Lenin, (c1930), (1939). Creator: Aleksandr GerasimovLenin, (c1930), (1939). Portrait of Russian communist revolutionary Vladimir Ilich Lenin (1870-1924)
Trotsky slaying the counter-revolutionary dragon (poster), 1918. Found in the collection of the State Museum of Revolution, Moscow
Death to World Imperialism, poster, 1919. Artist: Dmitriy Stakhievich MoorDeath to World Imperialism, poster, 1919. Found in the collection of the Russian State Library, Moscow
Vladimir Ilich Lenin, Russian Bolshevik leader, in the Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, October 1918
Cutting the base of the column in the Place Vendome, Paris, 1871. Creator: UnknownCutting the base of the column in the Place Vendôme, Paris, 1871
Friedrich Engels, German socialist and collaborator and supporter of Karl Marx, 1879. Engels lived mainly in England from 1842
The Staff of the October Revolution, 1934. Artist: Vasili SvarogThe Staff of the October Revolution, 1934. Found in the collection of the State Museum and Exhibition Centre ROSIZO, Moscow
Stalin and Lenin, Russian Bolshevik revolutionary leaders, Moscow, Russia, 1919. Stalin (1879-1953) and Lenin (1870-1924) at the VIII Congress of the Russian Communist Party
Knowledge Will Break the Chains of Slavery, poster, 1920. Artist: Alexei RadakovKnowledge Will Break the Chains of Slavery, poster, 1920. Found in the collection of the Russian State Library, Moscow
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), Russian Bolshevik revolutionary, c1917. Lenin (1870-1924) became leader of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic and Labour Party in 1903
The Civil War in Paris: the cannon at Montmartre, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Civil War in Paris: the cannon at Montmartre, 1871. Scene during the...conflict in that city between the insurgent Red Republican portion of the National Guards and the Government of M
The last of the Commune, 1871. Creator: Dalziel BrothersThe last of the Commune, 1871
The Civil War in Paris: the rue de la Paix and Place Vendome guarded by the insurgentsThe Civil War in Paris: the rue de la Paix and Place Vendôme guarded by the insurgents, 1871
The Civil War in Paris: barricades in front of the Hotel de Ville, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Civil War in Paris: barricades in front of the Hotel de Ville, 1871
Communists in the Place Blanche coming back from the fight, 1871. Creator: UnknownCommunists in the Place Blanche coming back from the fight, 1871
Communist club meeting in the Church of St. Eustache, Paris, 1871. Creator: C. RCommunist club meeting in the Church of St. Eustache, Paris, 1871. This is one of the largest and finest old churches, and perhaps the finest specimen of Renaissance architecture in Paris
House of M. Thiers, Place St. Georges, Paris, 1871. Creator: C. RHouse of M. Thiers, Place St. Georges, Paris, 1871. The Communist reign in Paris...The private house of [President] Thiers...has been demolished by this amiable French political party
Inside the prison of La Roquette, Paris, 1871. Creator: William SimpsonInside the prison of La Roquette, Paris, is our painful task to represent the wholesale acts of vengeance which followed the conquest of different quarters of the city...Our own Artist
Shooting Communist prisoners in the Garden of the Luxembourg, 1871. Creator: UnknownShooting Communist prisoners in the Garden of the Luxembourg, 1871. La semaine sanglante in Paris
Polish communist propaganda poster showing soldier of communist Armia Ludowa (AL - People's Army (Poland) resistance, and soldier of Armia Krajowa (AK - Home Army), post-WWII
The Late Events in Paris: captive insurgents of Belleville guarded in the Parc des Buttes Chaumont, 1871
The Late Events in Paris: "A La Mort!", 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Late Events in Paris: "A La Mort!", 1871
The Late Events in Paris: Communist prisoners led through the Place de l'OperaThe Late Events in Paris: Communist prisoners led through the Place de l'Opéra, 1871. The prisoners taken alive were numbered by tens of thousands
The Fighting in Paris: attack on the Communist staff in the Place VendomeThe Fighting in Paris: attack on the Communist staff in the Place Vendôme, 1871....capture of the Communist military head-quarters'
