Combe Bottom, 1860. Creator: Francis Seymour HadenCombe Bottom, 1860
Quae Genus Discovers His Father, from The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The LiQuae Genus Discovers His Father, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", January 1, 1822
Quae Genus & Creditors, from The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little FouQuae Genus & Creditors, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", December 1, 1821
Quae Genus Turned out of a House Which He Mistakes for His Own, from The HistQuae Genus Turned out of a House Which He Mistakes for His Own, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", February 1, 1822
Quae Genus Engaged with Jovial Friends; Or-Who Sings Best?, from The History oQuae Genus Engaged with Jovial Friends; Or-Who Sings Best?, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", January 1, 1822
Quae Genus, Interrupts a Tete a Tete, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", January 1, 1822
Quae Genus & The Money Lenders, from The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The LQuae Genus & The Money Lenders, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", September 1, 1821
Quae Genus Gives a Grand Party, from The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The LiQuae Genus Gives a Grand Party, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", February 1, 1822
Quae Genus Officiating at a Gaming House, from The History of Johnny Quae GenQuae Genus Officiating at a Gaming House, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", November 1, 1821
Quae Genus in the Service of a Miser, from The History of Johnny Quae Genus, TQuae Genus in the Service of a Miser, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", October 1, 1821
Quae Genus with a Spendthrift, from The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The LiQuae Genus with a Spendthrift, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", September 1, 1821
Quae Genus Attends on a Sporting Finale, from The History of Johnny Quae GenuQuae Genus Attends on a Sporting Finale, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", December 1, 1821
Quae Genus with a Quack Doctor, from The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The LitQuae Genus with a Quack Doctor, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", October 1, 1821
Conflict Between Quae Genus and Lawyer Gripe-all, from The History of Johnny QConflict Between Quae Genus and Lawyer Gripe-all, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", October 1, 1821
Quae Genus, in the Service of Sr. Jeffery Gourmand, from The History of JohnnyQuae Genus, in the Service of Sr. Jeffery Gourmand, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", August 1, 1821
Quae Genus, in the Sports of the Kitchen, from The History of Johnny Quae GenusQuae Genus, in the Sports of the Kitchen, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", August 1, 1821
Quae Genus Assisting a Traveler, from The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The LittQuae Genus Assisting a Traveler, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", March 1, 1822
Quae Genus at a Sheep-shearing, from The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The LiQuae Genus at a Sheep-shearing, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", February 1, 1822
Quae Genus at Oxford, from The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little FoundQuae Genus at Oxford, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", November 1, 1821
Quae Genus in Search of Service, from The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The LitQuae Genus in Search of Service, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", August 1, 1821
Quae Genus Reading to Sir Jeffery Gourmand, from The History of Johnny Quae GenuQuae Genus Reading to Sir Jeffery Gourmand, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", March 1, 1822
The Party Breaking Up, and Quae Genus Breaking Down, from The History of JohnThe Party Breaking Up, and Quae Genus Breaking Down, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", December 1, 1821
Quae Genus Committed, with a Riotous Dancing Party, to the Watch-House, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", November 1, 1821
Quae Genus on His Journey to London, from The History of Johnny Quae Genus, TheQuae Genus on His Journey to London, from " The History of Johnny Quae Genus, The Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax", March 1, 1822
Dr. Syntax Reading His Tour in the Kitchen of the Dun Cow, c1815, (1943)Dr. Syntax Reading His " Tour" in the Kitchen of the Dun Cow, c1815, (1943)
City election candidates of 1812. A View of the Starting Post and List of the Horses and their Riders who Started for the City Plate October 5th 1812
Harvey Christian Combe, Lord Mayor 1799. Artist: Benjamin BurnellPortrait of Harvey Christian Combe, Lord Mayor 1799
Doctor Syntax at a Review, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDoctor Syntax at a Review, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Doctor Syntax Tumbling into the Water, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDoctor Syntax Tumbling into the Water, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Dr Syntax at Free Masons Hall, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDr Syntax at Free Masons Hall, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Miss Worthys Marriage, Dr. Syntax in the Chair, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonMiss Worthys Marriage, Dr. Syntax in the Chair, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Doctor Syntax, Setting out on His Tour to the Lakes, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDoctor Syntax, Setting out on His Tour to the Lakes, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Dr Syntax and the Gypsies, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDr Syntax and the Gypsies, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Doctor Syntax - Rural Sports, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDoctor Syntax - Rural Sports, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Doctor Syntax, Losing His Way, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDoctor Syntax, Losing His Way, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
The Artists Room, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonThe Artists Room, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
The Harvest Home, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonThe Harvest Home, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Dr Syntax Preaching, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDr Syntax Preaching, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Doctor Syntax Taking Possession of His Living, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDoctor Syntax Taking Possession of His Living, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Dr Syntax Making a Discovery, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDr Syntax Making a Discovery, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Doctor Syntax Sketching The Lake, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDoctor Syntax Sketching The Lake, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Doctor Syntax Meditating on the Tombstones, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDoctor Syntax Meditating on the Tombstones, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Doctor Syntax Loses His Wig, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDoctor Syntax Loses His Wig, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Dr Syntax Lamenting the Loss of His Wife, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDr Syntax Lamenting the Loss of His Wife, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Marriage of Doctor Dicky Bend, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonMarriage of Doctor Dicky Bend, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Dr Syntax Visits Eaton Hall, Cheshire, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDr Syntax Visits Eaton Hall, Cheshire, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Dr Syntax with the Skimmington Riders, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDr Syntax with the Skimmington Riders, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Dr. Syntax at the Funeral of His Wife, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDr. Syntax at the Funeral of His Wife, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
The Banns Forbidden, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonThe Banns Forbidden, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
The Visist of Dr Syntax to the Widow Hopefull at York, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonThe Visist of Dr Syntax to the Widow Hopefull at York, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Dr Syntax visits a Boarding School for young Ladies, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDr Syntax visits a Boarding School for young Ladies, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Dr Syntax & The Foundling, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDr Syntax & The Foundling, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Dr Syntax and the Superannuated Fox Hunter, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDr Syntax and the Superannuated Fox Hunter, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Doctor Syntax & The Bees, 1820. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDoctor Syntax & The Bees, 1820. From The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consolation, by William Combe. [Ackermann, London, 1820]
Doctor Syntax Made Free of the Cellar, 1817. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDoctor Syntax Made Free of the Cellar, 1817. From The Tour of Dr Syntax in Search of the Picturesque, by William Combe. [R Ackerman, 101 Strand, London, 1812]
The Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the PicturesqueThe Tour of Dr Syntax in Search of the Picturesque: Dr Syntax Gazing at Some Ruins, 19th century
Syntax Star-gazing, c1815. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonSyntax Star-gazing, c1815. Dr Syntax showing a young woman the stars with a small refracting telescope typical of this date, while a manservant trips over a dog and falls headlong down the stairs
Doctor Syntax making his will, c1816. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonDoctor Syntax making his will, c1816. Servants leave the room so that he can speak with his lawyer in privacy. Illustration for Tours of Dr Syntax by William Combe. (London, c1816)
Dr Syntax watching his wifes coffin being lowered into the grave, 1820. From William Combes Dr Syntax. (London, 1820)
Syntax Preaching, 1813. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonSyntax Preaching, 1813. Dr Syntax preaches from a pulpit with a sounding board over it
Misfortune in the Tulip Hall, c1816. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonMisfortune in the Tulip Hall, c1816. Dr Syntax is bitten by a dog and falls over, upsetting some of the potted plants arranged on staging in the conservatory