1525. - Gemalde von L. Corinth, 1934Florian Geyer + 1525. 1934. Florian Geyer von Giebelstadt (c.1490-1525), German nobleman, diplomat, and knight. He became widely known for leading peasants during the German Peasants War
Hercules and the Centaur Setos, Detail of Greek Pot, Corinthian, c7th century BC.The Nessos Painter was a pioneer of Attic black-figure vase painting
Lead tablet from the Sanctuary of Zeus at Dodona, 6th century BCLead tablet from the Sanctuary of Zeus at Dodona. In Corinthian Boustrophodon script. Hermon asks to which god he should pray to have useful children by his wife Kretaia
Portrait of Max Halbe (1865-1944), 1917. Creator: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Portrait of Max Halbe (1865-1944), 1917. Found in the Collection of Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Martin Luther, 1920-1921. Private Collection
Decumanus Road in the ruins of Corinth
Corinthian vases decorated with black figures of animals, fantastic creatures and floral motifs
Italian woman in yellow chair, 1912. Found in the Collection of Niedersa chsisches Landesmuseum, Hannover
Illustration to The Song of Songs, 1911. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Illustration to The Song of Songs, 1911. Private Collection
Carmencita (Portrait of Charlotte Berend-Corinth in Spanish Dress). Found in the collection of Stadtische Galerie im Stadelschen Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am Main
Portrait of Wolfgang Gurlitt. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Portrait of Wolfgang Gurlitt. Found in the collection of Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz
Homecoming Bacchantes. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Homecoming Bacchantes. Found in the collection of Von der Heydt Museum, Wuppertal
The mourning. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)The mourning. Found in the collection of Niedersachsisches Landesmuseum, Hannover
Jochberg at the lake of Walchensee. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Jochberg at the lake of Walchensee. Found in the collection of Niedersachsisches Landesmuseum, Hannover
The Black Mask. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)The Black Mask. Found in the collection of Staatliche Museen, Kassel
Self-Portrait. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Self-Portrait. Found in the collection of © Museum of Modern Art, New York
Innocentia (Innocence), 1890. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Innocentia (Innocence), 1890. Found in the collection of the Stadtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich
Greece, c1930s. Artist: ENAGreece. Ancient Corinth lay at the foot of the frowning hill of Acrocorinth
City of Corinth. Acts. 18. 1, 1830. Artist: J ClarkeCity of Corinth. Acts. 18.1, 1830. From A Series of twenty-four Views illustrative of the Holy Scriptures: Views from Sir Robert Ainslies celebrated collection of drawings, by Sir Robert Ainslie. [R
Still-Life with Fruit, c20th century. Artist: Lovis CorinthStill-Life with Fruit, c20th century. From The Studio Volume 103. [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1932]
The New Town, Corinth, Greece, late 19th or early 20th century. Lantern slide
Charge of the Federals at Corinth, American Civil War, (c1880). Corinth, Mississippi, was the site of two battles in 1862 during the American Civil War
The town and isthmus of Corinth from the Acropolis, Greece, 1887. Artist: W MillerThe town and isthmus of Corinth from the Acropolis, Greece, 1887
Portrait of Georg Brandes (1842-1927). Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Portrait of Georg Brandes (1842-1927). Found in the collection of Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp
Berlin. Unter den Linden, 1922. Artist: Lovis CorinthBerlin. Unter den Linden, 1922. Found in the collection of the State M Ciurlionis Art Museum, Kaunas
Jar with design of Owl and Panthers, Corinthian Style, 7th century BC. At Archaeological Museum, Mykonos, Greece
Greek Athlete, (Dancer, Musician) on Corinthian Vase, 7th century BC. Old Cornish Museum
Corinthian Lekythos with warriors, c575 BC
Horseman on Greek Scent-Bottle (Araballos) Proto-Corinthian, c7th century BCHorseman on Greek Scent-Bottle, (Araballos) Proto-Corinthian, c7th century BC. Held at British Museum
Greek Musicians at a Sacrifice, Painted on wood, c520BC-c500 BC. From Corinth, Greece. At National Archaeological Museum, Athens
Lead plaque asking questions of an oracle at Dodona, reading Hermon asks to which god he should pray to have useful children by his wife Kretma, apart from those he already has
Portrait of Leonid Pasternak (1862-1945), 1923. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Portrait of Leonid Pasternak (1862-1945), 1923. Found in the collection of the Kunsthalle, Hamburg
The Blinded Samson, 1912. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)The Blinded Samson, 1912. Found in the collection of the Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Portrait of Alfred Kuhn, 1923. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Portrait of Alfred Kuhn, 1923. Found in the collection of the Leopold Museum, Vienna
Flower Vase on a Table, 1922. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Flower Vase on a Table, 1922. Found in the collection of the Albertina, Vienna
Motif from Corinthian-style dish, 6th century BCMotif from Corinthian-style dish of a big cat, in the Museum of Old Corinths collection, Greece, 6th century BC
Corinthian terracotta bull, 6th century BCCorinthian terracotta bull, in the Museum of Old Corinths collection, Greece, 6th century BC
Greek bronze of Zeus with a thunderbolt, from Corinth. In the National Archaeological Museum in Athens
Roman mosaic of Dionysus from Corinth, Greece
Romano-British copper alloy head of Minerva with Corinthian helmet, from Felmingham Hall, Norfolk, England. From the British Museums collection
Corinthian style Greek helmet, 6th century BCA bronze helmet of the Corinthian type, which protected the face and especially the cheek bones, but impaired the wearers field of vision, 6th century BC
Greek terracotta statuette of an ephedrismos group, 3rd century BCThe two girls in this statuette are playing piggy-back as part of a ball-game. The statuette is probably either from Corinth or Tarenta, 3rd century BC
Greek terracotta figure of a man seated on three cheese on top of a mule, CorinthianGreek terracotta figure of a man seated on three cheese on top of a mule, Corinthia, Greece, c390BC - 370BC. Said to be from Tanagra, Boeotia, Greece.From the British Museums collection
A Greek bronze helmetA bronze helmet of the Corinthian type, which protected the face and especially the cheek bones, but impaired the wearers field of vision
Greek bronze mirror case with Aphrodite and Pan, c350 BC. Aphrodite and Pan are depicted with an incised drawing playing knucklebones, a popular childrens game. Said to be from Corinth
Corinthian wine jug, 6th century BCCorinthian wine jug, from the British Museums collection, 6th century BC
Detail of a Greek bronze of a horsemanGreek bronze of a horseman wearing Corinthian armor from Grumentum, from the British Museums collection
Greek vase in the form of a Hare, Corinthian period, circa early 6th century
Terracotta Corinth Doll, 350 BC
Demeter and Persephone in a carriage, c620 BC. Terracotta goroup from Thebes, made in Corinth, at British Museum