The Fighting in Paris: Communists defending the Elysee Palace, 1871. Creator: C. RThe Fighting in Paris: Communists defending the Elysée Palace, 1871. The rapidity with which the barricades sprang up was amazing
The fallen column in the Place Vendome, Paris, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe fallen column in the Place Vendôme, Paris, 1871
The French Siege of Paris: interior of gun-boat La Commune, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe French Siege of Paris: interior of gun-boat La Commune, 1871. We give an interior view of the ironclad compartment of the cannonière or gun-boat La Commune, with two guns
The French Siege of Paris: bridge at the Point du Jour, with gun-boats of the Commune, 1871
The Civil War in France: impressment in the streets of Paris for the army of the Commune, 1871. Illustration of the press-gang
The Civil War in France: Communists routed at the bridge of the AsnieresThe Civil War in France: Communists routed at the bridge of the Asnières, 1871
"Vive La Commune!", 1871. Creator: William James Palmer"Vive La Commune!", 1871
The Civil War in Paris: Communists routed at the Bridge of Neuilly, 1871. Creator: C. RThe Civil War in Paris: Communists routed at the Bridge of Neuilly, 1871. 2nd April...The Reds had strongly barricaded the bridge of Neuilly...Admiral Bruat commanded the troops in the field
The Civil War in Paris: rout of the Communists at Nanterre by the fire of Mont ValerienThe Civil War in Paris: rout of the Communists at Nanterre by the fire of Mont Valérien, 1871.... the Communists made a flank movement...with the object of enveloping the troops
The Commune in Paris: Communists at the Porte Maillot going out to fight the troops from Versailles, 1871. Franco-Prussian War
The Commune in Paris: sketch at the Hotel de Ville, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Commune in Paris: sketch at the Hotel de Ville, 1871. Franco-Prussian War
The French Siege of Paris: Communists battery at the Trocadero, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe French Siege of Paris: Communists battery at the Trocadero, 1871
The Civil War in France: inside the Porte Maillot, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Civil War in France: inside the Porte Maillot, 1871....the scene inside the ramparts at the Porte Maillot, where the shells from [Fort] Valérien fall amongst the Communists
The French Siege of Paris: armour-plated locomotive battery, 1871. Creator: C. RThe French Siege of Paris: armour-plated locomotive battery, 1871
The Civil War in Paris: arrest of the Archbishop by the Communists, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Civil War in Paris: arrest of the Archbishop by the Communists, 1871
The Communist Trials at Versailles: interrogating the prisoners in the Orangery, 1871
The Communist Trials at Versailles: the court cleared - reading the sentence, 1871
Execution of Rossel, Ferré, and Bourgeois at Satory, near Paris, 1871. Creator: UnknownExecution of Rossel, Ferre, and Bourgeois at Satory, near Paris, 1871
AI IMAGE - Portrait of Karl Marx studying, 1870s, (2023). Creator: Heritage ImagesAI IMAGE - Portrait of Karl Marx studying, 1870s, (2023)
How the Bolshevik commandos of Latvians and Chinese confiscate bread, destroy villages and shoot farmers, c.1918-1919. Private Collection
Peter and Vasily or a Village in Sovdepien (White Guard Poster), c.1919. Private Collection
Portrait of two Red Army soldiers, 1920-1929. Creator: UnknownPortrait of two Red Army soldiers, 1920-1929. From a collection of 136 photographs of Irkutsk from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Kruchin Vitaly Mikhailovich in the editorial office of the newspaper "Forward"
S J Rutgers on His 47th Birthday, 1926. Creator: UnknownS J Rutgers on His 47th Birthday, 1926. The "Kuzbass" autonomous industrial colony was created in 1921
Komsomol Leaders Rufina Chudnik and Anna Preikshas, 1925. Creator: UnknownKomsomol Leaders Rufina Chudnik and Anna Preikshas, 1925. The "Kuzbass" autonomous industrial colony was created in 1921
The first graduates of the Berdsk vocational school, 1926-1929. Creator: UnknownThe first graduates of the Berdsk vocational school
Red convoy with bread against the backdrop of the Sretenskaya Church, 1920-1929
Cherepanovskaya nine-year school with a pedagogue, 1927. Creator: UnknownCherepanovskaya nine-year school with a pedagogue, 1927
At the pioneer camp, 1928. Creator: UnknownAt the pioneer camp, 1928. From a collection of 153 photographs and documents drawn from the personal archives of people who lived in the town of Berdsk in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Monument to the partisans, 1927. Creator: UnknownMonument to the partisans, 1927
Preparing for the rally, 1927. Creator: UnknownPreparing for the rally, 1927. From a collection of 153 photographs and documents drawn from the personal archives of people who lived in the town of Berdsk in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
The squad is on the march, 1923. Creator: UnknownThe squad is on the march, 1923
Information congress of chairmen and secretaries of the volost revolutionary committees of the Shcheglovsky district of the Tomsk province, 1920
Jewish Pedagogical College and Agricultural School - General meeting, Minsk, 1922-1923. In the center is the director, Comrade Frankfurt
Cutting and sewing circle. Club "Communist". Moscow, 1920-1929
AI IMAGE - Portrait of Vladimir Lenin, 1910s, (2023). Creator: Heritage ImagesAI IMAGE - Portrait of Vladimir Lenin, 1910s, (2023)
AI IMAGE - A portrait of Joseph Stalin, 2023. Creator: Heritage ImagesAI IMAGE - A portrait of Joseph Stalin, 2023. Russian politician, political theorist and revolutionary who led the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death in 1953
La Nouvelle Europe; La propagande en Hongrie; A Budapest, devant le monument du Millenaire
La Nouvelle Europe; La propagande en Hongrie; la parole communiste prechee en plein air, dans la neige, aux populations des campagnes, 1919
La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; une actrice du Theatre National chantant des hymnes communistes, 1919
La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; distribution des cartes de vivres dans un bureau d'alimentation, 1919
La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; un arc de triomphe, place Andrassy, le 1er mai 1919; le pilier de gauche porte, en hongrois
La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; le "directoire" bolcheviste exercant le gouvernement de la province de Budapest, 1919
La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; le gouvernement bolcheviste: au centre, le terroriste Bela Kun, chef de mouvement et commissaire pour l'exterieur, 1919
La Nouvelle Europe; le bolchevisme en Hongrie; une premiere tentative communiste a Budapest, en decembre 1918: le comte Karolyi, haranguant, d'une fenetre du palais
La Nouvelle Europe; les elections Allemandes; Rosa Luxembourg qui fut massacree par son escorts au moment de son arrestation, 1919
La Nouvelle Europe; la guerre civile a Berlin; du 5 au 11 janvier 1919 a Berlin; Spartakistes prisonniers conduits au depot, 1919
La Nouvelle Europe; la guerre civile a Berlin; dans l'apres-midi du 5 janvier, les spartakistes font irruption dans l'immeuble du Vorwaerts; dans la soiree et pendant la nuit
La Nouvelle Europe; pendant la treve des morts; spectacle unique a Berlin: le 29 decembre 1918, au pass age des cercueils des emeutiers tombes le 24, le marin spartakiste Tost
La Nouvelle Europe; la guerre civile a Berlin; le 24 decembre 1918
La Nouvelle Europe; la guerre civile a Berlin; Liebknecht harangue la foule massee "Sous les Tilleuls", 1918
To the Peoples of the Caucasus, 1920. Creator: Dmitriy Stakhievich MoorTo the Peoples of the Caucasus, 1920. [Publisher: Lit. Izd. Otdela Politupravleniia Revvoensoveta Respubliki; Place: Moscow] Additional Title(s): Narodam Kavkaza
Severine (known as Caroline Remy)Severine (known as Caroline Remy, wife Guebhard, 1855-1929), socialist journalist, 1893
The Tsar's Regiments and the Red Army, 1919. Creator: Dmitriy Stakhievich MoorThe Tsar's Regiments and the Red Army, 1919. [Publisher: Lit. Izd. Otdela Politupravleniia Revvoensoveta Respubliki; Place: Moscow] Additional Title(s): Tsarskie polki i Krasnaia Armiia
Soviet Repka, c1921. Creator: Dmitriy Stakhievich MoorSoviet Repka, c1921. [Publisher: Lit. Izd. Otdela Politupravleniia Revvoensoveta Respubliki; Place: Moscow] Additional Title(s): Sovetskaia repka